WiFi or not ?



  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2018 #32

    I think you will find the the WiFi on sites is supplied via a "contractor "who does a site survey to ascertain  what is needed and can be  possibly provided and it is them who "run" it on behalf of the cc as as said on the leaflets that are available in site offices or information rooms,it will advise what can normally be expected for each site hitch normally negates any type of streaming to a small to midsize "village"in a rural location, the same as thousand of users of  much more expensive mainstream providors 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited September 2018 #33

    I used CC wifi for several years with almost complete satisfaction. OH has probably used it for two years. Only problem she encountered was on Southport site when not very busy and a site and general pitch area where we have previously used it without problem.

  • Dave L S
    Dave L S Forum Participant Posts: 105
    edited September 2018 #34

    I love my broadband wi-fi (76mbps at home), but I can certainly live without it for a week or two, when on holiday.

    As long as I can find a phone signal, I have access to e-mail if needed.

    As for not being able to surf the net, or waffle on a forum, via an onsite wireless network is not important.

    If Wi-Fi was available, I would use it, but I certainly wouldn't be bothered if it wasn't.  Far more important things in life to worry about.

  • mbee1
    mbee1 Club Member Posts: 557
    edited September 2018 #35

    We've just spent 11 nights at Incleboro Fields.  Signs in reception and the wash blocks to say the wifi has problems and is intermittent and not reliable and Air Angel are supposedly sorting it.  I only paid for it once a couple of years ago and thought what a waste of money is was because it's so unreliable.

    The phone signal at Incleboro Fields is not very good either but, generally, I tether a laptop or iPad to my phone if I need to.  At the end of the day I'm on holiday and can manage without being connected most of the time.  Occasionally I'll need to see a work email but it's the exception rather than the rule.

    I do wonder though why none club sites and sites "over there" can make it work when the club can't?

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,163
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    edited September 2018 #36

    I suppose the situation won't improve until each site has a dedicated fibre optic cable connection direct into the site. Whilst many Club sites are in areas with fibre broadband its mainly FTTC and the distance from the nearest cabinet is still crucial. Near to a cabinet and you will get up to 80 mbps a kilometre from the cabinet it will be half that and the further away even less. With the development of 4G/5G networks its got to be questionable whether further investment in higher speed broadband on sites is going to be a worthwhile exercise?

    When you mention "over there" it very much depends what country you are in. France may be fine but I have never had a really good connection in Germany or Austria. 2016 was our last visit so things might have improved?


  •  viatorem
    viatorem Club Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2018 #37

    Trouble is members wifi needs are wide ranging. Those who continue to do business on site, bloggers,those who use the Internet as a serious hobby, average users, those who can manage on a phone or sim tablet and finally those who don't need any connection.

    If your connection needs are above average or survival depends upon it make your own provisions. As demonstrated by the website the club is not an IT company.



  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited September 2018 #38
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  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited September 2018 #39

    Indeed David. Whilst I have been happy with CC wifi and have found it to work fine for me it depends how many nights one spends on CC sites using the service. The daily/weekly charges are ridiculous IMO

    The single user log in also adds to the cost. For two of us that would be £50 a year. The same money buys us 24gb of 4G EE data valid for the same 12 month period. 

  • Canenriot
    Canenriot Forum Participant Posts: 113
    First Comment
    edited September 2018 #40

    I have to agree over your comments  we left Chester Fairoaks yesterday and the Wifi was pretty dire.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,165
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    edited September 2018 #41

    Great connections in Germany and Austria but then like in the U.K. we use an i-boost so we can use multiple platforms

  • Touareg30
    Touareg30 Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited September 2018 #42

    Just returned from 2 weeks on Chester site. Could not get on internet for more than a few minutes at a time . ( Slow and constantly crashing out )

    Even then it had to be before 6 in the morning or after 11 at night. Phone Air Angels  to complain but was told it was a bronze listed site so it would not improve. After a discussion they agreed to give me one free weeks internet. 

    Considering I paid £25 for a years use I was not impressed. Most of us get 5 weeks holiday per year so that means Internet use is costing me £5 per week.. They gave me one week free but that is only £0.48p ( £25 divided by 52 weeks ).

    Air Angles also informed me the type of service per site is listed in the club book and on the club web site. Bronze service is not usable so be aware, 

    My advice to all regarding paying for this service is DON'T..The service Air Angels supply to the Club is appalling..

    What is the Club doing about it ?????

    Go to Sainsburys or other store grab a coffee and use free internet at a reasonable speed.



  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited September 2018 #43

    Or don't bother with the internet at all and grab a coffee in your caravan/motorhome, just check the weather for the next day from your phone.

  • IanTG
    IanTG Forum Participant Posts: 419
    edited September 2018 #44

    Got to say that generally I find the WiFi acceptable on most club sites. Of course, not at the level of my home connection with Virgin fibre at 75+ mbps, but still adequate to do most things I need to.

    Interestingly, I was at Incleboro Fields last weekend, and saw the notice about intermittent connection, but only experienced a good service.

    The distance and rural nature of many club sites must undoubtedly affect speed and consistency but I can live with that, as being on holiday, I can afford to remain chilled!