Coniston Park Coppice - from the North?

Thinking of going to this site but we would be coming from the North is it possible to do so.
I know the club says to arrive where possible from the South but this would put miles on it.
Is it possible to use the A593 from Ambleside? we will be a Bailey MH with a car on tow are the roads to narrow.
TG. We took the Ambleside route with our M/H, it was ok, both approaches are a bit narrow as you get towards the site so it's a slowish run on the final bit. Good that arrival times are different so you can get there early if it fits in with your plans.
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Hello TG, done that site and the road to Ambleside many times. If anyone has a caravan or a MH towing something then don't come from Ambleside. It is narrow and narrow on some curve and with a caravan you'll be stuck if anyone is coming the other way - unless you are outstanding in reversing your caravan, and even then you'll have a few cars right behind you.
With a MH it looks possible. As BB says the route down the M6 is better and less stressful.
A good site, have you been before? Lots of trees and it slopes downhill to the lake, so pitch at the flat part at the top which is more open if you like more light. It's a pleasant walk into the village (and then on to the Old Man?) and not too touristy.
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There's very narrow tricky parts whichever way you approach Park Coppice but we've always followed the recommended route.
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we did that route (A593) last year , as the others say ,it's a bit tricky in places , but used that route a couple of times (M/H is 2.2M wide ) ,and didn't have any real issues, but you will be towing a car so might be best to take the longer route ,
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Thanks everyone for your comments most helpful. Have decided though that we will try the other clubs site at Keswick. We have recently joined them so thought we would give a try.
Corners thanks for the info on where to pitch for level and open spaces will remember that when we do eventually go (later in the year now)
I know Keswick is in a different part of the lakes but as we've not done much there at all so we will still enjoy it for a couple of days.
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If you don't fancy Fish and Chips then try the Star Hotel, reportedly the thinnest detached Hotel in the UK. On the main street. Staff were decent when we were there a few weeks ago attending a funeral and Mrs.WN's cousin (local lad) says food generally good as he knows chef.
You should like the C&CC site in Keswick, easy access to the town.
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Have a good time in Keswick TG, Been before? I would recommend the Old Keswickian for fish and chips either eat out or upstairs. For teas try Bryson's or the tea room in George Fisher.
The best attraction in the area, apart from bagging a few Wainwrights is, IMHO the Honister slate mine, with their underground tours which are easy gradients or if you are are adventurous their via Ferrata, not sure if a MH should or could make it up Honister pass but there is a bus from Keswick.
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I'd rather try that than the Hard Knott pass.
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very true, actually on the road from Honister to Buttermere there are always a few motor homes parked up by the wide gravel areas by the stream. Maybe the have come from the west/north through along Crummock water or maybe Newlands pass?
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Never had a problem coming from the north,bus's ,coach's ,lorries all sorts make it, none of it is single track some people worry too much,it is not a problem.
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Wow! thanks everyone for your suggestions.
Corners, not been to much in the Lakes area we are usually just passing through on our way south. We did stay once for a few days at Troutbeck that was years ago though, so still have lots to discover.
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Even the road from the south is not great, especially if you meet a bad driver on a tight bend, we have the scars to prove it!
Coniston is not a site we would return to, far too gloomy.
We plan to try the CCC Keswick one this year, it seems very popular so hope we can get booked. Dates not sorted yet.
For a south Lakes stopover coming north, we now use Meathop Fell.
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It is a while since we were at Coniston, September 2012, and the weather was not great, but the overall impression was of gloom on our pitch. There were some more open pitches, but not many, and they were all taken.
The damage to the caravan did not help either!
At Meathop the area we used was very open, but there are indeed bits further into the site that have more trees, so our impressions are obviously greatly influenced by where we end up getting pitched, and what the weather is like!
Kendal is another site we found gloomy.
I see CCC has a second site near Keswick, Derwentwater, is there much to choose between the two?
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it isn't a double decker
more like a minibus