What are you all up to
I have to say, that in almost 40 years as organist at Polesworth Abbey, this year was the first year I didn't go out to the Memorial in the middle of our service. It is usually so crowded, and as I'm usually the last one out of church, it was just too much of a 'fight' for me to try and get to where the choir were, in order to lead the National Anthem outside. It meant negotiating wet grass, uneven ground and negotiating graves in the graveyard in order to get to the right place. After having recently had a knee replacement, I wasn't going to risk life and limb, so I 'delegated' this year! At least it meant I could get things ready in church for when folk came back in for the second half of the service after the outside bit!
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Was up at first light this morning to take OH's car in for its MOT. AS it was just the MOT, I waited and spent a riveting hour reading the Club magazine.
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Delighted to hear that you were fit enough to be the Organist at the Service David, and the 'break' in the middle would give you time to get your second wind if nothing else.
Huskypup, you really are getting into the " Retirement Mood " but can you / will you keep it up thro' the years to come ? If so could you tell us the supplements required please,
. And I really don't mean those from the Sunday / Funday papers
CY, hope that that was the only "Riveting" concerned in your stay
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Not a good day today here, wet and windy once again, lights been on for most of the day.
OH been busy up in the attic again, he has to take it a bit at a time as its very tiring on the arms and shoulders. A trip to the skip to get rid of the rubble + a stop off at Aldi to pick up a few things.
I've been busy in the house sorting out more draws and cupboards, really getting into this
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Had a day off from the car by going into Warwick to visit the castle and St.Marys church, still bedecked with thousands of poppies. Lovely sunny morning.
Got back af 3 pm. 15 minutes later we had a thunderstorm with hailstones. Chap in a M/H decided to wait until it started to get an aquaroll full of water.
He was in when we arrived back. I can only assume his M/h has been drained.
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Well at the weekend we were up on Hadrian's wall and now we're back home, did manage to call in and see son and family in their new home. It was wonderful to see all those packing cases up there and not down here....
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Old Hartley Site is nice Brue, and easy to get around using Newcastle’s Metro. Glad you had a nice time.
We have been out all afternoon with friends, nice meal in pub, catching up on a lot of news.
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Glad you saw you son and his family all together in their new home brue, together with their packing cases
It sounds like you had a lovely few days away.
The weather has been lovely here today - blue skies, no rain and quite mild. Sorry to hear you have had bad weather Tammygirl.
OH's kidney scan went surprisingly well this afternoon. Despite the rather downbeat warning from the lady in the nephrology clinic last month he was told today that there was nothing to worry about. I hope the bladder scan next month goes as well. He had his stiches from his carpal tunnel op out this morning and that didn't go quite so well as the wound is not healing as well as hoped so the nurse had to put steri strips on and he has to go back next week. I doubt he told her that he had spent Saturday clearing and cutting back in the garden
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Somehow, I really don't see you as a Paul Robeson 'sound alike' tho' Brue
not critisizing your singing but the man was a wonderful deep voiced singer
now if you could find a Kathleen Ferrier ( i.e. beautiful Contralto ) song , , , , ,
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Let's hope not ABM 😆. I shall keep him grounded this week 😮
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Best wishes to all those not so well.
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Motorhome has passed its MOT again. Another year beckons.........
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We gave a lift to a young French student this morning, the village bus had conked out and he was due to catch a train. He'd been living in our local commune style -alternative- farming -never have a wash again-it's fun in the summer-shack in the woods group. Lucklily he just smelt of woodsmoke and was moving on to Devon, but he came from the high Alps and was finding the southwest a bit damp. It was nice to have a chat as he was an agronomy student looking at alternative farming ideas, I think he might have found some alternative ideas are only good in nice weather....Anyway we enjoyed meeting him and later had to apologise to the vet as during our chat about the Alps we lost an hour and ran out of time ourselves!
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Much better day today, both weather and health wise
MillieH, glad to hear OH scans are going well. Bad weather up here at this time of year is something we just live with, it will settle down in a couple of weeks, then we will just be cold
Another day of doing jobs in the house, the garden is far too wet at the moment and its damp cold outside so I don't want to spend any longer than I have to outside just now, as I seem to be getting over the worst of my cold.
