What are you all up to
Must be the time of year for it TG. I had a new porch canopy installed yesterday, replacing the ply one I built about twelve years ago.
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Hard not to enjoy a stay in and around Keswick, Brue.
You might need some waterproofs though.
Went out to the caravan just after 9 this morning passing the Mulberry tree en route. Only a few leaves down. Went back to van after lunch only a few leaves left on!
What happened? Brown bin day tomorrow so good timing.
Just about remembered my 6 monthly appointment with my kidney consultant. Not great but could be worse. Will see if a pattern emerging in 6 months time. Loads more worse off so Upwards and Onwards.
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Bakers2 and Tammygirl sorry to read you have been feeling poorly, best wishes for a speedy recovery. My OH has also been feeling rather unwell, he has Shingles
he has been off work all week.
Good Luck with the Christmas shopping in MK Millie, I've not even started to think about Christmas,
Brue lovely picture, enjoy the lakes.
Been a quiet week, had a trip to the dentist, all ok, what a relief!
Thinking of going to our local community food market tonight. Will have to try hard not to spend too much!
always lots of lovely local produce to tempt me.
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H&T, thanks for the best wishes.
Sorry to hear your OH has got Shingles, horrible thing to have, very painful, hope he is getting something from the Dr for it. I had it about 4 years ago and got it diagnosed straight away so got medication which made a great difference.
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Helen, so sorry to hear that your OH has shingles. I had it some years ago and it is not at all nice. I hope he has some medication and that it works quickly. Luckily I qualified for the shingles jab a couple of years ago so hopefully won't get it again. Please give him our very best wishes.
Wherenext, I hope all goes well with your kidney consultant. OH has similar and has a kidney scan on Monday with his next consultant appt in April. As you say onwards and upwards.
Lovely photo brue.
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Went today to see the Shrouds of the Somme at the Queen Elizabeth Park. When we last saw them on College Green in Bristol in November 2016, there were 19,240, representing the number killed on the first day of the Somme offensive. The concept has now been expanded and changed in that it represents the 72,396 killed on the Somme with no known grave. The area covered by the tiny figures is about the same as a football pitch. Almost unbelievable.
Also went to look at the lights in the moat. Very, very, very busy. If you are going, it took over an hour to get to a position where you could see them. At times the organisation left a little bit to be desired. They must have realised how popular it would be, and could certainly have published more information on the internet. However, it was well worth the wait. A very moving experience.
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It sounds like a very moving day Steve. I am pleased that so many places are commemorating the dead of WW1.It is a tragically large number. I went with my cousin to see the poppies at the Tower of London 4 years ago and is was so moving and as you say very, very crowded. Which also means that they must have had some idea of how busy it would be and would have put some sort of crowd control in place.
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Waiting for some stormy weather here, a view of Catbells this morning...
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Internet access a bit ropey, have been catching up on here, sorry to hear about Helen's OH, hope he gets better soon.
We saw the poppies at the Tower too, a few years ago. Thanks for the photos Steve.
Onwards to Hadrians Wall country tomorrow before heading south.
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Tonight is our autumn quiz night down in Chew Valley for Arthritis Research UK. And it'll be the end of an era as this will be the final one. As the committee have aged, some died, others moved away it has become increasingly difficult to organise everything that goes into the event and numbers have dwindled over the past couple of years. And Arthritis Research is unfortunately, not a "fashionable" charity so it's virtually impossible to attract younger volunteers.
So after some 30 quizzes over the past 20 years or so and over £10000 raised for this branch alone, the time has come to call it a day.
I now have extra time on my hands (which Mrs M is definitely not happy about) so if any of you know charity fundraisers who would like someone to run a quiz night for theme, you only have to ask!
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well done M. I reckon you'e done your bit and a whole lot more
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Sorry to have missed your quizzes Moulesy, I've often passed the signs to the place you visit on my way to Bristol (if I go the back way.) Arthritis is horribly fashionable in our family so it is indeed a worthy cause, hope the final quiz raises a good amount.
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Fabulous picture, brue. Catbells is always our first afternoon climb when we visit that part of the lakes. Although it looks modest amongst the surrounding peaks there are a couple of tricky scrambles towards the summit - doesn't stop the masses though!
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Yes, very well done Mr.M. Take a bow because you deserve it.
Spent some of the morning preparing the caravan for our few days away in Warwick from Sunday. This afternoon spent planning a trip to Roses area of Spain in early spring next year. We really couldn't find anywhere we wanted to be to commemorate our Ruby in March and both came up with a Spring break watching bird migration, cycling and walking in the hills in that part of the world so we should enjoy it.
Must dash CMC just ringing back with prices.
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We stayed in Roses (not in the caravan though!
) a couple of years ago on a tour of Catalonia. If you don't know the area there's a great drive over the hills to the little fishing village of Cadaques, where Salvador Dali was either born or lived for much of his life. Have a look inside the hilltop church which is quite austere from the outside but has a fabulous golden altarpiece inside - worth every cent of the €1 it cost to turn the lights on.
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The new visitor centre called The Sill is quite interesting, down below Steel Rigg, not far from Housesteads. We really enjoy Corbridge though, great remains of roman town and museum there, and the town itself is very nice.
