Dogs and Touring
I think, rather than an average number of dogs per pitch on the site, what could be looked at is the average number over the members who bring dogs.
Do we know how many members bring dogs with them? Previous figures have said only something like 35%, this needs to be clarified by the Club.
If a lot of members who bring dogs do have multiple dogs, then this could be seen as overwhelming by some non dog owning members.
Personally, though we do not have pets, we are OK with well behaved dogs, but have been surprised by how many dog owning outfits do have multiple dogs, and unfortunately they are not always all well behaved.
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"…this needs to be clarified by the Club."
Why does it need clarifying? What useful purpose would it serve to know that 30/50/70% of members bring dogs with them?
What is important is that owners should act in a responsible manner and that wardens, with the backing of the club, enforce the rules.
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Mainly because, as the figure is unknown, there are claims varying from the roughly 35% that I have seen said previously to 75% that was mentioned a few weeks back.
IMO, it would be better if the Club had a proper idea of the true figure.
Some members have indicated that they feel there are far too many dogs on site in relation to the number of units, this may put off some prospective members, but as we do not know the actual figure, they may be worrying unnecessarily.
I do feel there is a difference between "dogs welcome", and every unit having multiple dogs, which of course is not the case. But at the moment we apparently have no idea of what the situation actually is.
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As I said, knowing the number of dogs, or the % of members bringing dogs, would serve no useful purpose. It would merely satisfy the curiosity of a few. You have supplied no concrete reason for the club to use it’s resources to provide statistics on dogs as far as I can see.
The ‘situation actually is’ exactly what you find on site. What else is there to know? Your own experience and your own eyes tell you what you want to know.
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No it wasn't
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of course you didn't, I am sometimes over zealous with averages!
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The average number of legs on a dog is not four - discuss
maybe too much red wine tinght, why is the room spinning?
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IMO, it would be better if the Club had a proper idea of the true figure.but why?
Unless you also put in more detail the data is useless for analysis. For it to be meaningful you would have to state the site, the time of year, weekends v weekdays, peak v off peak. A global figure is even more useless, at this site there were 205 dogs through the season, what does that tell you? Is that good/bad? maybe you need a dog classification symbol, some unit of doggie measure?
Would it put people off? well certainly not if they have dogs!
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If the club did conduct a survey that would give them a better understanding of how best to meet the needs on the various sites for dog owing members
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I see, but if those dog owners also have MHs, which should take priority - doggy needs or MHer needs?😉
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Surely time this thread was locked
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A thread started by the CM to deliberately keep doggy topics together and you want to close it, Euro.
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As a responsible dog owner, a pack of two, I hereby give warning that we shall be on a Club Site early December. So, anyone worried, please avoid Hawes around this time. We wouldn’t want to upset anyone, not after an unblemished record of thirty plus years, all with at least two dogs, and for a decade with three. Big ones as well, not bundles of fluff that can be picked up. Very quiet though, seldom make a peep. Currently terrorising Cornwall, but not on a Club Site. Too many noisy humans on those for us!
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Didn't realise MH's needed toileting / exercise areas, would you have to keep it on a max 2mtr EHU lead on site
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Over the last two weekends we have visited three C&M sites with our two dogs: Bridlington, lovely site, clean and quiet not great for dog walking. Surprisingly busy B road and narrow pavement. BUT if you make it to Danes Dyke alive and in one piece fabulous spot to walk dogs. Won’t go again. On a non dog related note, I thought this site was expensive at £27.50 in October.
York Beechwood Grange: lovely site, quiet and clean only dog walking a small field. You cannot walk dogs beyond the site entrance, sign advising this! Won’t go again. This site was £25+
York Rowntree Park. Two minutes from centre of city but a quiet clean site. Brilliant for walking dogs. Cheapest of the three at £24+ mind the staff were like the SAS. One actually rode up on his quad and sat shaking his head as we parked as we had been told we MUST park. ‘No, no, no!’ He said, you must park so the rear of the van is level with that white line, that’s what it is there for’ (you pair of imbeciles) but we were told to park up against the peg. ‘No, no, no! Not this one, this one has a white line. and ‘you can’t fill your motorhome with water there, you MUST use the Motorhome service point.’ So we sat next to the water tap for ten minutes while the man blocking the road with his caravan tried to manoeuvre it with his mover. The warden offered him no help but kept an eye on us in case we tried to sneak some water in. However we WOULD use this site again.
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We have just returned from a lovely weekend away in Warwickshire. As usual we stayed on a cl as we prefer quieter sites. Unfortunately yet again we were sharing the site with a thoughtless dog owner. Out of the four vans on site three had dogs with them, two of whom were very responsible and kept them on a lead and picked up after their dogs, the other owners allowed their dog to wander around the site and on one morning the dog was wandering about off its lead whilst they were sat in the caravan with the blinds closed.
We are former dog owners and often look after our children's dog so are not anti-dog but I have to say that I have noticed an increase in the number of units with dogs with some owners behaving in a selfish way, this is the second time in a matter of months that we have experienced owners allowing their pets to wander all over the site.
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Did you speak to them about it? Having the responsible dog owners serve as an example would have helped your case.
See the third para of the CM's OP. I guess you haven’t done as she advised.
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Over the last two weekends we have visited three C&M sites with our two dogs: Bridlington, lovely site, clean and quiet not great for dog walking. Surprisingly busy B road and narrow pavement. BUT if you make it to Danes Dyke alive and in one piece fabulous spot to walk dogs. Won’t go again. On a non dog related note, I thought this site was expensive at £27.50 in October.
But there are a number of lovely CLs in and around Flamborough. One we use regularly has fully serviced pitches, toilet and shower and security gate and is literally just across the road from the fields leading onto Danes Dyke. All for £17 per night!
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Although I agree that letting dogs wander around a site, unsupervised, isn't acceptable - I don't think you can have a hard and fast rule that dogs should always be on a lead. It depends very much on the attitude of the site owner and the circumstances of the site.
We also regularly use CLs and CS's and I always exercise our dog off site - morning and afternoon and we pick sites with safe and interesting walks nearby. However, site owners (particularly on farm sites) often have their own dogs and, if the site size permits, are quite happy to let the dogs have a mad ten minutes of play time together - under supervision of course. Personally, if they're not impacting on other occupants, I don't see any harm done and most of the time, I only allow our dog to play like this if I have sensed it is acceptable to other occupants - most of which seem to have their own dogs anyway.
If I don't feel it is acceptable, then it doesn't happen. Just a question of being sensitive to other people's wishes - which is what is often missing in this day and age.
The main attraction for using these sites is that they are more relaxed and lack the regimentation of larger sites and I would hate for this to change.
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I don't think you can have a hard and fast rule that dogs should always be on a lead. It depends very much on the attitude of the site owner and the circumstances of the site.
I beg to differ on that one I'm afraid. I am of the opinion that no dog can be trusted 100%. We had a dog, who was very soft; but we were well aware that, given the "right" circumstances, she wasn't 100% predictable, and we would never let her get into a situation which could potentially lead to her harming or otherwise upsetting in any way, others.
The other part of it is what we witnessed just this evening: on a club site, someone at the back of us was setting up, in the dark; the dog was left out without a lead; OH returned from his shower to find it starting to urinate on our electric lead. Not nice. He did speak to the owner who then put it on a lead; but why let it off without being on a lead in the first place?
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Because he’s irresponsible and stupid and doesn't read/understand/want to follow the site rules.
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I don’t think you'll need it, Ina. I’d be very surprised if anyone defends an irresponsible dog owner.
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Edit-the only person to defend an irresponsible Dog owner is another irresponsible Dog owner☹️