What are you all up to
I think the truckers will understand the noise from the kiddies.
We ventured out onto the main roads today (A55) but only for a short while in order to get to a fabric wholesalers on the North Wales coast road. Mrs WN wanted some waterproof fabric to cover the caravan floor area. Rain was coming down in stair-rods.
This afternoon is planning some CL stopovers for September and cooking a cauliflower cheese (not for me but for MIL to split up and freeze for when we disappear).
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Oneputt I hope it's not as wet for the kids treat as it is here, not that they'll care. The London cabbies used to, may still do but not come through the town these days 😉, similar and deck the cabs with balloons etc.
Turned very wet here! Did manage to get a load of washing dry before it started and give all the pots a good soaking. Gathering bits together for our trip starting tomorrow, almost finished just our clothes to go. OH cleaning through the house. Was grateful for the ironing heap as the temperature has really dropped 😲 just 12.8c.
Was going to go off to an open air event this afternoon but have decided against it 😉. Time to settle indoors with my book, be a change from reading on the sun lounger!
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Gosh this website is appalling today! Just been saying some very naughty words as my post didn't appear. Button greyed out with blue line, line disappeared but text didn't. Copied it - so I thought 😲 and tried to repost, nothing on the clipboard 😤😤😤. Checked out latest activity on another tab, visited another thread returning to latest activity to find my 'lost post' top of the list! Delighted I did as I wasn't in the right frame of mind to retype.................
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Wet day here too, not windy though.
Went to see Mum this morning, she was in her room having a lay down they said but when I opened the door she had just sat up. Seemed a bit confused at first but after about 10 mins was in fine fettle. The hearing aide has given up totally now. OH had a good look at it, looks like it has been wet at some stage, as where the battery goes it is totally corroded. So lots of raised voices for today's visit
Since they took her off one of the tablets, her walking has improved and she has not had a fall
Sorting out clothes to go in van and a pile of ironing done while watching the GP, then Sunday dinner cooked and a curry made to go in the freezer.
Feet up now and just caught up on here so going to watch the tv for a bit.
Bakers2, have a good trip, where are you going this time.
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Yesterday was the perfect day for cleaning the van outside and I had all done and dusted by mid afternoon. OH completed the washing from our last trip, so much of it is ready to be put back in the van for the next one, just waiting for me to clean the inside!
Today has been a complete contrast, with rain showers and drizzle all day. It did at least allow us to get down to booking sites for our next trip, and we're sort now up to 23rd October, with 9 CLs in total over 6 and a bit weeks. We'll then have about 2 to 3 weeks to make our way home.
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Thinking of you as well brue. Best wishes and take care.
The same goes for me too, brue. Wish you well.
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before it started and give all the pots a good soaking
We always do our in the kitchen sink, B2.
Where are you off to on your trip?
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Wet, cold and miserable here today. Went to the Cathedral this morning, then OH watched the Grand Prix this afternoon while I did a good tidy and clean upstairs. Sunday dinner cooked and now watching TV with the fire on. Had a wonderful evening last night. We went to The Stamford Arts Theatre to see Ronnie Scotts All Stars. Such great music. Really enjoyed it.
Have a great trip Bakers2.
Good to hear your Mum is brighter tammygirl.
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Good news on the mum front TG.
My birthday present is still under wraps, a new dry suit for my sailing exploits, as the weather was horrible and OH wouldn't let me out to play!
The carrot cake that I took up to celebrate was excellent!
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Today has been a complete contrast, with rain showers and drizzle all day. It did at least allow us to get down to booking sites for our next trip, and we're sort now up to 23rd October, with 9 CLs in total over 6 and a bit weeks. We'll then have about 2 to 3 weeks to make our way home.
Where you off to this time NTH and when.
Thanks millie and robsail, so good to see her more steady on her feet. Sorry you didn't get to play out
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It amazes me that some of you manage to find so much time to be 'on the road'. How do you do it? It must be almost at the point where house ownership is superfluous. Perhaps Malcolm is having an influence after all.
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Yesterday we watched nearly 80 trucks take the children in convoy on their charity day to pleasurewood hills. The out journey was dry but by mid afternoon it was bucketting down.
Will start to prepare the van shortly for our 4 night trip to Kessingland club site where the grandtwins will join us tomorrow.
We will only manage just over a hundred nights this year well short of our normal 150 nights.
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Have had a headache since 2am this morning, most unusual these days 😢. Hoped my shower and breakfast would help, it did a bit but I have now taken paracetomol in an effort to remove the aftermath. Just getting last bits together. Off to Burnham Wick, prebookeda while back as it's got very popular 😲😲 then off to C&CC at Hertford nothing booked after Wednesday week, but we'll stay fairly local for our last week.
We have only managed just over 30 nights so far this year - slipping 😉. Malcolm won't influence me my house is my home I'm liking the best of both worlds 😁. It's also a sound investment for the future!
Enjoy your day folks, home or away. Very grey here, but warmer than yesterday, hoping the forecast will come good 😁😁
Tammygirl good to hear your mum is picking up - tablets can do strange things as well as good.
