What are you all up to
Another scorcher at the B/yd today ,but the breeze went round from thast chilly Easterly of yesterday ,to a South to S/Westerly today,much nicer !! Strimming and assisting on a neighbours plot today,and assisting in setting up a mainsail.,,always something !!
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I was too quick with my response, above, as we had the Grandfather of a thunderclap just on midnight...boy, was the van shaking!! Then hailstones and heavy rain till the storm passed away about 1:30. Today we've had rain on and off, although we managed a couple of 3 ml walks in the dry, but it's raining heavily again.
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We seem to have missed the rain and thunderstorms here, shame I like thunderstorms. We've not had it hot enough I guess, we don't often get them here.
What did I do today, well I went to see Mum as usual on a Sunday, then did a shop at Tesco's for things I like from there. Bit of lunch, bit of housework, tidied my sewing cupboard out.
OH stripped the waste water pipes off the MH and brought them into the house for me to clean (aren't I lucky) horrible gungy mess inside, yet we rarely use the kitchen sink for doing dishes. All now nice and clean and free from gunge
all he has to do tomorrow is re-fit them, should be good for a laugh trying to work out how they all fit back together
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Safe journey back Oneputt. It sounds as though you have had a good few days away.
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I love them, when we lived in Germany we used to get some real humdingers.
Watching one through the windows one day and noticed our, across the street neighbours car, being pounded by huge hailstones. The car was a VW Golf and it certainly looked like a golf ball when it was over.
Hope your MH roof didn't suffer any damage.
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Awoke to glorious morning but it had clouded over by 1030, breezy and dry certainly not cold but breeze has an edge. Cake made, house cleaned OH working on our garden, believe it or not a small crack has appeared in the grass by the flowerbed 😲😲. After lunch off to finish cleaning motorhome, oh to have somewhere on the storage to wash it - that space has been let out to crashed car folks 😤😭.
Also booked tickets for Tina Turner at the Aldwych Theatre in November, day after OH birthday so his gift sorted. Our usual courier so 10 minutes walk to pick up point, drop off outside the theatre 😃. Had seen it advertised but Weekend Woman's Hour had something on about it, couldn't hear the difference between Tina and the show actress 😲
Still faffing with energy supplier, but he fried brain clearing just got to chat to OH before committing.
Really dislike/terrified thunder storms, good job were not all the same 😉
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OH has been gardening all morning....haven't inspected the work yet...
I have to put up with my toothless experience till tomorrow. Our dentist starts work at 7.15am and I'd missed the last early slot today as I didn't realise the reception was open then too. They finish work earlier and other dentists take over. Will have to get up early tomorrow.
Now waiting for plumber to sort a bit of the DIY that OH has decided not to do, quite tricky pipe work and electrics going on. DIY has taken over at the moment.
Bakers2, I was reading a review for the Tina Turner thingy and it sounded very good.
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They have certainly paid out in the past.
About 30 or so years ago they had hailstones the size of golf balls at Oscroft in Cheshire. Apart from smashing just about every pain of glass in F-in-L's greenhouse one actually smashed through a double glazed bathroom window with enough force to crack the wash basin. I reckon such force could be fatal
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As far as I know yes, I remember someone on CT (I think) saying they had roof and side damage to a caravan by hailstones which was repaired at the insurance cost.
Guess its something else to check out with insurance companies when renewing.
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Another lovely sunny day in East Kent at the B/yd.A little high cloud and a slight S.W breeze .Assisting in fencing off another plot owners area with S.H sheep/stock netting ,to deter trespassers/ramblers.Then lifting heavy timbers with the "Case" onto his container,easy peasy .
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Had a successful start to the day
. Got Aged Sis to use her 'Blue Badge' today -- normally she prefers to use a normal car park space, at MY expense of course
. But not complaining 'cos it gave her some exercise while under observation. This time tho' she accepted Orders & got the job done with good grace. Only bought enough Moggy Food to last 'til I get back in early June, then we can try again
. then I got started on the real loading of t' van with only the heavy/expensive stuff & a few gallons of fresh & sterilised water to go tomorrow.
{ had to post all this, just so Triky Auto ain't the only one working hard & successfully today
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Much breezier and cooler today. Good weather for getting jobs done. We have finished painting our living room, ceiling, coving, walls and gloss all done
. Now we are just putting everything back - no not everything, there is a serous cull going on. We have a major ptoblem. Our little female cat won't use her bed ( which she loves) because I have washed her bedding.
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Glad you got your decorating finished millie, isn't it nice when it all looks fresh and clean. Shame about the cat bed not liking her bed after you washing it, though I'm sure she will soon get back to loving it.
The next door neighbours cat seems to have adopted us, she keeps coming in to visit at every opportunity (usually to beg food) today it was because it was raining. I had put the sewing machine on the dining room table in preparation of doing sewing. Put the material next to it to make covers, turned my back for 5 minutes to find the cat fast asleep on top of the material. Hadn't the heart to wake her up so found something else to do until she woke up.
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It really does seem that these flippin' felines have an instinctive dislike of recently washed cat bedding. However it has not failed to be noticed that should Aged Sister's moggie, a k a Alfie find a pile of newly washed, preferably ironed, human sized bedding, then KERPLUNK & zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ! Not even the opening of a new packet of "Dreamies" { other cat fattening titbits are available } causes him to stir at all.
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Since OH doesn't take full length ball gowns when we go away in the MH, I spent yesterday making a couple of shelves with fiddles to go in the bottom half of the wardrobe. It's amazing the number of little customisations that I am finding to do on this MH to get it exactly as we want it.
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Got up very early to go to the dentist, now have a patched up tooth base. I can either go without a tooth, have it pinned with a crown or have an implant. Since Denplan won't cover implants (I wonder why?!) I have to make a decision next time and the dentist will have checked through things too. Even with Denplan this is going to cost me something....
Other than that a coolish day, more DIY, the plumbers were brilliant yesterday and got some work done in record time, OH has been spared some extra work. Now off to buy some tomato plants, I have a greenhouse full of growing seeds but haven't got round to tomatoes this year.
As for DREAMIES, don't mention them, our cat is addicted!!
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We packed up and left Bromyard early yesterday, after a fabulous few days away. Dumped caravan back into storage on the way home, then for me it was straight off to work,
OH and his friend went off to collect his " new toy" a 1976 MGB GT which is his next DIY project
May post progress pictures.
We released the mouse the we finally found in the garage, it had been in there for a while but we hadn't been able to find it. It's nest was in OH'S fishing net bag, so the net has a few Extra holes now!
I haven't caught up with all posts yet but hopefully will catch up with what everyone has been up to.
Off shopping now, as the fridge is rather empty, we managed last night on what I found in the freezer.
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I know what you mean, we have had the Touareg over a year now and there are still things on it we have no idea how to work!
The handbook is very thick.
The most annoying thing, according to OH, is that there seems to be no way to switch off the radio, you can only turn down the volume, and then of course you get low sound level on the phone using Bluetooth.
And do not even mention trying to use the sat nav!