The easiest way to make touring cheaper
Why do you think having an opinion is not welcome, TF? We all have opinions and are all entitled to state them. Yours is as valid as anyone else’s. Being a forum, we go on to debate the pros and cons of those opinions.
The mods will deal with any undue friction or breach of guidelines without us posters attempting to steer them. Think of it another way - if people really want to be part of argument or friction, they will do it regardless of whether it’s in this thread or any other.
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great site, right by the beach
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It's your money it's your choice. Does it really matter any more than that?
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+ 1 but to some yes and if you don't do it their way...
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Which ones were they, John. We're always on the look out for Cl recommendations. We're on one at the moment with cracking views of hills & a loch, and the sun's shining too, what more can one ask for at £12 pn?
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TW, - Corners. I give up! You both know that I have never said that I am right and you are wrong, I merely tried to encourage debate on an issue that i believed was important to quite a few. But you have both sought to rubbish that effort and to be quite frank I'm tired of the effort.
Well done you have managed to stifle contrary thought to that of your own.
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Don't throw your toys out of the pram, just because not all of us agree with your views.
From what I see, nobody is trying to rubbish your effort, on the contrary, merely pointing out that you don't cut of your nose to spite your face....
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TF, I have no idea what brought that on and nothing could be further from the truth. I’m sorry you’ve got the wrong idea about my posts.
As for stifling debate, it was you who wanted to prevent further discussion by having the thread closed while I was all for letting it continue. Which one of us was trying to stifle debate?
Nobody is rubbishing what you say, we merely have different viewpoints.
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For what it's worth, I largely agree with the OP made by TF.
Money can be saved by using CL or CS sites instead of club sites. Money saving is the main reason we use CLs but for me they have other advantages. Obviously not everyone likes CLs but prefer to stay on club sites and pay the going rate.
It would be interesting to know how many members would leave the CMC if CLs were to disappear.
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Quite a lot, I suspect.
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You are absolutely right, Nevers, and money can often be saved by using cheaper sites of all types.
However, it originally appeared (to me) that the OP was advocating the use of CLs without even considering club sites although club sites can sometimes be cheaper than CLs. Then it transpired that the thread was an attempt to stop the club raising site fees so, in the end, I’m not too sure what the point was.
We each do what is right for us for our varying reasons and respect others’ choices.
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If CL’s were no longer an option I would immediately leave the club. The loss to the club would be quite significant as my insurance, red pennant (or equivalent), travel bookings, few nights a year on club sites would disappear as well. Multiply that by lots of others and club prices would have to rise further. Can’t see the club upsetting the status quo any time soon though.
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Personally, I look at where I want to go, and then consider the available options. This may be club sites, CL's, "the other club" sites, and commercial sites. We don't generally go away for more than two weeks at a time due to work commitments, never in school holidays, but sometimes for a bank holiday weekend. Weekends in general are no go for us as we'd only get one night away. If I like the look of a place, then I'll book it, regardless of whether it's the cheapest option. We don't spend thousands of pounds on far flung holidays and cruises like some people.
Some consideration must be given to the costs of maintaining the sites on the network, staff costs, new developments, provision of water and electricity, running the club HQ, booking systems etc. Some sites are obviously more popular and, therefore, generate more income which will, in turn, help to subsidise others.
It's up to individuals how much they want to pay, according to their budget, but I don't see that paying club site fees makes one stupid. It's a case of supply and demand. If you want it, you pay. If you don't, there are plenty of alternatives to choose from.
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If everybody took the OP's advice and stopped using the main sites, (not ever going to happen) think what would happen. (A rather ambiguous statement really)
The CC would close and the much loved CL's along with it......
Bit of a no brainer don't you think?...
Don't bite the hand that feeds you......
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add my agreement to that
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and + 1 for me, I agree money can saved in using cheaper sites, of course and everyone is entitle to decide for himself what to spend their money on.
I was objecting to is the belief held or shown by the OP that those that choose club sites and prices are somehow 'meek' and do not think about their decision to before spending their money. The OP cannot appear to accept that those that do pay the club price do so happily. This is evidenced by Tf giving further advice to all members on what to do before paying:
we as members should avoid paying whatever is asked of us without demure
Now demure is defined as modest, unassuming, meek, mild, reserved, retiring, quiet, shy, bashful, diffident, reticent, timid, timorous, so I assume he means demur which means raise objections or show reluctance
So what we all should do before paying is to raise objections or show reluctance. I find that offensive.
TF - what and how do you want us all to do this? A sharp intake of breath when seeing the price? Or perhaps pay the warden with a stern 'well I'll pay it this time but...' Neither of which will make any difference to the club. The only thing that will take the club take notice of your 'uncontrolled' price rises is empty pitches. As many sites continue to be full many would seem not to share your opinion of these prices being uncontrolled or indeed high?
As Yoda would say
Pitch or do not pitch, there is no demur.
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Hi everyone,
As always we value your feedback, thoughts and opinions but would ask that people please be respectful to others who may have a differing view. Please keep posts friendly and constructive as we want to keep Club Together a welcoming and informative place to be.
At the Club we appreciate that many people love touring across the UK. We have our wonderful CL network but we also try and keep Club Sites competitive too and have some great site offers for the benefit of tourers, holiday makers and for short getaways.
Have a look at our Great Value Summer Sites where we have sites from £14 per night or if you're holidaying with your children or Grandchildren check out our Family Summer Savers page with stays for a week from £98 for a family of four.
