What are you all up to
Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs OP. You have a lovely day for it.
Enjoy your stay Helen. Yes this site has been dreadful lately.
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Dull and overcast here again today but if the last few days are anything to go by it should brighten up a bit later (I hope)
Will be going into town to visit Mum this morning, then hopefully the grass will have dried out when we get back so we can give it a cut, before going away. Windows will also have to be cleaned front and back since the painter has now finished these walls.
MH almost finished packing should just be the fresh/frozen food to go in, still got to do my ironing OH did his last night but I'd had enough so just sat and watched tv. Knees pretty stiff and sore this morning
Happy Anniversary OP
H&T have a good weekend.
ET safe drive up to Ayr.
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Lovely day again here in Northumberland. Cooked breakfast on the Cadac this morning first time we have been able to do that this year. Easy T Ayr is nice its only 30 mins drive from home for us so we use the site as one of our regular weekenders. Not sure what we are doing today but if the weather stays like this then we will be coming back early to site outside the van
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Glorious May day here.
Happy anniversary Mr and Mrs Oneputt.
Why is your knee sore Tammygirl?
This site is still dreadful for me, but slightly better than its been, good to see staff commenting on another thread - reckon they not had issues! It'll be Tuesday before any further acknowledgement, if at all.
So happy holidays those away and enjoy your day those not 😉.
Brue hope your cold shifts soon, I'm wondering if my throat and nose a mild allergy the rape is in full bloom here! It's not as bad as it was so maybe another allegen! As I've felt fine sore throat comes and goes and my nose trickles at times, less so for both the last few days.
At our motorhome trying to cure the water leak in the bathroom feed. I have the easy task of turning pump on/off and general help but mainly reading plus catching up on here 😃 I'm sitting in the sun. Hope it can be sorted for our trip Monday.
Spoken to our son and now have clearer details of grand dog sitting so can start planning a trip involving her - if the water supply leak fixed.
Edit thought it as after new push fix joint fitted, now the shower connecting hose dribbling 😉
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Lovely here too, just waiting for son and grandson (DIL doing PHD work, hard slog.)
Happy Anniversary to the Oneputts.
Think my cold is a left over from the virus earlier in the year, hoping it will leave for good soon.....but shorts and BBQ today will cheer me up.
Hope the water problem gets solved B2 and you can get away, mustn't mention our own visiting dog, he's had several day visits recently...
Just coming inside to the cool for a few minutes.
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Why is your knee sore Tammygirl?
My right knee has a touch of arthritis caused by years of skiing, horse riding and general abuse
My left knee is slightly better but I fell off my bike last year while in France landing on it on a stone, so badly bruised it. Getting better slowly but still plays up at times. Funny enough cycling doesn't bother them as much as walking or standing and yesterday I was doing both + in and out of the van so climbing up and down. Hopefully they will settle down again in a day or 2.
Hope you manage to get the water issues sorted on your van and get away on Monday.
Have a good day with the family Brue, shorts and a BBQ
that's just cruel, still overcast breezy and jumper and jeans here. Roll on Tuesday
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Another glorious hot day today - honestly, I ask you, who'died want to be "over there" when we've got weather like this "over here"? (That'she rhetorical, by the way, no need to answer!
As Harry's been struggling in the heat we decided to do the shaded, Riverside walk from Calver to Frogatt this morning but it was soon clearealised that even that would be too much for him so we returned to the site for a lazy morning.
This afternoon I went along the river with Lady, past the house to the little hamlet of Carlton Lees. The house is absolutely heaving at the momentrance - great to see all those families out making the most of the BH weekend. It'seems lovely down by the river and I even arranged this special flypast to add interest to the photo!
Then a trip up to the farm shop to restock and buy a few bottles of Eyam Brewery's "All Fall Down" (and at 6. 5% ALC, never has a beer been better named! Going to sleep well tonight, that's for sure!
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Steady now, DD.
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Well the sun did come out in the end at 17.00, typical. However I did go out and cut the grass front and back and give the borders a quick hoe.
still out and the sky is looking nice and blue with fluffy little clouds, hopefully tomorrow it will be bright and warm all day.
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Lovely photos moulesy. Are you still awake after your 'all fall down'.😂
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Spent the afternoon at the van testing the new water pump. Works fine with no leaks.😊. I took my cordless Dyson and gave it a really good vacuum. Fridge freshened up and also the shower compartment. Great to get the door and windows open to give it all a good airing.
We will try and keep the the good weather down here so can enjoy it on your journey south on the way to the continent tammygirl 😁. When are you off?
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Beautiful day weatherwise 😃. Sorry Tammygirl and others who haven't had hot sunny and clear blue.
Tammygirl forgot about your cycle fall, hopefully they'll be better soon. Have you tried turmeric?
Mousley lovely photos, sorry to hear Harry' finding walks tough 😢.