So more de-cluttering of cupboards and drawers, its the kitchens turn today so as well as getting rid of things I don't use/need they are all getting a good clean as well.
OH on the other hand has been outside for most of the day playing with his new toy. Now that we have gone back to a caravan we have gone back to a portable satellite dish and tripod for when we are over there.
He's always been quite good at getting a signal but as he is getting older he is getting less patient. He recognises this which is good, so he has invested in a bit of kit that is supposed to enable him to lock onto the signal easier.
So far so good on Astra 2, now playing with setting it up on Intel 907 which we use in Spain. He tried it with the 65cm dish but found out we need the 85cm dish even here to get a picture. Dish now changed to 85cm and success he has got the channels we wanted to get
that's another job done ready for next year.
Over the winter months we will also record lots of series/films off the tv onto a portable hard drive which we can then plug into the tv just in case we be unable to receive a signal. Having something to watch in the long dark evenings when away in winter, is something we like to have.
Oh well that's my teabreak over must get back to work
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Been a day of dead ends today!!! We set out for Elite Motorhomes at Middleton Cheney, near Banbury, only to find the the A422 closed at village before. Stupidly I had not packed a road atlas and the diversions were not that clear. We decided to avert our journey and head back to MK. On the way back we thought we would divert through the village of Tingewick which was bypassed many years ago only to find that road road closed as well!! Complete failure!!!
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Oh dear David, not a good day, the bridge at Farthinghoe has been closed for quite a while, not due to reopen until Christmas at the earliest. From Farthinghoe you have to divert towards Greatworth and Marston St Lawrence to get to the Welsh Lane (B4525) which goes to Middleton Cheney. It has caused a lot of problems especially with HGV's which have been diverted via the M40.
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Millie pleased that MrH's scan results have been good, I bet the nurse wouldn't have been impressed with him if she'd known what he'd been up to clearing the garden!
Trevor is now feeling a bit better and he keeps sneaking off to the garage to work on Daffy, I keep telling him not to do too much.
Weather has been very mild and sunny, not usual for November.
long may it last.
Had a quieter week at work so far, caught up with lots of filing, a job I dislike. Booked some training in the hope I will be able to understand the new digital system for vat returns next April.
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Lovely sunny day in West Norfolk went by bus into Lynn now takes shorter route 18mins
,did a bit of food shopping after a quick look round, new earrings for OH after "losing?"one then back to site, guess what , then found "lost "earring
Have been keeping Rosa on her lead when out walking as Sandringham was/is a hotspot for the dreaded dog disease ,warden advises they have had some frosts so could be clear for this year
Ps, update on "next"booking system upgrade, different pitch prices and "some"deposits,
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Came across a new memorial in the village of Long Itchington, near Leamington Spa today. It was at the start of a nice 6+ mile walk across countryside and back along the Union canal towpath. The memorial was only completed a month ago. The inscription is particularly moving and I'm trying to include a photo of it. You'll need to enlarge it to read the moving poem. I don't have a resizing app on this very old android laptop so if it doesn't work I'll post it again when we get back home.
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Thanks ABM. Knee is fine. My hands are still a problem and it looks like not much progress on that front. I'm waiting for electrical tests for a clearer indication of the problem. Sadly, whatever to final diagnosis, I'm not convinced that it will be fixed, so I could well have to live with the problem. At the moment, I am 'managing' on piano and organ - organ is easier as it is not touch sensitive. I am managing to cope by finding 'work-arounds'. It's not easy and my playing has obviously suffered. I'm just making sure that I don't over stretch myself. Hymn playing at church is not a major problem, but more complex organ pieces are now not going to be possible. I can manage standard wedding music, but my days of playing anything approaching Widor's Tocatta (or the like) are, alas, probably over!
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Thank you WN, right click on picture, left click on "View picture" and it totally fills the screen on my DGB desk-top PC
Sad to hear your problems are continuing David, but I have no doubt you will send the relevant request up the chimney in a little while
Had an appalling day myself -- the barbers was open & dragging folk in off the street
with the inevitable result -- Brian's a good few pounds avoirdupois lighter, { as well as sterling
} Wonder if my GP will accept that as a start