Are things any different now?
Having left caravanning in 2009, and gone over to boating, now having returned to camping, albeit with a mho, I wonder if things have changed/moved on within the club.
We started caravanning in1991, and joined both the then Caravan Club, and the Camping and Caravanning Club.
It didn't take us too many trips, to discover that the CC sites were consistent, in terms of the quality of the facilities provided. This was not the case with the C&CC sites, which could vary from very good, to very poor. Especially toilet blocks, and Elsan points.
As such we most always opted to use the CC sites, and the C&CC sites as a last resort.
We (my wife and I), registered with the local CC Centre, and C&CC DA. Our first experience of a DA rally weekend was very enjoyable, and good fun. As such we continued attending them for the next 19 years.
Based upon what we were told by several people, that had experienced CC Centre weekends, we were put off by reports that they were somewhat 'stuffy' affairs, with committee members sporting Blazers & Club ties, and marshals adopting a 'park where I tell you' attitude. I'm not referring to the expected ''observe the safety spacing' aspect, but more park facing this way, and on the 'peg' etc.
With the C&CC DA rallies, it was a relaxed affair, but adhering to safety issues, a 'coffee morning', not a 'flag pole' , and nobody in 'uniform'.
We started going the C&CC NFOLs, and really enjoyed them, especially the entertainment.
Having attended three, we decided to try a CC National Rally, and in 1996, travelled up to North Norfolk to attend one. Ignoring the Trade Stands etc, which were much the same as at any of the C&CC NFOLs, the entertainment was IMO, not in the same league as that at the C&CC NFOLs. On our first (and probably the last) experience of a CC National Rally, we were treated to repertoire of Classical singing, by a lady named, as I remember, Norma Wick. This tended to support what I had been told about the CC being somewhat stuffy.
Of course, I stand to be corrected, if things have moved on, and lightened up within the club.
We continued to attend the NFOLs from one end of the country to the other, until we packed up caravanning in 2009.
As yet, I have not re-joined the CC&C, as we are no longer interested in weekend rallies, or Nationals, and unless the need arises that in order to secure pitch, in a particular location, we probably won't rejoin them.
……and C&CC sites have improved over the years. In my opinion, only the booking system with its restrictions lets that club down.
You'll be welcome there as well but try letting go of the past, DaveLS, times have changed.
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It wasn't my view, apart from my experience of a CC National, but that of others that had experienced CC Centre rallies, and switched to attending CC&C DA rallies, because they found them more relaxed, and less formal. As people I got to know well over many years, I had no reason to doubt what they said.
JVB, how would I like my post to be commented on ?. I had hoped that it would be with sensible, factual comments, without sarcasm. But given what I have seen as 'par for the course on this forum, I should have expected the opposite.
I will try breaking it down into simple questions, and see if that promotes a sensible response, hopefully from those who currently attend Centre weekend rallies.
1. Are they relaxed, and enjoyable events.
2. Do the committee still present themselves in 'formal attire'
3. Do you have to pitch your van in regulation style, as we do on club sites, or providing you observe the considered safe spacing, can you face them how you like them. Bearing in mind that these events are usually held on a field, or village playing field, etc.
3. Do they still have a gathering around a 'flagpole', which stems from the early days of the Club, and while not wishing to belittle it, reminds me of my "dib, dib, dob" boy scout days.
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But, Dave, you wrote 4 paragraphs before mentioning Centres/DAs/Rallies. I was referring to the club and club sites which formed the basis of your comments in those early paras and I think Metheven was as well.
Sometimes it doesn’t pay to make a post too lengthy as ambiguities creep in.
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Dave, I am told that the answers to your four questions are 1.Sometimes, 2 No, 3 Yes, 4 Yes.
But I did accidentally just for one night fall into an overseas rally run by the Motorhome Fun people - they were full of friendliness "Come and park by the lake with us, here's the wi fit code, please come to our quiz night by the bar tonight" . Lovely informal people . But I.'m not a rally person, am I
Are you?
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Fair comment TW. I have only positive comments based on my experience of the club's sites, including having never come across any "Hitler Wardens" as I have heard mentioned.
Neither have I ever had an issue with pitching my unit in the regulation manner when on club sites.
