What are you all up to
Sounds like my Mum Bakers. Good to hear she is picking up well.
Hope your new route home goes well AD. With luck you may catch some of the sunshine here when you get back into Blighty, if not the warm temperatures.
Cant believe our holiday luck, another lovely day up here. We still have the breeze, but rather that than any of the wet stuff. Day 12 and all we have had is a small light shower in Berwick, and a two minute deluge on Storm Ali Wednesday!
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I've just booked a few days away at Troutbeck Head. The reason? The Aga needs servicing and so needs to go out completely. This takes a couple of days. We'll come back to a cold house and then OH can get to work on it.
I'm fed up with it's idiosyncrasies - burning cakes one day, water not hot enough to wash up in another. But I love it really! I sometimes threaten it - telling it that's it's not irreplaceable even at 69 years old and it could be taken over by a new electric cooker.
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Safe journey back David, glad you've had better weather this year.
We've been the same here in France, first night we had drizzle then 20 consecutive lovely sunny days many of them 30c. We are still at Agde where the days are now a little cooler at 26c and the evenings are now cool enough for a good sleep.
Thinking of going a bit further down the coast to Argles sur Mer area, a few sites there still open until middle of October, weather still good so not wanting to head home just yet.
Went to an old Roman ruin town today for a bit of culture, then onto Beziers to the 9 locks on the canal du midi, we both like watching the boats going up and down the locks. Packed a picnic lunch so sat and ate that while watching the boats.
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Taking it easy today,collecting up a few bits for my long week-end wind down break ,at Black Horse ,Monks Horton .Starts off with an Italian night tomorrow evening (the whole pub/restaurant is run by Italians ) .Mooche about on Saturday ,probable Folkestone or Hythe,then Sunday lunch at Monks Horton ,a restful night then "Concorde" back into storage until i decide what & where for Christmas !!
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When out with Rosa this morning she decided that all the people being briefed before their Virgin balloon flight needed some company so ran over to them and laid on her back to have a tummy tickle
Both Tornado and Flying Scotsman have been in use here today,in what can only be described as perfect weather
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A little envious J, both FS and Tornado, any idea how much longer they will be there?
Great day with brilliant weather, two walks over the heide before a boys night out in the campsite bar. I cooked dinner back at the van which was a culinary masterpiece of Bratwurst, Schnitzel, microwave chips and apple and red cabbage as veg, it was like a oneputt schnell imbiss🌞
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Trouble with my PC. It won't connect to the internet. Luckily I am still OK on my laptop and tablet. Our techie SIL thinks it is very sick and is luckily going to come at the weekend to try and sort it out. I use my PC to store all my documents and photos
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There is not a lot of info,about their stay at NVR will try to find out, they are both here for this w/end including Monday, but beyond that do not know
There was a bit of news and a live interview from Wansford on the local bbc east tonight at 1830,if you can get it on the internet
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Hopefully SIL will sort that out.
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It would have been even better if the grass had been a bit shorter!!
Moved on today to Ashbury CP at Okehampton, a CL with serviced H/S pitches, toilet and shower and fantastic views over to Yes Tor and North Dartmoor. Very easy to find & lovely and quiet.
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Been almost like a mid summer day here in MK but the forecast seems to suggest that will change from tomorrow.
Busy day today. First stop Tesco to so Margaret could buy her new phone. Very helpful chap set most of it up by swapping files and contacts across. Not sure if that is beyond the call of duty but we were very grateful. Can't really use the phone until Monday as she is moving phone suppler and wanted to keep the old number. Then onto Waitrose as after two weeks away the fridge and freezer was almost empty. All the local family coming for dinner on Sunday so had to buy for that as well so a more than full trolley!!!
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Sitting here to see whot's a-going on while the pain killers get to work
Back from sunny Scotland on Tuesday, laundry started on Wednesday, visited Aged Sister on Thursday before a serious solo trip to ASDA, followed by an 80% unload of t' van before the ironing session
. Today finished the unloading & the serious In-Van cleaning. That was when I did the silly thing & hopped out of the van
. Totally forgot that, unloaded, it's higher than it has been -- OUCH. Now I know how I'll be walking when I'm in my 90's
Had two important phone calls and one similar letter -- Dentist and Hygienisisist would like the pleasure of my company on Wednesday and the Surgery wants me to act as a guinea pig for juniors to practice their 'flu jab technique on.
Suppose it's my own fault for being cheery with them there Medics -- They just love my company
Hope you lot are all happy & enjoying this September Sunshine whether at home or away.
P.S. / Edit
At least I'm solvent for a few hours 'cos both my State & company pensions have landed together -- a rare enough occurrence to actually make me smile a bit !!
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Temperature back up to 30c this afternoon, so a cycle ride then a couple of hours on the beach, even went in for a swim. Chilly at first then really nice once fully in.
Site emptied out this morning but had lots of new arrivals this afternoon.
Glad to hear some parts of uk getting nice weather after the recent storms.
Have a good weekend all what ever you are up to.
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Bit of a nightmare day today! Margaret had an appointment with the Rheumatologist at Bedford Hospital today. Trouble was there had been a fatal stabbing in Central Bedford which had closed many roads which caused chaos. Coming in from Elstow P&R was fine but I imagined it played havoc with hospital staff getting to work and Margaret's appointment was an hour late!!! Then off to have bloods taken even more people, a queue of 25 before Margaret. We left home at 10.30 this morning and got back home around four o'clock this afternoon - exhausted!!!
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That is a long day DK, very wearing.
In contrast, we have had a lovely day. Sunny and warm, great big blue skies, and a really nice trip over to Lindisfarne. Walked all around the village, along path to castle, and visited Church and Priory. Can't recall going into church before, it was lovely, still laid out with all Harvest Festival fruit and veg and flowers. It's a very special place. Away from visiting crowds, all you can hear is the sea and seabirds calling.
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Not the best of days.
Attended my aunts funeral in Liverpool. All went as planned but it was a long day. She was a lovely woman and I'll miss her.
Got home and packed the car ready for our trip away tomorrow, van packed yesterday. MrsWN received an email telling her one of her friends has just passed away, we'll cut short the trip slightly to be home for funeral.
Meanwhile, MrsWN's uncle is in hospital. He's just had a serious operation but we were told it was straightforward. MIL just had a phone call from his son who is a surgeon saying matters taken a turn for the worse and things look bleak.
Had better days but thinking of all those others who are having worse ones.
Will ring CL owners tomorrow and probably cancel. Have to see what tonight brings.
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Oh dear WN. Sometimes it is just one thing after another. We have had a couple of years like that, and it's good to grab whatever break you can. Hope things get better for you.
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So sorry to hear your news WN. it must be a very difficult and worrying time for you both. I hope you manage to get away soon.
David your day sounds very tiring and stressful. I hope you are now having a relaxing evening.
So pleased your holiday is such a success with good weather tda.
I decided I needed to sort out our wardrobes this morning so moved clothes around so warmer clothes are now more accessible and had a good clear out. There is now a big pile to go to our local Sue Ryder shop. I then went for a swim this afternoon. The swim was great as I practically had the pool to myself but then got slighlty annoyed by 2 guys who were hogging the jacuzzi for ages and seemed to be having a business meeting whilst in there. I am trying to think of a put down comment if I come across them again. Any suggestions?
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When you said you were looking for warmer clothes I wondered if you were taking part in the Cathedral outdoor sleep over tonight as featured on Look East
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