Changes since the February Update

Firstly, can anyone from the club state whether any of the maintenance actually affects CT, if so where we should see improvements?
Secondly, sometimes when looking at a thread, the actual space where members have posted elongates, almost doubling in size. Not on all threads, just occasionally. Anyone else seen this happening?
I have found that when double spacing occurs if you refresh the screen the spacing reduces to normal
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If they had sacked all the IT people eighteen months ago, the site would work better than it does now.
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Then maybe not!!
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Just had double spacing on this thread when I post my response above, but now it's gone back to normal spacing.....very strange.
OOPs it's now gone back to double spacing. again!!!!!
Now it's single spacing again. What the h*ll's going on?
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So THAT'S why there's a couple of Dirty Great Big Hairy Blokes ahammering on my door
And now I've gone all green in places !!
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The more they fiddle with it, the more they screw it up.
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Oh joy.......another maintenance attempt gone bottoms up!
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lets get it straight, the IT team don't have a clue what they are doing and we have all been saying this for some time now and never seen a reply from them ever. somebody some years ago in the office said "I know a bit about computers" so the boss said right, your our new IT department, get on with it. don't know any other club to get so much wrong and never listen to its members. even the mags a waste of paper.
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You can opt out of having the mag delivered & get it through an app----->>>>>
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Before getting all personal with the IT department, no-one here knows the circumstances or what they are told they have to work with. They are employees within the structure and maybe, just maybe have to work with what is available to them.
Until a decision from above is made regarding something different, they too could well be as frustrated as we the users.
What is unforgivable is the countless apologies we get, plus the promise of feeding back to the appropriate department but it's a one way road.
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I would think that the I.T. upgrade was for the clubs computer network hence done Friday evening till Saturday evening while East Grinstead was shut & no one on the computers
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Is anyone else having a problem getting into the CL search system? I click on Search CL and nothing happens. I refresh the page and start again and nothing happens. So I basically cannot access the Search CL section at this moment in time. Is it just me?