Booking crashed
I've just checked Castleton 11.15 pm there's plenty of availability , did your scroll down all the pitch types , as you move from month to month it does change to orange for a second , then returns to normal .👍
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Some interesting replies to both my post yesterday on Castleton and Seacroft. I only have my mobile phone at present and this morning i can't seem to log onto the site booking system.
I'm on Castleton site at the minute, I'll pop into the office and check.
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The Club seems to struggle to make the simplest of changes BB so I wouldn't hold out much hope of seeing anything happen. It is appalling that to cope with “Frenzy Day” functionality has to be so reduced. It is indicative of not enough resources and does make one wonder that if functionality has to be so reduced, how is it possible to run programs to obtain meaningful statistics for management from the system?
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For the life of me l can't understand why we have to have this first booking day, why can't we just book 2018 hols in advance, is it because people would block book and then cancel if not required, if so then l am afraid the only way round it is to have a deposit system and if you cancel transfer the deposit to another site, surely that would stop this ludicrous over booking
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It would appear at least two issues affect how quickly/successfully you can obtain a booking, and neither are under control of the Club. One is broadband connection, the other is how familiar/careful users are when looking at layout of booking system. A lot of the complaints and criticisms are down to members not being careful when looking at the bookings page, not scrolling down enough, not realisiing that some sites have a short season, some sites are closed for refurbishment etc......
A bit of research prior to booking does help, even for a site previously used, and a booking system you think you know! Classic example is the OP, the fact that you only get a one booking slot, then it is back round for a second, third, fourth attempt has been well flagged up.
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I had no problem yesterday. I booked the 2 sites I wanted on specific dates. I booked one site and then went back in and booked the other site for the following week. All done in 10 minutes. The rest of our 2018 bookings can wait until we decide when and where we want to go. They probably won't be CAMC sites.
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I'm not sure if you are agreeing with me or criticising my post JVB, so my response will remain neutral!
I do agree with quite a few post on here though, there is an awful lot of jumping to spurious conclusions going on regarding booking then cancelling, one night only stays etc.... 'twas ever thus on Frenzy Day.
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A bit of research prior to booking does help, even for a site previously used, and a booking system you think you know! Classic example is the OP, the fact that you only get a one booking slot, then it is back round for a second, third, fourth attempt has been well flagged up.
but you cannot actually do any research once "Frenzy Day" has been set up. Maybe many didn't notice that loss of functionality?
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but what about those who may only ever come on line to make a booking. That is probably quite a few and if they do as many others say and flick quickly through the magazine before binning it they well not have all the details at their finger tips. Not everybody spends their time on line everyday, they have work/other things to do.
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The last moment to start research is Frenzy Day. Example: I am going to an event in York. So I buy my tickets, and then consider options for where to stay. One of the options is Rowntree Park Club Site. Never been, don't know the site. But a bit of a google tells me location is ideal, it only has 98 pitches, so quite small as Club Sites go. And, because it is a city site, it is going to be very very popular, and has some very large conurbations (Leeds, Sheffield, etc...) not far away, and that will mean busy with weekend users. Located by a river notorious for flooding as well, but hey ho, the dates I want are in Summer, so I will take a chance. I have never used the booking system on Frenzy Day, so I do a bit of research about this: no I cannot phone, I only get one 10 minute slot. I also know that small outfits might be shoved into a less than desirable pitch, so I also compensate for this and choose my pitch option carefully. Come the day, I look at website, find I am still logged in, deep joy! Click on dates, click on book, amend my details to suit, confirm booking. All done and dusted, as it will have been for thousands of other members no doubt. But if I couldn't get those dates, I had contingency plans B and C already sorted. It's just common sense, and avoids unnecessary upset.
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That's why there are a few shall we say rather strange criticisms and unnecessary jumping to conclusions around what the Club provides, and what the sites are like. Life, if you want it relatively smooth requires a bit of input every now and then to get the best out of it. If something is important, could be a holiday, could be a job, could be moving house, could be buying a new pair of shoes, then putting in a bit of effort, on your own behalf, pays dividends!
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If somebody new to the system flounders on 'frenzy day' I am not too concerned. There is always next year or C&CC. I found the system smooth and slick. There was no need to prioritise my bookings.
A couple of years ago I wanted a pitch at Cadeside and although a non facility site it has a large storage area alongside and only 18 pitches, I made that my priority for the 5 nights that I wanted. Not much organisation necessary. Just common sense and good fortune
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I struggle to understand the argument that the system should change to benefit those who are not sufficiently organised to take advantage of it. If a particularly popular site is a priority then surely some advance planning is wise? (I can think of other reasons for the system to change but that's beside the point!)
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As I said up thread, not everyone can be so organised. I am always reading comments about everyone being treated equally and having the same chances in the Club. I pity the those with poor access to the system and the newbie who does not know how to "play" the system or who does not realise their are a minority of very popular sites which get booked up very quickly.
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But everyone is given the same chance by the club, PD, and that is equality by the supplier.
Other factors are outside the control of the club and rest largely with individuals who must take responsibility for organising their own circumstances as with any other aspect of their lives.
The club cannot be responsible for poor internet access or other communication failings at the consumer's end which are beyond its control.
We were all new once, we have all had the same opportunities to read forums, look at booking patterns through the year, ask advice from head office and so on. Isn’t that why us old hands frequently give advice on this forum - to help the unwary newbies along?
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Do you think there are many, even completely new members, who are unaware of the difficulty of booking Rowntree or Baltic Wharf then, PD? (As opposed to those who are aware and are simply moaning because they were unlucky and missed out.)