Elusive paper camping cheques?

horizons Forum Participant Posts: 22

What has befallen the paper camping cheques please?  What is the best alternative besides ACSI. 



  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,899
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    edited April 2018 #2

    If you still have paper Cheques you can probably find a site which will still accept them, but you can't buy any more paper Cheques. 

    The cheaper overseas alternatives are plentiful - ACSI as you say, or this Club's own overseas site vouchers, or the electronic version of Camping Cheques on gold or silver cards,  or the Best Deal scheme,  or municipal sites, or the new Gamping plan , or the Camping Key card, or sites which operate their own 7 for 6 scheme, or one or two camp sites which give discount fares on Brittany Ferries, or Motorhome Aires , or the France Passion scheme.....or you can do as I do and ditch the lot and just go wherever you wish.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,506
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    edited April 2018 #3

    As ET says, the Aires, check out >Camper Contact< and >Camping Car Park<


  • pat norris
    pat norris Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited April 2018 #4

    Just thinking about getting an ACSI card because of possible discounts available according to their web-site. But you aren't selling it well to me. You suggest just go with the flow because it's easier and a lot less hassle? Sounds like my sort of trip I must admit, but I still enjoy a bargain if one is available.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,161
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    edited April 2018 #5

    Not sure I would think of any of these schemes as a bargain but more of a way of having certainty that prices will be within certain boundaries. Perhaps what ET is suggesting is that if you only get to involved with any of these schemes you could be denying yourself of some gems that are not in their system. For example there are some wonderful Municipal campsites in France that won't in these schemes and they are often very good value but they do require a bit more independent  research whereas the likes of ACSI give you the information on  a plate so to speak!


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2018 #6
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  • iansoady
    iansoady Club Member Posts: 420
    edited April 2018 #7

    I'm with eurortraveller on this one. We've had camping cheques and an ACSI card in the past but have rarely used them. We've had the best experiences on unassuming little municipals which often work out cheaper than either CC or ACSI.

    We do have a BestDeal card as it's free but has a very limited range of sites.

    One problem (purely psychological) is that if you have ACSI or whatever you tend to look for sites which accept it and are blinkered to perhaps better alternatives.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2018 #8
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