The Pointless Page
Yes. My plan is to travel in the afternoon in daylight. If I can get to the dealer at about 4.30 p.m. the charge will be completed by 5.30 p.m. ready to start my 6 p.m. shift. I usually start at 6 p.m. The dealer in Portslade is very close to where I work in Lancing and even closer to some of my customers in Shoreham.
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I can't see how the sites can charge any more than the normal site fee for a slow charge using your caravan three pin socket?
Trips out in the day would be very easy. Short trips for shopping etc. would use very little charge that could easily be topped up on return to the caravan.
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At the moment there are only a few cars being charged, but when more and more are doing it then the caravan sites will have to look and see if their infrastructure can cope with the extra demand. Older sites will have to invest in new equipment etc which will all have to be paid for. There is a saying which is true " there's nothing for free" you pay for it somewhere.
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They certainly can Malcolm. Some sites forbid the use of electric heaters in the awning. A site owner can take the view that, particularly in summer, the electricity use that he has budgeted for is minimal. He can choose to forbid charging of vehicles or take the view that vehicles might use up to £2 a night to charge and price accordingly for those wishing to hook up the car to caravan.
If I was running a CL I might well take that view.
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If they did charge extra, they would have to charge extra everytime you plug in any appliance into a three pin socket. How can they differentiate between a plug for a 2 kw or 3 kw kettle to a plug for an electric car? It is no different. Both use the same socket. Our Alde heating can run on 3 kw too! It would not be practical to differentiate between one plug and another whether it's an electric car or an electric kettle! Is the site owner going to get up in the middle of the night, with a torch and come inside your caravan or awning to see what you have plugged in? I doubt it!
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How can they say 'No electric heating in the awning' Malcolm. Terms and conditions is how. Same with charging an EV.
Do you intend to charge your EV on site sir? If yes that will be an additional £2 a night sir. Pretty simple really Malcolm
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Why would he wish to come into your awning Malcolm. Would you park your car in there? Why should he need to check Malcolm. He would have asked if you were going to charge an EV. If you said no and were dishonest he can simply look at the car.
On sites which forbid electric heaters in awnings f found to be using one you would be asked to leave and not return. Same thing really
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I started the thread Charging cars on site so that at discussions would be in one place. I am as guilty as others to bring the discussion on this site, but it seems to have become more about charging the vehicle but about the finances, savings etc of the said vehicle and owner. can I suggest that Malcolm starts his own thread so that hopefully it will all be in the same place, hope this does not become a pointless post.
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Although whatshisname is in cloud cuckoo land, he has a right to post wherever as everyone has a right to reply. If the mods think its in keeping with the forum then I guess everything is ticketyboo
and lets face it DIY, brussel sprouts, shopping and the weather is hardly riveting stuff
Pointless me pointing this out really
but like EV's, it keeps the forum ticking over
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Thats if you are not in a queue of others who have been taken in by the offer of "free😅"fast charges they wiil be doing, ready for journey to work next day , as they , like countless others will not have access to charge at their home address😢
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He'll be alright G, he can huddle down under all those heated pizza delivery bags, and he won't starve either!
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I tend to agree with you but as someone else said on another thread "nothing is going to stop it" I don't recall Malcolm ever starting a thread but you never know.
Personally I prefer sprouts but they seem a bit old hat as we head to New Africa, China and outer Mongolia....
I wish you all a very Happy New Year.
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Thankfully the turkey is finished and definitely no sprouts until next
Year. Tomorrow will have Welsh Beef roast dinner, with Venison pate to start and a winter berry pavalova as desert. Then an afternoon watching Pointless on TV.
Blwyddyn Newydd dda. Happy New Year.
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Sometimes I don't get home until midnight. Are you trying to suggest that the site owner is going to get out of bed and come over from his warm house into the cold night just to check whether an electric car is plugged into a 3 pin socket at 01:00 in the morning? How ridiculous! He would be the laughing stock if he behaved in that way and most probably no-one would want to stay on such as a site. Don't forget, caravanners can move to other sites if they are unhappy with the T&Cs!
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Yes, if the fridge is on at the same time! Once the control panel is working, it can be switched over to gas.
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You might lose your customers if you did take that view, EasyT. Lancing Fruit Farm charges £12 a night which is £84 per week. That's three-quarters of my pay from Pizza Hut! If the fee went higher, I would need to move elsewhere.
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Just listening to radio 4 about China not wanting any more of our waste plastics and the attempt to stop single use plastics. The club has an advert with a plastic straw in use. I suspect China exports quite a bit of cheap plastic to us but they don't want it back.