What are you all up to
Hey happy holidays 😃.
We always get the whole flight over us almost in full formation so we see before Her Majesty 😉, same again today but not quite in such close formation with the added bonus of them some 3 times because of the incident with Field Marshall Lord Guthrie. Our children were always fascinated that we would watch them fly over and then see them minutes later over Buck House. They never return this way. As an added extra today the red arrows, in formation, turned on the white smoke 😃. The noise level is amazing and it sends a tingle down your spine! So glad they don't come over in anger.
We certainly do pageantry so well. Makes you very proud. Caught something on television radio about the reasons behind it the other day. Walking in straight lines to prove they're sober readily comes to mind.
Loved the older cousin's, Savannah princess Anne's granddaughter, hand going over George's mouth on the balcony whilst the national anthem being played 😂.
We were in NZ when William and Catherine visited. We had front row spot, set out early about 2 hours before they were due, but needn't have bothered, laid back Kiwis turned up eventually moving the barriers and crossing the road moments before the convoy 😲😲😲. Certainly not hoards, and if theyd married there there wouldnt have been campers days before! Hardly any security compared to here, and not so well organised 😉. They laid flowers at the Cambridge war memorial before going onto lunch with local dignitaries.
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Thanks Bakeres2, I wondered who the little girl was who put her hand over Prince Georges' mouth. Lovely moment.
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As I say, It didn't report. But I did find some of the comments upsetting to say the least.. People need to have more care when they make comments. Just have a care for other peoples' feelings.
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Enjoy your trip up to our fantastic county Millie, will contact you if we can make it for a mini meet.
Great evening/night out in town, pints of Keo knocked back, good a Greek Cypriot food then a wheelchair slalom through all the police vehicles parked on the sea front. Think we provided some entertainment. 🤡🤡
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Another lovely sunny day on Ile de Re, did a 15 mile cycle ride across the island. Yesterday I treated myself (bum) to a new big comfy saddle , shear joy cycling today
Wonderful red sky at sunset so hopefully tomorrow will be another nice day.
Site busy this weekend with some of the mobile homes occupied by very noisy folk, according to the Dutch chap next pitch to us its 2 families spread over 5 mobiles. They were very noisy last night sat out until 1am on their decking 8 of them, what a racket. OH had enough and went out and told them to 'shut up' unfortunately the site doesn't have anyone living on site to stop this kind of behaviour and when you speak to reception they don't want to know, all they say is 'its only for the weekend' such a shame as during the week its such a nice quiet site. I shall be doing a review. Seems 4 mh/caravans complained to reception today, I think reception should take notice as they will lose business of the touring fraternity if not.
Just had a rain shower
so much for red sky at night.
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Margaret thinks it was Peter Phillips daughter Savannah. An action I think she will be reminded of for years to come
Fancy trying to shut up a future King!!!
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Francis, is your bike fully ‘Humanually’ operated or part Lekky?, if the prior then it’s a good ride out👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻😊
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The last email I had from the salesman, EasyT, said that production would start at the end of July. I replied by asking him how long it would take after production had started. There was no reply to that!
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Exactly, TW.
In my case, my mere presence on here, could be interpreted as causing disharmony because the detractors on here strongly disapprove of my whole way of life. They think caravans should sit on house driveways most of the time and just be occasionally used for holidays. I prefer to be on holiday all the year round and therefore do not need a house other than as an address to receive and collect mail etc. I'm semi-retired and in receipt of a state pension, so why not?
This could be interpreted by the CM as causing disharmony and enough reason to ban me because my whole way of life, family situation, financial position etc. is causing offence to them. Such disharmony is sufficient reason to exercise the CM's right to ban me because disharmony is against the T&Cs.
So the safest thing for me to do is to stay away because if I don't, somebody on here that is opposed to me, will once again press the report button and get me banned, in which case I'll be stopped from posting anyway.
It's not up to me to try to calculate what is acceptable and what is not acceptable because it's a subjective matter, that is open to interpretation, by the CM and mods, who have the power to delete or ban as they deem fit and there's nothing that any of us on here can do to stop that happening. For this reason, I feel it's unsafe for me to continue posting on here.