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Crowd control once you got to the Tower area wasn't bad. It was away from it that there wasn't much coordination. You were queuing from just after leaving Tower Hill Tube in a very convoluted fashion and it was far from clear who was queuing and who was trying to get home from work.😂 Really the numbers should not be a surprise given how many visited the poppies and this is so much more concentrated, being only over 7 days for 4 hours a time.
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Feeling brighter today hooray! Went out for some air with the dog and OH. A bit grey then a couple of beefy showers, sun's out now with watery blue sky. Local estate looking lovely, at last all the leaves are turning here - so much prettier, even without the sun, than this time last week.
Best wishes to your OH HelenandTrevor nasty. I've never had chicken pox, our primary school closed down with it but neither my brother or I contracted it. In those days one was sent to play with infected kids for such diseases 😲. Both our children had it and I held my breath - I still steer clear if I know it's doing the rounds 😉.
Hope others suffering with cold type bugs are improving.
Wherenext what a lovely way to spend a special anniversary. Our 40th in 2020 if were spared 😉!
I kept wondering about the shrouds exhibition but was saddened by the amount of poppies and thought the shrouds to pioniant 😢. Thanks for photos. The glimpse of the lanterns in The Tower moat was nice as we passed on the coach on Tuesday but the crowds very heavy about 1730.
Moulsey Stirling work on your quizzes and a decent amount raised. Arthritis resides in my family so we're familiar with it's effects sadly not fashionable. I'm sure your skills will be snapped up before too long! I hope tonight raises a decent sum. Finding volunteers there days is tough - child/elderly care plus additional working years doesn't leave that much time.
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Just had a "Pleasant Half Hour Review" with my GP which accounts for the above multiple red faces !!
It seems he's going to do his ( my
!! ) best to reduce NHS outlay on Diabetics, even if it kills me !! Think I'll have to get rid of the 'van & start hiking round Scotland, Lakes, East Anglia, Dorset et al or I'll never lose enough weight to satisfy him !!
Still I got a new scrip ( one item only ) from him, ink was still wet when the local pharmacist got it - see -- I'm moving faster already
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Margaret gets so annoyed when they, on the News, go on and on about type 2 diabetes and how they suggest everyone with it is overweight. She has never been overweight but still has the wretched condition. Our youngest son even complains that when he comes for a meal our portions as minuscule, unfortunately that does not stop me being overweight! Many years ago I was referred to the diet nurse at the surgery and she shared with me that once over sixty its not unusual for people to put on a pound in weight a year!!!
Its interesting you see your doctor about your diabetes, ours always abdicates it to the Diabetic Nurse Mary!!! When Margaret asked her about weight she asked her how old she was and when told she was told not to worry about it. Perhaps a change of surgery might be in order
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Miserable day here today, very grey/black skies rain at times and very windy.
I did however manage to get out to the caravan to remove some of the items inside and bring them into the house. We might use it again over the colder months but I like to bring in the bedding and open up the lockers, wardrobe and cupboards to let air circulate.
Got a fairly good sleep last night but woke up this morning coughing my head off, throat not as sore as it was (unless coughing) bit just feel a bit washed out today. So its just been an easy day going through cupboards, drawers and wardrobe doing a tidy and bin it sort of day.
Bakers2, glad you are feeling a bit better today.
WN, we like it down at the Bay of Roses, would agree with M about the drive over the hill to Cadeques, we usually stay at Camping L'Amfora as its a great site and we had CC's to use from ferries.
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Thanks Moulsey and TG but we know the area well and have visited Cadaques and even driven to Coulliere in France along the coast. We stay at Camping Salata sometimes or Les Medes down in L'Estartit. Haven't decided yet. L'Amfora opens tootlate for our stay. CMC overseas section booked the ferry today for early March. Saving? About £150+. Quite a wonderful deal. £200 return ferry including caravan Portsmouth to Caen! Will return home in time for a late May through to early July tour around the Dales and some of East Yorkshire.
Cheered me up no end after yesterday's trip to see the kidney consultant. (Good luck, BTW, Millie for Mr.H).
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With all this talk of next years holidays, I've only gone and booked the ferry for May
Got a good deal with vouchers Hull - Zeebrugge.
Not yet fully decided on where we are going but its a good ferry for us and from Zeebrugge we can head anywhere.
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I hope you are having a really good evening moulesy and raise a lot of money. It's a pity arthritis research isn't a fashionable charity as it is so prevalent and not only amongst the older generation. Shame you don't live this way as I can think of a number of charities that would welcome your quiz master talents.
I hope your OH is feeling a bit better Helen. Glad you are feeling a bit better Bakers2 and hope you soon improve Tammygirl.
Your plans for your 40th next year sound great Wherenext. You and Bakers2 have at least 10 years to go before you catch OH and I up!!
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Northumberland CC are levying big charges for HW car parks nowadays, we were up in Steel Rigg just for a break couldn’t believe charges! It was Summer though, so might be less busy. The Sill car park is at Once Brewed, you pay for however long you stay, it’s number plate recognition. We used Cawfields car park as well, further West, you could probably not pay there if just having a cuppa. Vindolanda car park isn’t too far from The Sill, also good for MH parking. It’s the best museum by far on the Wall, depends how long you have got. OH says if you only have time for a short visit Cawburgh is good, again has a decent car park.
We never tire of visiting Hadrians Wall. We used to drive up for day at Christmas! Roads are too busy nowadays!