Commercial vehicles on site

I was always led to believe that commercial vehicles were not allowed on site. I have just had a live chat with CAMC and they are allowed under the rules as long as they are your tow vehicle and has no signage on the vehicle that could be deemed offensive, not sure what that would be but there u go
I guess not many people do use commercial vehicles but in theory the site could be full of light Hgv vehicles, flat bed trucks, large transit vans etc. Not sure how I feel about it.
Not sure why I thought they were not allowed. Must have been misinformed.
The rule was relaxed some years ago, David, and now only exists as has been explained to you.
Several people on here use twin cab pick-ups and vans for towing and I’m surprised you haven’t seen the previous threads on the subject.
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It was relaxed before we bought a caravan and joined the club and that was back in 2009.
It's the main reason we joined as many private sites have a no commercials rule.
I don't really care what vehicle people use to get to site but others do. They've given me some laughs over the years though
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Like TW says this has been the norm for a good few years now. But as you haven't noticed any on site (I assume you visit club sites?) I wouldn't worry about it.
Personally I don't mind what is pitched next to me, full HGV if it would fit. I think the behavior of the people there is more important than their tow vehicles. Unless you think people who drive light Hgv vehicles, flat bed trucks, large transit vans are somehow more prone to bad behavior?
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Only reason I mentioned it was someone asked on another forum and I suggested that the ru;es stated they were not allowed. I was out of touch obviously.
I do use club sites and have not noticed it happening. It’s not a problem for me.. it was a good rule to stop travellers coming in though because generally speaking they would have commercials
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Will anything stop those determined to get in?
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That is a worry I agree and I did read on here once that wardens are pretty good at spotting 'travellers' and stopping them coming in.
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Just for info, there are many types of members in our inclusive club, with many different outfits and methods of towing. I won't go over what's already been said but with our diverse membership, there are members that are also "travellers". As long as the rules of site and the byelaws that hold the club together are upheld, there should be no problems.
Corners, yes you do learn to have an eye but it's not always the folk you expect!!!
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Anybody can join now,so long they pay up they are in, money talks.
when I first joined you where vetted to see if had a suitable caravan ect
now standards has dropped and any towrag gets in.
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A large tow vehicle can be required to park in the car park rather than the pitch.
Anyway, I’ve encountered these certain people staying on a club site and using LR's as tow cars.
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What on earth is a 'suitable' caravan, surely it's the behaviour of members who have been accepted as such on site that's crucial. Too many folk are too quick to judge folk in my opinion on their or their unit's appearance than their willingness to abide by the rules, and what is a towrag, am I?
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It’s a VW, isn’t it?
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What this club needs is more rules specifically to vet towrags!
If we dont act soon there will be foreigners, single parents, ethnic diversity, same sex couples and other non desirables who may attempt to drag this shambolic old boys club into the 20th century.
We dont want that now do we.
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I'm getting a new works van,( properly sign written) wasn't as sure whether commercial vehicles can be used on club sites, we have a 1.5D nissan qashqai and a nice transit custom will probably make a better tow vehicle, whether wife and 2 dogs will be happy on bench seat.
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This is an old thread but, as far as I know, the situation is exactly the same today as described here.