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I hope your headache clears Bakers2 and that you have a good time. According to the Countryfile forecast last night the weather looks to be getting better and the warm weather 'might' come back next weekend
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A bit like Nellie the other day insofar as the caravan has had a clean inside and out. Had to sort out our awning peg bag as some of the older items needed disposing of. Rest of morning taken up with cutting back the Buddleia and a rather large Privet. Can now see the bottom of the garden.
Will be spending the afternoon making a huge pot of Spag Bol for MIL to parcel up for the freezer. She then dips into them and adds whatever she wants to it. Makes life easier for us when we're away with Mrs WN not having to worry about whether MIL is looking after herself and eating properly. Freezer will be full after this lot.
Glad to hear about your mum, TG.
Robsail, how can it be too wet to go sailing?
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Glad to hear your Mum is a good bit better TG. I had a pester at Mum's doctors to get them to check all her tablets and BP more frequently. Lo and behold she has come off two that she no longer needs! I keep thinking of brue as well, there are a good few of us parent watching!
Dad was in my thoughts this morning as well. I decided to tackle Mum's hedges before they got too long. Dad was a stickler for tidily trimmed privet hedges, they were always neat as he did the little but often trick with them! As a teenager I was taught how to properly shape and look after hedges, extra cash could be earned! So it's like a ritual nowadays, the day after he died I tackled the whole lot with a pair of hand shears in homage! All our family like gardening, it's in the blood.
Meal for us with Mum and little Sis later, firm up some of our holiday plans as well! Cool but dry here today. Determined not to light stove though until we get back from Scotland!
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There's nothing terribly interesting to report. After weeks of drought I think we have had enough rain. The grass has grown remarkably well since the poor silage cut six weeks ago. As soon as the weather perks up we'll be cutting again.
We've been ploughing and preparing the soil to reseed on some of the new fields we bought in June.
We've been to Penrith Show (reserve champion) and are preparing stock for Westmorland County Show in a couple of weeks.
We sold three new calved cows and heifers at a recent Pedigree Sale and were very pleased with the prices. Our busiest calving period is coming up and most days something has calved - two heifer calves today.
But the main focus of our attention today has been getting ready for our annual Soil Association Inspection (and Red Tractor Audit) tomorrow. It's always a bit nerve wracking as no matter how hard you have tried there may be one piece of information that you are asked for and cannot find. The Soil Association is very hot on paper trails. If you're really interested you can download the standards HERE.
Holidays? What are those?
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First trip out with new trailer to our nearest recycling centre today, opened at 10 .00 got there at 0950 (no traffic)already 10th in the queue,you need permit with a trailer or van,as two vans found out when they were turned away,usual good design, bays not long enough for car/trailer so blocked access to others for ten minutes while off loading large amount of garden waste with no "help" from staff
Second trip to next nearest centre as low fuel light on needed fuel and , plenty of room, and no queue, no interest in permit had several bags of wood and metal,plus three damaged plastic boxes full of plastic odd and ends only to be told to put it all the plastic in Landfill skip as no facility for recycling plastic,if we had put it in,our black bin at home it would have been rejected
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Goldie thanks for the update, sounds like a really busy time.
Rolled up at the club site at about 1pm and managed to get a beach side pitch. What great wardens here. All set up and ready for grandtwins tomorrow.
Had a walk along the beach down passed the sluice, plenty of birds about.
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Arrived home after a great weekend away ,journey home much better than the one there on Friday.
Our son and his girlfriend joined us for the day at Ilam on Saturday
Sunday was rather wet but managed a walk along the Manifold track in the afternoon before retiring to the village pub in Cauldon (Yew Tree Inn)the inside of which has to be seen to be believed! A collectors paradise, amazing. The beer was pretty good too
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We're Cornwall bound, but it will take us a while to get there. First stop off is Kirkham to take the car in for it's service. We set off in 2 weeks time, TG. When are you off to France?
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It's quite easy, CY. All we do is set our mind to go travelling and, once we've sorted out sites and done all of our appointments, we set off. As for the house we need somewhere to keep all our books!! As for MM, we were doing this well before he came and went!
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Not wet today and fairly warmish.
Not a great day as we took the caravan to the weighbridge
can't believe we were overweight and that's without it fully loaded. Is it to late to go back to the MH
Never bothered before weighing the previous caravans but decided we would do this one as we did weight the MH and got a pleasant surprise.
So the afternoon was spent weighing everything we had loaded, weeding out things deemed not necessary, still not enough, so now the food box has come out, spare bedding and towels, books and DVD's. Wardrobe is half empty as is most of the top lockers. Personal weight allowance is pitifully inadequate. Just what is the point of having all these cupboards, lockers and under seat storage if you can't put anything in them. What do the makers expect to put in them 'Candyfloss' Rant over.
Hope your day was better than ours.
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When using our caravan we always put a suitcase in the car and then unpacked on site, this way I got to take all the clothes I needed ( or didn't need) Shoes in a bag in the car, food was always packed in the car as well, along with our loungers, which were quite heavy. This always took care of the weight problem. However, we did usually stay on site for at least a week, more of a problem if you are always on the move.