Mosquitos in France mentioned on news this am
It's that time of year so went here to read about it. Anyone got any advice regarding product(s) they have found helpful in keeping them out of their leisure vehicle ?
Yes in the south of France Mossies can be a nuisance, we used to live in Languedoc so know all about them (and many years ago lived in Cyprus
which also has a mossie problem). You are more likely to be assaulted by the blighters in the evening and night time.
Caravanning best thing to do:
1. Apply 'Jungle' Juice on the exposed parts of your body - available in UK chemists.
2. Keep fly screens closed as much as possible.
3. Lights off in van if fly screens open.
4. Spray inside of van with a mossie spray an hour or so before going to bed and keep windows.door closed for this pereiod.
5. Don't open caravan windows at night until you have turned lights off then ensure fly screeens are down.
6. Get an electronic (blue light thing) fly killer, although we did not find them very effective. However, the little 'Raid' tabs which fit on an electronic plate and can be left on all night were quite effective, these are widely available in France.
7. We found 'citronella candles' quite effective.
Don't let the b......s ruin your holiday!
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Thanks for the reply. Not come across “the little 'Raid' tabs which fit on an electronic plate” so would like to try this next time we are there. Can this product be found for sale in supermarkets or where would it be best for look for it on sale ? We buy sprays to take with us but unfortunately there always seems to be at least 1 mozzie in the van at night.
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We survived potentially malarial mosquitos in a holiday beach hut in Sri Lanka with a colonial style mosquito net hanging over the bed. Amazon have them on sale for £8.99. They would work in a caravan.
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I lived in Queensland for many years and absolutely loved it. In fact, I'm still not sure why I came back. However, mozzies there fly in squadrons and seem to prefer some people to others. If they like you, get gallons of deterrent and don't rely on spacial things like sprays or electronic devices, although they do help. It might not be your favorite scent but it will help? stop you being bitten.
It isn't quite right, as mentioned above, about their flight endurance. Winds can give them a much larger nuisance range. The advice about lights is really, really good. In fact, its not a bad policy to have a citrus candle burning not too distant from you so the little sods go for that and not you.
I and many other people used to use Baygon on our mozzie screens. They hit the screen, eat the Baygon and die. You have to be careful that there is no gap though. They are very persistent. If they can get to you, they will. You mustn't let them ruin your life though.
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Been watching the progress of Tiger mosquitos for a few years now.
With the rapid colonisation of France, Spain and Italy by the new Asian Tiger mosquitos, the old rule book is now out the window.
These things hunt in the daytime and you MUST NOT allow yourselves to get bitten by them under ANY circumstances. Trouble is, who wants to have to cover up in the South of France whilst having a Barbie in the sun?
Don't suppose it will be that long before they cross the water in numbers to the U.K. I understand a few were found at a service Station in Kent last year .
Camping, caravanning and outdoor activates in general might be somewhat different in the future.
More details can by found on Google but be warned, you might be troubled by what you read.
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Mossies are attracted by the CO2 that we all breathe out. Lights are nothing to do with it.
Walk through a mossie area in pitch darkness and you will still get bitten. The candles disguise the CO2. Repellant makes your skin/smell unattractive to them when they arrive at your breath.
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Thanks all for info. Usually buy 'stuff' at Boots but will check out Amazon.
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Local news here in the Lot that they have not been seen yet this year.
We got Avon Skin so Soft from Amazon that works very well with midges and apparently according to some locals on mosquitoes we prefer to some of the chemical sprays although we also have Jungle formula spray and roll on which works.