Not so wild - wild camping

Last night we went into town about 6 pm. We passed a small layby (really just an extension of a wide gateway), as a motorhome was setting up (turning on his gas).
I went by again this morning at 8 am and it was still there (curtains closed).
Would you really want to park up there for the night, when 300 yards round the corner is a pub with a C&CC CS?
I don't think they would get much of a lie in as the road is quite busy with school and commuter traffic in the morning.
I'm neither for nor against parking by the side of the road - but look at the picture from Google maps to see where this was.
No I wouldn't want to stay in a layby Goldie, it's a different mind set for some about not spending any money. At 6pm there would still have been time to find a site. We often see people parked up in laybys on the A303, to me it would be a night lost away from somewhere a lot more pleasant. perhaps they like traffic?
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And this is just round the corner -
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Just had a week at Godrevy Park, Hayle and I was staggered to see on the walk down into the town, no fewer than 3 ( THREE !! ) motor vans parked up and, apparently, camping in the laybays. There are several Holiday chalet sites as well as the C&MC site there - it really beggars belief especially considering there are at least two car parks on the Dunes just past the Club site which could well cater for the Surfing Brigade -- not that I Know the parked ones were surfers
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One of the MHs (a Hobby) has been in the lay-by down towards the town for at least 3 years, ABM. It’s lived in. Take a drive up over the cliffs towards Portreath and you’ll see the same vans in the parking areas day after day.
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Looks a delightful spot DD. Whereabouts is it?
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We have an enlightened view in Scotland, but it does have some rules.
I see Forestry Scotland car parks have signs indicating sleeping in you car (or M/H I assume) isn't wild camping. "Camping" is seen as tents in wild places, not M/H in lay-by. I see no attraction in sleeping in Ikea/Tesco car parks or at my local P&R. I know the Spanish are increasingly irritated by M/H who park everywhere and contribute very little to the local economy.
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Sorry about that. Slip of the keyboard. Thanks for the info.