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He probably deserved it - he looks as though he could be a bit of a 'handful'!
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I'm pleased to learn that it wasn't you, Milliehull, that caused all that trouble with the CM, even though you disagreed with the content and frequency of my postings on here.
I was told that there had been numerous reports, regarding this but it wasn't made clear, whether the numerous reports were coming from one person or many people.
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Anyone staying at the club site at the Great Yarmouth racecourse next weekend (16/17 June) should have a grandstand view of the air display. A short stroll to the beach at North Denes will probably enhance the view.
I will be either staying in the garden or may stroll down to Gorleston Beach
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Yes, I noticed that too and thought what's the point in posting on here if the posts are going to be Deleted User? Several posts in which posters were genuinely concerned about such draconian measures and in which they were trying to say something to me about it, were removed, so that I never got to read or understand what had been said! I did get to read IanHs post, before that got Deleted User, in which he explained why he doesn't participate in this forum anymore.
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Anyway, my wife and I are celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary today!
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Thanks EasyT but unfortunately no day off! I'm working 17:00 to 22:00 today. Nevertheless, we had a celebratory drink and meal last night, after I got home from work, which took us past midnight and into the anniversary date and we bought some celebratory cake from Tesco.
The shortage of staff at Pizza Hut has meant them having to require me to do extra hours but that's not a bad thing because it has meant substantial increase in pay, especailly as the minimum wage hourly rate went up too at the beginning of April.
I used to work 16 hours a week on average but this has gone up, since the end of April, to 24 hours a week, at a time when two managers left and other staff too, including drivers. So they are short staffed and in need of the extra help from me.
Drivers keep leaving because they find that the drop money is not enough to cover the cost of petrol that is used for work, let alone the other running costs of a car such as servicing, repairs, tyres, depreciation etc. So these costs have to come out of their wages which is already minimum and thereby making it less than the minimum wage. However, I have other income from my pensions so even though I may be subsidising them to some extent, from my wages, the net amount I get makes me better off. However, it is harder for younger members of staff who don't have pension income to fall back on.
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I still get two days off per week but that's it! Gone are the days when I sometimes got three or even four days off and gone are the days of the shorter hour shifts. Now all my shifts are 5 to 6 hours per shift with no time for breaks!
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Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining! I got a very pleasant surprise in my last payslip, in total pay of £989.84, of which I was charged income tax of £87.20 after taking into account marriage allowance. The drop money element of this pay amounting to £189.80 less delivery drop insurance deduction of £19.00 has been agreed by HMRC to be not subject to tax, being a work related expense for the business usage of my car.
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Took this photo of Jupiter and 3 moons last week using a hand held bridge camera so although not perfect I'm pretty pleased with it
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I just washed my car on site here in Spain. A few sites we have visited have had fully automated jet wash type car wash where the hose comes from a swivel connection at high level above the centre of the bay- great value at 1 euro for around 5 mins.
The one today was simply a large concrete bay with a hosepipe but ideal for washing the car. Maybe this is something the CAMC could one day provide.
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The CAMC site in Gatwick has a similar facility which you can use for free! I mean free of charge, Swifty2018.
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Nobody is opposed to anything on here Malcolm other than derogatory personal or unkind comments or anything else that goes against the T&Cs. You no doubt have been advised by the CM and it's up to you to follow the guidelines. If you have personal complaints about others, contact the club rather than cause more dissent on here. Personally I am tired of hearing others have caused your problems, you are responsible for what you post as we all are for our own posts.
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Somewhat belated post
I went out after you mentioned it, time of the last full moon, and enjoyed looking at both the moon and Jupiter. It gives so much more meaning to looking at the night sky when you know what' what 😉. Thank you.
Hope Mrs Oneputt has kept the scouts slip slapped and sloshed 😂. (Thats slip on a hat slap on the suncream and slosh plenty of liquid) Been a great weekend for them. Or do they prefer mud and slop?