Changing Quoted Text

Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,847
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edited February 2018 in How to use Club Together #1

I recently noticed that when a member recently quoted another member, the quotation staying in the grey box, that the text was different from the original. I didn't think this was possible but is it?

I know that copied text can be amended, but obviously shouldn't be, but was very surprised to see the above. I hasten to add that the context of the quote wasn't affected, so can see no reason to suppose that the replying member would gain anything by being able to change it, but am left puzzled.


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited February 2018 #2

    Try as I might I can’t alter your quoted post in any way, WN.

    What happened to me once was that I edited my post but, in the time it took me to do that, someone quoted and replied to my original post with the result that the original and the quoted posts were different. I wonder if that's what happened in the case you refer to.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,847
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    edited February 2018 #3

    No, TW. I can promise you that the quoted text was from one member and the reply from another. Saw it twice, same member replying but two different members who were quoted. Just wondered whether anything like predictive text can alter a quoted text but the outcome of both quotes was to reduce or even miss out some section of text. 


  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,753
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    edited February 2018 #4

    Before the "revamp" it was possible to change text within a quoted text, but AFAIK not since then.

    Must admit that I found that quite useful, when replying to a long post, so that it was obvious which bit of a post was being referred to.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,847
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    edited February 2018 #5

    Ina, I'm talking about changing something in the above quoted grey box not copying part of a text and then pasting it. Are you talking about the same thing, ie changing text in the grey box?

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,753
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    edited February 2018 #6

    Yes, I am.  You used to be able to click the "quote" button, then you could delete text from the quote. I found that very useful, particularly in the case of a long post, as it meant my reply post, together with the quoted part, didn't fill half a page in some cases!

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited February 2018 #7

    You're right, Ina, and it was stopped when the site was relaunched due to people being misquoted by the quote being altered.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited February 2018 #8

    Sorry, you've completely lost me. frown

    Surely the quoted text is bound to be from a different poster than the one who replies? 

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,753
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    edited February 2018 #9

    Yes, unfortunately, at times, it wasn't being used correctly, and was open to abuse.  Using it in the right way I still maintain it was useful.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,847
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    edited February 2018 #10

    Sorry, TW. 

    On 2 separate occasions I have seen quoted texts change from the original. The first time the text actually changed. It was a very short sentence that became shorter and a new word was introduced.

    The second time was one where text was omitted. The same member was the person doing the replying.

    In both occasions the meaning of the quotes were not altered by the changes. Hope this is a bit clearer.

    I didn't know that you could do that on the previous forum.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited February 2018 #11

    A quote of mine was altered on the previous forum, WN, and it changed the sense of what I wrote. 

    I still think the scenario I described in my first post above could explain what you saw but it’s quite a coincidence that the same poster was involved in both instances. 

    Why not ask Rowena about it. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,154
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    edited February 2018 #12

    Is it possible that the original post has been edited after being quoted? In such circumstances I don't think it would automatically change in the quoted text in another post. I had always thought that there was a time limit on editing posts. I can't test that as a Mod as I have those rights anyway. Sometimes Mods will edit an original post if they see a typo. Or someone has posted an exceptionally long web address rather than using the link button. Very rarely a post may be edited as it breaks the T&C's of the forum.


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited February 2018 #13

    Cropping quotes from long posts are better dealt with by copying and pasting with the quoted text being italicised to differentiate rather than straightforward 'quoting'.

  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
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    edited February 2018 #14

    If you edit the quote after the event (but within the allowed timescale) then does it change in the quote or not).  Trying it now!

  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
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    edited February 2018 #15

    Just trying it to see!  Will add a different comment to the original post I've quoted above.  No it appears not to - as I've just added 'Trying it now' to the original but it hasn't appeared in the quote.

    On other forums I've seen people copy some text, format the background (add the colour) and then paste it into their post, but that isn't possible on this forum, I've just tried it.

  • johndailey
    johndailey Forum Participant Posts: 520
    edited February 2018 #16

    Could somebody help me out here and tell me what AFAIK means or stands for please?

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited February 2018 #17

    As Far As I Know JD

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,847
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    edited February 2018 #18

    If David K or Rowena wants to contact me on my email, details of which should be available to them then I will tell them where the posts can be found.

    I don't want to cast aspersions against the poster if there is an innocent explanation for it.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2018 #19

    It's always worth querying things WN, strange things happen on line.

  • johndailey
    johndailey Forum Participant Posts: 520
    edited February 2018 #20

    Thank you Easy T.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,907
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    edited February 2018 #21

    I have to agree Ina.  I found it quite useful to just quote the bit of the post I was referring to.  I can't edit quoted posts at all now though.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2018 #22

    I think we've been spared some of those awful multiple quotes. Some still takes part quotes out, copy and requote. I'm never keen on words taken out of context so I am happy with the improvement. 

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,753
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    edited February 2018 #23

    Agree with the first sentence, sometimes a whole page just consisted of multiple quotes with only a smiley posted by the latest poster, and nothing of any note!  That is a vast improvement.

    I still think that, used correctly, being able to crop text within a quote, was useful.  But of course it was also very easy to selectively crop text and then a post could end up by being misinterpreted.  As it is now, I have sometimes just copied and pasted part of a post into my reply, to make it clear what part I am responding to.  And of course that too can be selectively done, if people want to do that.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,154
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    edited February 2018 #24


    The non staff mods don't have any access to member details, our editing is limited to what you see posted on the forum. Can I ask, did you feel that the change in wording made a difference to the meaning of what was originally posted? I will highlight this to Rowena to see if she can throw any light on it and she may well contact you direct, or alternatively you could contact her on the Community Manager e-mail.


  • cariadon
    cariadon Forum Participant Posts: 861
    edited February 2018 #25

    I typed a response to a comment recently, posted it but immediately decided to edit it as it didn't make sense, but it had been quoted before I had time to repost it.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,847
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    edited February 2018 #26

    In answer to your question David, then as I said in my Opening Post the context of the quote wasn't affected. This is why I am merely asking how it can be done and I can see Cariadons explanation as being one that is reasonable, hence my wish not to accuse anyone of altering it. 

    If there is another way it can be done then that indeed might lead to problems. 

    It is merely an anomaly in the forum that came to when waking up on Sunday. Strange what happens in our

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited February 2018 #27

    That’s the scenario I’ve been describing since the start of the thread. 

    It's happened to me as well.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited February 2018 #28

    Agree, you described the only scenario that is possible on the first page, that is being quoted by anyone whilst the original is being edited by the 'owner' within the time out limit.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,154
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    edited February 2018 #29

    There is no shortage of anomalies on this forum  surprised  so it looks, as some suspected and others experimented with that a later edit on an original  post that has already been quoted does not change the wording in the quote. As I mentioned earlier I have raised this with Rowena so she may be able to provide a bit more information.
