What have you seen
Great photos, BM. Not been fortunate yet to see one, but keep on hoping.
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Hi Micky
The rare bird alert is showing a possible glossy ibis sighting near Stockton on Tees if that is anywhere near enough for you.
Check for a confirmed sighting and local bird bloggers.
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You are welcome Micky, had not heard about the wheatear.
If you or anyone else are near to the Severn Bridges, it might be worth a visit to the Old Ferry, for those of a certain age, known as Aust Warth these days, Short Eared Owls can be seen hunting for voles just before dusk.
Watched over today by a couple of Jackdaw.
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Thanks Pliers.
It's been a very rewarding week. The Pendulines and SEO's have had many visitors in the last couple of weeks. Very interested to see on the Scotish wildlife show this week that the Ptarmigan and Mountain Hares actually seek out areas to share with humans to deter the Eagles. Not sure it applies to the Owls.
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Lovely afternoon down on Ham Street Nature Reserve, seeing Ferruginous Duck and a Scaup along with plenty of over-wintering wildfowl, many of them paired off or trying to be. A lesser Redpoll was also a bonus.
Highlight of the day was undoubtedly the evening Mumuration of the thousands and thousands of Starlings as they came into roost, a splendid sight and a tick off my bucket list.
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Today at Leighton Moss - a Marsh Harrier, an otter (swimming and on land), two Greater White Egrets, marsh and willow tits, ducks, ducks, ducks, cormorants and ducks, plus the most fantastic murmuration of starlings (horizon to horizon filled with birds, swooping, looping, filtering off, regrouping) - just awesome, moving, and nearly brought me to tears! Even better was that they'd all landed in the reed beds to the side of the causeway on our way back to the way out, and were fluttering in the reeds, giving rise to the most amazing chattering and 'hummmmmmmmmmmm' of wings plus the smell (of birds)!
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Nice shot OP
Is this a female or male. I have not seen a female yet, the one that visits our garden is a lighning fast male that swoops through in a split second. It has only landed twice when I have been home.
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Must be an impressive bird then OP.
We have a violent power struggle at the end of our neighbours garden today. The magpies that have nested for the last 4 years are being challenged by a pair of carrion crow for the nest. Looks like the crows are getting the upper hand, one is on patrol fending off the defending magpies while the other is re-arranging the nest.
There is usually a daily battle between these species as there are 8 pairs of magpies nesting around us and any number of crows show up whenever there is any conflict. Makes for an interesting interlude on a murky day.
Update - Magpies now back in control.
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We've been out for lunch at Abbotsbury Sub tropical Gardens in Dorset today. Due to some improvement works to the shop area we paid a nicely reduced £5 entrance fee for two (using our Gardeners World card. ) There is always something to see in the gardens. My phone photos can vary on CT but here goes.
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I'm just looking eastwards from my window at the moment and the "Blue Moon" is swiftly rising. As there's also going to be also an eclipse it should be interesting around the world but not here...the eclipse won't be visible.
Edit....Moulesy might see it in Costa Rica.
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Thanks for the heads up Brue, I will look out for a view.
I paid a visit to the Severn Estuary to check the Short Eared Owls out as the afternoon brightened up
Unfortunately there was little to see on the SEO front, but a very very distant Kestrel had picked up it's supper just before sunset by the second severn crossing.
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Weather forecast was good for today, so we went to Leighton Moss RSPB reserve. Of course it rained, but we had a good day regardless. Great views of otters and marsh tits + all the usual suspects. Year list looking a bit healthier now 😊.
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We were there on Friday last week - on the most fantastic clear and sunny day. We saw an otter swimming, and on land, marsh tits, blue tits, great tits, chaffinch, a solitary bullfinch, two great egrets, herons, a marsh harrier - and the best murmuration of starlings that staff there had seen recently!
We've seen a lot of birds already this year!
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What a treat.......just lucky to look through window at the right moment when these Redpolls turned up, a first for my garden.
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Missed the programme OP
what do we spend it on?
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Wow, that is quite a stat.
Do we buy a load more or just get charged a whole lot more per bag.
Does this suggest that the european birds are starving or do we overfeed?
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Likewise, but at more than twice the rest of europe combined is surprising, just caught it on catch- up.
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Agree. When we're away in the 'van in France / Holland etc I usually buy a bag of "no mess birdfood " from a local supermarket, for use on site.
The price is about the same as I'd pay here.
We feed the birds in our small garden, it's amazing the numbers of species we see regularly on the feeders. Love to see them. Well worth the few £s or €s for the pleasure it gives, and the help it gives to the birds.