Appears we need a new bathroom tap, not found one locally and certainly expect well have to wait to have it fitted. OH has had a good look but doesn't think he can replace it 😔. We've decided we will have our days away as we know the site and just not fill the water system.
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Beautiful day weatherwise 😃. Sorry Tammygirl and others who haven't had hot sunny and clear blue.
Tammygirl forgot about your cycle fall, hopefully they'll be better soon. Have you tried turmeric?
Mousley lovely photos, sorry to hear Harry' finding walks tough 😢.
Appears we need a new bathroom tap, not found one locally and certainly expect well have to wait to have it fitted. OH has had a good look but doesn't think he can replace it 😔. We've decided we will have our days away as we know the site and just not fill the water system.
Oh this site 😤😭😢 didn't post couldn' connect page not found, hadn't been logged out, wrong way signs, eventually got back here (luckily I copy before posting these days!) new post from Milliehull. glad you pump worked and you're all clean for your trip. I agree we won't send the sun elsewhere, those who want to share it can head our way 😉😂
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Had a lovely day today here in Northumberland. Weather was great so we went to Paxton House then visited the Chain Bridge Honey Farm which was very interesting they alao had a good selection of classic vehicles. Got back to the van early afternoon and sat out in the sun for a few hours site mow full lots of people still sitting out. We are planning on watching the new Who Wants to be a Millionaire tonight
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Thanks for offering to hanging onto the sun for us
but we are not coming that far south
Hull ferry for us on Wednesday. Think we should find some sun on Tuesday at Middlesbourgh then Hull the day after with a bit of luck
just don't go wearing it out before then
Bakers, never tried Turmeric is it as good as they claim?
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Bakers 2. Sorry about your leak but hope you can still get away. We have been away without water and also one time without a working fridge. We 'vanners' are a resilient and resourceful bunch.
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Happy anniversary, Mr & Mrs OP, hope that you had a nice day.
Enjoy your stay in the Cotswolds, H&T.
Hope you had a good drive up to Ayr, ET.
Certainly looks busy at Chatsworth, M. Sorry to hear that Harry's having trouble walking far. It's no good trying to force them when they can't manage it, as we well know.
Hope that your knee is less painful by the time you set off on your trip, TG.
B2, did you manage to fix all the water leaks, and that you are able to get away on Monday.
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Looks as if you're all ready for the off next week, Millie.
We had a dull start and low cloud for most of the morning with some fine Scotch mist. However it didn't wet us and we managed a good walk of about 3 1/2 hrs from Killin. The sun came out later in the day and it was reasonably warm in the late afternoon.
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Bakers, never tried Turmeric is it as good as they claim?
I've bought some very recently from Healthspan and am trying it so can't really say, luckily I don' really suffer few twinges in my hip and toes at times, but both sides of family have arthritis so preventative hopefully.
B2, did you manage to fix all the water leaks, and that you are able to get away on Monday.
Sadly not but we'll go away anyway. Just stay downwind of us 😉. What we thought was a joint weeping seems to be the bathroom tap 'inners'. Looks like new tap required and OH uncertain about tackling it.
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Sadly not but we'll go away anyway. Just stay downwind of us 😉. What we thought was a joint weeping seems to be the bathroom tap 'inners'. Looks like new tap required and OH uncertain about tackling it.
Don't you just hate it when something goes wrong with the water system. We had a leaking joint near the water heater & I wasn't confident enough to try and fix it so it cost £50 with an emergency callout to a mobile caravan mechanic. Having watched him, I was later able to successfully change our faulty water pump. However I wouldn't fell able to repair/replace a tap. Best of luck to your OH. Enjoy your trip away, regardless.
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Decided in a rash moment this morning to follow a bridleway up to the top of a hill, mind you the views across the cotswolds were pretty amazing, pics will have to wait until I have uploaded them from the camera.
Coming down was actually harder, as loose rocks made it difficult and at one point I almost came down on my bottom
We then followed a footpath across the fields and hitched a ride on the steam train to Broadway, the new station is very handy. The village was busy,lots of folks enjoying the sunshine.
We sat out and watched the sunset tonight, beautiful red sky so hoping for a nice day again tomorrow.
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Sadly not but we'll go away anyway. Just stay downwind of us 😉. What we thought was a joint weeping seems to be the bathroom tap 'inners'. Looks like new tap required and OH uncertain about tackling it.
OH says check to see if you can change the inner cartridge before buying a new tap. We had a problem in one of our caravans one year after the winter, we hadn't managed to expel all the water and it froze cracking the inner ceramic mixer cartridge. OH managed to buy one from our local dealer and fit it himself. Much less cost than a new tap.
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Millie have a lovely time away and Bakers2 hope the leak doesn't spoil the holiday.
Happy Anniversary to Mr and Mrs Oneputt.