Time for reduced rate for "small" campers
I don't really think there is a lot of difference to allowing surface type booking, which a lot of folk have been calling for. If that is brought in there will almost certainly be a rush for it and the grass will remain unclaimed. Hopefully made attractive by a discount and maybe let at the last minute if the weather is good.
The CAMC I feel needs to do something, they have changed the name to reflect growing MH use, they need to change a few other things if they don't want to loose market share. Currently, although not liking it, I am OK if I end up on grass and at 7.34m free to use most pitches. However, we are looking at changing to a small MH. Under the current booking arrangements the CAMC will be loosing a significant number of them.
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Nobody has mentioned that some pitches have a better view than others, so why not charge a premium for that. Or extra to be near the toilet (human or dog), or the CWP, or playground, not under the birds' popular trees, away from the bins. We could probably to manage to have a different price for every pitch on a site, or even on the network.
Oh - and charge less for long stayers as they don't run over the grass verges as much!!
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It’s an additional complication to choosing a surface, Steve. It’s another option entirely.
Changing to a small MH, eh? You know what cynics will conclude over your discount for small pitches stance.
Grass is fine for a MH in good weather. Out of summer, either the grass pitches aren't open or we go to an all HS site.
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That’s not a 'small MH' in my book, Steve.
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"...but if you can get the pitch size you want (large or small) then great, happy customers....and no 'grumbling' when you see a large pitch with a small camper on it..."
Want to bet on it?
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You need new batteries in you hearing aid, T.
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Very rare for us as well.....we have Site and pitch selection down to a fine art nowadays!
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No time to read all posts. Just dip in now and again. This made me laugh out loud so thanks for that.
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That's because the question is incorrectly phrased.
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When you look at your outfit in my profile it states :-
Shipping length in metres, including the drawbar and hitchDoes it not ask for that when you first put it in? It's a while so I can't remember. The description seems clear enough to me. Also I seem to remember I just selected my van and it put the figures in and I then had to amend the height, because we have a sat dome.
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that's a good point Steve, we have not considered the height of outfits in this at all
I mean taller outfits have more space to heat and therefore use more electricity?
So what about a discount for better insulation?
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well I think we have reached a consensus here? It is the level of insulation not dimensions that should incur a discount?
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you mean keep things as they are? I suppose it's a fair system...
well OK then
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All through this thread and others, is the fact that the CMC are still failing to supply enough pitches of the correct design to cater for their diversive customer base. The CMC management are stuck in the 1960's and are failing to take into account the changes that are happening within the leisure camping industry.
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And your kennel will only need a very small pitch so you’ll be in line for a huge discount. In fact, they may pay you to use club sites, Husky.
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Club sites are all dog friendly camps.
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That’ll be why they’ve changed the name to be more inclusive and why they’re branching out into pods. Yep, good try, K.