Inconsiderate member

Bogart Forum Participant Posts: 34
edited August 2018 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

It really infuriates me when one is messed around by people with no manners. Have my van for sale put myself out by rearranging appointments and getting the van in pristine condition for a supposed visit today. No response from so called buyer after numerous emails and voicemails. Then finally get hold of him to be told not coming. What has happened to common decency.  I have no problem with him changing his mind, even though I gave him a week all to himself to view it, but at least have the manners to let me know, and not have it down to me to chase him.

Rant over!



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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2018 #2

    Welcome to today's societyyell

  • BlueVanMan
    BlueVanMan Club Member Posts: 384
    100 Comments Name Dropper
    edited August 2018 #3

    Sadly behaviour from one person to another varies. There could be just as many stories about selfless and altruist behaviour which is a feature of todays society. 

    To rant is pointless. Put it down to experience and move on.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited August 2018 #4

    as above but how do you know it is a club member?

  • Randomcamper
    Randomcamper Club Member Posts: 1,062
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited August 2018 #5

    The hassles & risks of dealing with private buyers means that we only ever sell to a dealer or part ex.    Yes, you probably get less money, but as the We Buy any Car advert emphasises, it's far less hassle.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited August 2018 #6

    if I sell anything privately its always first with the cash buys , I would never give someone exclusivity to view ....

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,457
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    edited August 2018 #7

    It probably isn’t a member of CT user but I expect the OP feels better now. It’s good we're here to help him let off steam. 👍🏻👍🏻

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2018 #8

    The rant is not pointless ..... it can be cathartic

  • Bogart
    Bogart Forum Participant Posts: 34
    edited August 2018 #9

    He told me was a CC menber at the beginning, no need to have doubted him, plus he said he was on a CC site in Devon. The rant is just me.

  • Bogart
    Bogart Forum Participant Posts: 34
    edited August 2018 #10

    Less hassle, but a lot less money judging by the "we buy any caravan" lot.

  • Chrystal
    Chrystal Forum Participant Posts: 231
    edited August 2018 #11

    Sympathise with you Bogart greatly, matters seem to be very thin on the ground these days, such a shame.



  • Chrystal
    Chrystal Forum Participant Posts: 231
    edited August 2018 #12

    Sorry manners.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited August 2018 #13

    Sold mine using a dealer as a broker.  Only cost £500 the dealer did everything so no hassle for me and I made considerably more than either part exchange or selling to a dealer.  Van sold within a month so we’ll pleased.

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited August 2018 #14

    I have to say that I hate this type of thing. What is the problem with picking up a phone and telling the seller you can’t make it or you’ve changed your mind? It reminds me of the day I was looking for a new tow car. I had 4 cars to see one Sunday and they all knew that I was coming to inspect them. I had driven many a mile by the third one and I still had to see the forth which was down near Portsmouth and the one I had just seen was, I felt sure, the one I was going to have. I toyed with the idea to ring and let the forth seller know that I had found what I was looking for but I decided to go just for good manners. I saw that 4th car and that’s the one I have today! It was an absolute find and had I not gone I would have paid quite a bit more for a car in not so good a condition - so it works the other way too! 

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited August 2018 #15

    It shames me, what have we Brits come to? Seriously I reckon it's no worse today than it was in the 'old days'. Just remember, it's not all of us but a few which infuriate and disappoint us. Like yesteryear, there are many of us who really are decent and good mannered. 

  • Extugger
    Extugger Forum Participant Posts: 1,293
    edited August 2018 #16

    Sign of the times, sadly. All too apparent in todays' society (and on Club sites)

    Put it down to experience and console yourself with the fact the punter has missed out on a cracking, well-loved and cared-for caravan.

    They've probably been and bought a van riddled with damp from a disreputable dealer and will appear on here soon ranting about it. Watch this space and in the meantime, good luck with any new prospective buyers .laughingwink

    "Here's looking at you, kid"

  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited August 2018 #17

    But did you ring the first three and tell them you didn't want their vehicle after buying the forth. wink

  • flatcoat
    flatcoat Forum Participant Posts: 1,571
    edited August 2018 #18

    I have some sympathy but I always tell prospective punters it is for sale to the first buyer to come with the money. May seem harsh but avoids the scenario above. 

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,769
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    edited August 2018 #19

    At the end of the day the only requirement to be a member is to pay your membership fees. We are a cross section of the nation and I am afraid we have the good the bad and the in between. The attitude here was bad but I am afraid that this is always something we should be aware might happen.

  • BrianJosie
    BrianJosie Forum Participant Posts: 391
    edited August 2018 #20

    We have a very busy retail tyre outlet and deal with the publics behaviour and attitudes every day ,some of it beggars belief and is mind boggling.

    Brian & Jo

  • LeTouriste
    LeTouriste Forum Participant Posts: 348
    edited August 2018 #21

    Not harsh at all.  I do the same, and it's the only practical way to deal with it.  I have been messed around in the past, and sometimes a prospective buyer has failed to turn up, leaving me with time wasted where I could have been using it usefully.  Others have tried to screw me for silly reductions in the asking price.

    I have recently changed my vehicle. The one I wanted was at a dealership, and I did not want to miss it.  So I got a realistic selling price for my outgoing vehicle, took into account some loss due to haggling and cost to me in running prospective buyers around on test drives.  From this, I decided that the trade-in value was not too bad, and let it go  for that figure.

    This is the fourth vehicle I have bought from this dealership, who have also serviced my vehicles, and have always been fully satisfied with them over a period of some 17 years.

    So, on the basis of what I have "sacrificed", when broken down into amount per month over several years, the peace of mind from a smooth transaction has been well worth it.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2018 #22

    I agree


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