Springador Puppy
That’s dogs for you! They’ll eat anything.
I'm sure he will soon be over it, Rich.
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Elderly friends of ours have a Border Collie and some months ago now, it became ill with some sort of bowel problem - passing blood etc. Taken to the vets who thought it was possibly colitis and treated it accordingly but it didn't get any better. Weeks went past and our friends were getting increasingly concerned as numerous trips to the vets didn't seem to be curing the problem. A couple of weeks ago, husband comes back from the garden with a piece of screwed up newspaper to show his wife the contents - looking very pleased with himself. Inside it was what she could only describe as a disgusting green mess which clearly, had been at one time, a full size tennis ball which their dog had just deposited on the lawn. One can't imagine the amount of pain the poor dog must have been in. Thankfully Amie, the Collie, has now fully recovered.