CL's - A survey to gather your views

Please help inform the CL Owners Group what you as C&MC Members think about the CL Network by taking part in this anonymous survey.
What do members - like you - want from a CL and how do you think the Club should support the improvement of the CL network for your benefit?
No sign-in needed. No email required.
It will take less than 10 minutes. On behalf of 400+ CL Owners, Thank You for taking part!
Highlights of the results will be posted here in due course.
Please CLICK THIS LINK to get started.
A big THANK YOU on behalf of the 400+ CL Owners within the CL Owners Self Support Group.
Done. One of the questions is about the support that the club gives CLs. I think that is answered by the fact that a CL owner is running this survey rather than the club.
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Some questions askng why I don't use CLs would have been useful in my case.
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I found one or two questions obscure but there was plenty of scope to give opinions.
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As one who prefers CL and CS sites I suggest the 5 unit limit needs raising to perhaps 10.
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You need to lobby Parliament to get that changed, DM, as it’s beyond the scope of the club or CL owners to alter the existing law.
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Why, you are then going to change the whole ethics of what a CL is all about. There are numerous small commercial sites that would suit you. dm.
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But I only use CLs because I like the exclusivity of 5 vans. If that changed I wouldn't use them any more because they would be no different to any other site.
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I wonder what the role and responsibilities of a voluntary inspector are, and how are they chosen. Didn't know it was a voluntary position.
Hope it improves things a bit, keeps a few waverers on board, makes CL section of website better.
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Survey completed and I look forward to seeing the results. Thank you for putting this together and I just hope enough people complete it so that the sample size is large enough to give meaningful results.
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Many thanks to all who have completed the survey so far, and for your great insights into the CL network.
We launched this on a couple of Facebook Groups where C&MC Members belong and had a large uptake. As of this morning, the number of responses is over 350, which is a good sample size.
Of course the more the merrier, so please feel free to share / post the Survey Link onto any local C&MC Region or Caravan (or MH) Brand / Make Owners group you might belong to.
The URL for the survey is
We will leave the survey running for at least a week and then analyse the results. We will share highlights here in due course.
Thank you again on behalf of CL Owners for sharing your ideas.
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I hope you’ll share rather more than just highlights with us, Ted. We are, after all, your customer base with a shared interest in the future of CLs.
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If my memory serves me correctly from bygone statistical analysis, you need a sample of somewhere around 1100 responses to reduce the sampling error down to about +/- 3%, (I am sure someone will correct me if my memory is not serving me that well!!). Otherwise, you will end up coming to a conclusion that could vary by, say 30% either way, which isn't that helpful.
We need to encourage as many people as possible to take part because this survey could be really useful. I will post the link on the Bailey Owners Facebook page to try and get a bit more interest from that direction and perhaps others could do likewise with Swift etc.
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Link now posted on Bailey Owner's Facebook page
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Remember, though, that this is a survey concerning CAMC CLs which are for use by club members only. By casting the net wider you will be inviting non-members to participate and it’s arguable whether their views will be relevant.
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Just completed the survey.
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Yes, but one of the questions asks if you are a member of the CMC so it would be an easy job to screen out non members and produce two sets of statistics i.e. one for members and one without. Might be an interesting excercise to see if there is any difference.
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Indeed it does - CAMC, C&CC or other, if I remember correctly. It would, however, be impossible for non-CAMC members (unless they’re ex-members) to answer most of the questions as they would/should have no experience of CLs or the search system or booking arrangements or site facilities… See what I mean and I wonder if statistics from non-members who are also non-users of CLs would help in this exercise?
I was surprised to find the survey had not been posted on another forum where CG is promoted and thought that was probably because it’s not a member only forum. Who knows? Not me, for sure.
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i am now having second thoughts about the this questionnaire so wish I hadn’t completed it in haste. If the idea is to garner support and then to pressure the club to increase CLs beyond the current 5 van limit then I wouldn’t support it. Hindsite is a great tool but wish I had waited a while before completing the survey just so I could elicit other members views.
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I know exactly what you mean, One. What seems a great idea initially becomes less so as you think about it and pick up on the points made by others🙁
I wouldn't worry about it though as it’s likely nothing will ever materialise from it. Call me a cynic if you like but I’ve seen such things before where they start with a bang and then fizzle out.
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Then do it again and add to the confusion