We also have a Mid Week Discount with 50% off standard pitch fees on any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday night at selected sites and dates. There are up to 50 sites to choose from in 2018 and 2019.
And if anyone doesn't need EHU, we are also now offering a 50% discount on non-electric economy pitches on 13 of our sites. Non-electric pitches start from just £10.10 per night (2 adults and a pitch).
I hope these options help make touring more affordable and people continue to enjoy our great Club Sites.
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A good post CS....
For me the most important factors when choosing a site are location, size & surface of pitch and the quality of the toilet block....
Time off work for us both is very precious indeed and price is immaterial within reason......
As you say, if club sites were ever empty they may look at prices, but that's not going to happen anytime soon....
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The site we booked today for May 2019 is 3.5% more expensive than this May. I don't really think that can be called an excessive rise. The CAMC are having to gestimate a year in advance, it would be difficult, possibly foolhardy, to go with a lower figure.
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Yes, I've just booked the same site at almost same time as this coming BH. My increase in the peak days on a SP is a total of 90p per night, that's 2.7%, hardly uncontrolled and excessive?
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Well we certainly have seen a lot of strong opinions expressed in this thread. There’s a theme of “everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but mine is the only correct one”. Meanwhile, cost seems to have overtaken many poster’s thinking, when suitability is surely significant to us all. Having spent many thousands of pounds on a leisure vehicle, it’s argued that we shouldn’t concern ourselves with high overnight costs. Aheeem, surely a luxurious van renders fancy site facilities unnecessary. I have friends who regularly go on expensive cruises and others who could afford to, but would rather stay in a field and walk in the woods. Yes CLs are generally cheaper than full facility club sites, and they are increasingly well appointed these days. The last C&MC site we stayed on was Baltic Wharf. Tight packed pitches contrasted with superb access to a lovely city. The last break we had was on a very spacious CL, adjacent to a fishing lake in rural Norfolk. Nirvana for me would be free camping in one of those remote locations used in advertising, next to a river, grass clipped short by grazing animals, magnificent views and sunny weather - oh, and not another van in sight. But like car advertisements showing sweeping mountain roads and effortless driving, it’s an illusiory vision, shot after waiting hours for a clear road and an epic journey to such idyllic scenery. Back here on Earth, places like the New Forest campsites offer a pleasingly natural and economic environment, adjacent to full facility, slightly crowded C&MC sites which, unsurprisingly, cost more. Our lower expenditure goes on simple rurality with a cycle ride into the nearest village for stores. While the big money buys self contained luxury on wheels.
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Couldn’t agree more Jenny- I have a nice van and an excellent towcar in a 23 yr old Toyota Surf. And because I have a nice modern van I have all the comforts of home. I don’t worry too much about whether the grass is 1” or 2” high- I am happy with a tap and a waste point- I really don’t mind walking to the water point- in fact, I quite enjoy it. Perhaps the loo emptying is not my favourite job but it’s called caravanning! My grey water, through my sump pump, is automatically pumped into a nearby ditch or other disposal point and my batteries are always full due to the SP. £5- -£8 a night on some of the most beautiful sites- What’s not to like? Non EHU has given me effortless booking and, sometimes a site to ourselves. Yes, I dismiss Club sites due to cost and other factors. I simply enjoy this pastime for what it is, I don’t need surburbia when I’m camping. I need a big open beautiful space, water, gas and a decent SP- anything else is just a bonus. 🤣🤣
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Those of us who camp alone often find that CMC main sites are better value than CLs or commercial sites as they (CLs and commercials)assume that there will be two adults in a unit and charge accordingly. The club sites policy of charging per person works out better for us. As a motorhomer aires are the best sites of all and more of them are being established in the UK.
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A point that was made several times in another thread, BM. It’s good to hear verification.👍🏻
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Just a general comment really. I agree with many of the comments above. It seems to me that we are lucky to have such a wide choice. I would not want to be without the C&MC Club sites for their location, such as Baltic Wharf and Crystal Palace (sadly closing in December) and of course Trewethet Farm not to mention many others. I appreciate the consistent standard of caravan club sites, sometimes in comparison with other commercial sites, I also very much like CL's although the emailing and booking is not as easy particularly where deposits are required. I do try to avoid caravan club sites during the school holidays, purely because of the high charges. I have also started using adult only sites, not because I have any problem with families and children, I have been a teacher most of my career, but I do get tired of skate boards and bicycles constantly whizzing along the access roads on caravan club sites at speed, Disasters have already happened. These sites can charge a premium, although Morris Leisure do a worthwhile 'three nights for two' out of season. I can recommend Llanberis as it is affiliated! I think sometimes wardens are in impossible situations because everyone wants and is entitled to have an enjoyable holiday. I have sometimes thought there might be a way of zoning as Morris Leisure do on some sites to keep an adults only area as well as a family friendly area. I hope we can all support each other and think of each other as we enjoy our well earned breaks!
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Each to their own but surely The cheapest way to make touring cheaper is not to go anywhere and stay at home. We use club and non club sites and there are examples of both we would not return and thought overpriced. A recent stay on a private site near Stratford was as expensive as a club fully serviced pitch and yet the site facilities and set up was archaic and would not recommend it. Clearly from the reviews plenty of customers thought the site was acceptable. We have friends who are happy to stay on sites with minimal poor quality facilities and boast how cheap it is. We want comfort, an element of luxury, privacy, a site with character and will pay for that.