Putting shelves in shower
OK, that seemingly eternal question. We don't use the shower as a shower. I would like to put shelves in it for clothes etc. Nothing permanent - free standing is fine.
Any suggestions / ideas that others have done? I know I can get a spring loaded rail, but I am more thinking shelves. Researching the web there doesn't seem to be anything specific, you have to bodge something together and get creative.
You need to watch the weight.
In our last cvan we stored the bedding in the shower. We used the shower's duck board supported on the legs of one of those slatted ali camping tables. There was also space underneath for mucky shoes and so on. To protect the shower tray, and to keep the structure steady, we put a piece of thickish plywood in the bottom with holes drilled to take the table legs.
You could also take a look around the DIY stores at their plastic storage units.
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Maybe a couple of these lashed together although we have ample storage and enough weight in the two wardrobes in the bathroom without adding to it. https://www.screwfix.com/p/solid-plastic-shelving-4-tier-610-x-305-x-1300mm/54805?tc=GA4&ds_kid=92700021630478787&ds_rl=1249481&ds_rl=1245250&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmPPYBRCgARIsALOziAMxLN0JJ5vT3rpzbKqwvi8NH8vFLSXIwsCAfNe2Ht-u3hYg5ofxa_MaAlWuEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=COuY-vvWydsCFY0K0wod7cgI9g#product_additional_details_container
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I think the fabric hanging things may give me options. The issue is children and their stuff. Our van has some lovely big cupboards, but that's all they are - a lovely big cupboard - they need shelves or compartments or something to save it becoming a "chuck it in and shut the door" technique which children are so good at. I thought that if I could put some into the shower it may live a bit easier
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Thin panels, or thin skins on hollow panels don’t hold screws well. If you attach strips of wood which is robust enough to hold screws, to smooth surfaces using double sided tape and screws, the two will act in harmony and support all normal weights. Adhesives can also be used instead of tape. Gripfix in the green tube works well, though it smells strongly of solvent for a couple of days after use.
Gripfix is also useful for attaching load bearing strips of wood to plasterboard walls at home. If you have a modern house, your skirting boards were probably attached with Gripfix.