
Madpink Club Member Posts: 2
edited February 2018 in Introductions #1

Hi everyone

Were new to Caravanning, we have always gone camping but we took the plunge and brought a caravan, we picked her up last Saturday and I love her already so any hints and tips we be much appreciated.

Thanks 😊😊


  • ChrisRogers
    ChrisRogers Forum Participant Posts: 435
    edited February 2018 #2


    Just take it easy at first, until you get used to things, make a list of items you have forgotten for your next time out. Caravans are not just for summer, use it all year round, try out the small CL's for more choice, some are very basic with just a tap and toilet empty point, others will have just EHU or toilets as well, they are cheaper, so more outings.

    The main thing is to get out and enjoy

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2018 #3

    Welcome  to  the  "Fun  Factory ",  Mp  !!

    Not  going  to  tell  you  how  to  suck  eggs,  but  if  you  browse / trawl  thro'  various  threads  on  here  you'll  get  loads  of  answers,  some  to  questions  you  didn't  think  to  ask,  but  if  you  do  have  unanswered  Q's  find  a  promising  looking  thread  &  pop  your  question  on  there !!

    Just  DO  NOT  BUY  EVERYTHING  YOU  THINK  YOU  MUST  HAVE  experienced  Caravanners / motorhomers  have  a  shed ( at  least )  full  of  Vital unused  bits n bobs  they  cannot  get  rid  of  !!

    Think  carefully  and  then  think  again   !  If  you  can  get  a  short  break  at  a  site ( Clubs  own  or  CL )  not  far  from  home  you  can  always  nip  back    and  find  what  you  need.  You  will  probably  need  the  240volt  Electric Hook Up  25 metre long  cable ( Normally  orange )  if  you  do  need  mains,  some  Toilet  Fluid,  and  a  Good  Sense  Of  Humour.  { Laughing  at  oneself  is  MANDATORY  for  the  first  forty  years laughing   }

    As  Chris  R  said  --  Go  thee  &  enjoy  yourselves  cool



  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,908
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited February 2018 #4

    Hi madpink.  Welcome to Club Together and to the world of caravanning.  Do let us know how you are getting on and feel free to ask any questions - plenty of sections to choose from.