While it's good to hear that many C&CC have been upgraded, according to a site warden that I recently spoke to, they are not consistent in terms of the grade of the facilities, which can still vary from site to site.
I terms of Centre rallies, it wasn't that long ago that someone, maybe it was on this forum, that someone mentioned older caravans being directed to one end of the rally field, and the newer (posher) vans to the other. If that was true, then snobbery is the only word to describe it.
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Facilities vary on CAMC sites as well, Dave. Consider the old block at Morn Hill for instance. Both clubs have upgrade programs and I know I’ve mentioned to you before the improvements C&CC have made at two Scottish sites in my limited knowledge in the last few years. I feel you're bogged down by the way things were.
Rallies - I couldn’t possibly comment as I’ve never been to one and have no aspirations in that direction. Really, though, there’s no point in speculating, or anticipating, whether snobbery exists today as it will likely only bring wrath upon your head. The answer is to get out there and try some then make up your own mind.
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On a club rally earlier in the year, friendly, easy going, park within the safety rules, "can we park up somewhere suitable for getting our old dog out easily?" yes, no problems. Join in if you like or do your own thing. Every rally is different, different volunteers running them, a big thank you for their hard work. Some club members rarely use club sites and enjoy rallies, some like us just join in occasionally.
Both clubs run different types of rallies.
C&CC sites do vary, but if you're going for the location rather than the toilet blocks, no problem again. Location of sites probably being the biggest draw for both clubs.
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Hi Dave,well in reply to the OP question then its a qualified yes. As others have pointed out in general sites themselves have improved but, of course, as we are all different then our expectations may differ greatly-someones idea of informal may be a cravat as opposed to a tie.
We rally quite regularly and have just arrived home from two weeks on a Wiltshire Centre Rally at Pentewan Sands. The rally is on a beach side commercial site with all the usual facilities and including indoor pool.
The cost for this was £147.84 which very good and is an example of the way that rallies can let you enjoy sites at a reduced cost.
We almost always have children with us so rallies are a very good way to get that balance of the things that will keep them entertained-like the indoor pool-without spending too much.
So far as your 4 questions then I would say;
1.Almost always for us and we have noticed that many rallies are described as 'free & easy' usually meaning that there are no organised events/activities.
2.Have seen this but on our first ever rally in 1995 only. A gazebo was erected and the 4 rally officers emerged from a van in suits, shirts. ties and dresses and walked in file to the gazebo and then turned and sat as one.............yes I have retold this story often but never seen anything even remotely similar since.
3.This can be the case but my last two rallies I was pitched across the pitch so like others have said it varies.
4. Yes flagpole still happens and again it varies greatly as to the content. We always try to attend as a show of support to the people that put the effort in to enable the rest of us to rally.
Our next planned outing will be the D&C Centre New Year Rally.
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Thanks for that straightforward answer
. I was a weekend rallier, with the C&CC local DA, and enjoyed some good weekends, with a nice bunch of people.
That was pre 2009, when we were caravanning.
Now back into camping after almost a 10 year break, we don't really have an interest in attending rallies any more, just getting out and about with the mho, mainly avoiding weekends if we can.
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Thanks for your response, Allan or Jean, very informative.
You have confirmed what I had been told about the somewhat stuffy/regimental attitudes/practices that did once exist within the club. As I said, I had no reason to doubt the people that told me.
Maybe old habits die hard with some of the "old guard", as I gather there was some adverse reaction when the club changed its name to include motorhomes.
My personal experience with rallies, had only been with C&CC, and had always enjoyed them. As such, added to what I had truthfully been told about CC Centre rallies, I saw no reason to swap.
As I mentioned we did try a CC National rally, which made our decision to stick with the C&CC NFOLs, from then on.
I have not entirely dismissed rejoining the C&CC, but it's early days yet, having only been back into camping since the beginning of August.
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We attended many rallies with the then CC. Yes there were cliques ( we were members of a Whisky tasting one and great fun it was too. ) yes CMC rallies have daft customs and much formality, but you soon learned to do your own thing and ignore those. ( Our dog always seemed to need a walk at the same time as the boring Flag meetings) .
We liked the holiday rallies with the Camping and Caravan club. Totally friendly and laid back with no pretentious people. As we're their weekend rallies.
It's a matter of personal choice.