What have you seen
The weather was not to their liking for much flying displays, but they are roosting very close to the path at the moment. Starting at about 4.00 and lasting nearly an hour until the stragglers turned up.
Wave after wave of cascading birds like a waterfall when they flew in from behind.
The mass lift off is quite a sight at about 07.00 also
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I know what you mean, but as the days get shorter, the lift off moves in a favourable direction and also you must cross the Somerset meridian just north of Glastonbury which means your clock must go forward about 80 minutes putting lift off at about 08.45.
I would not try to mislead Mrs WN
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This is prompting me to go and have a look when we get back from our break. Ham Wall is easy to reach from our home and it's one of those things we keep saying we'll do! I have noticed clouds of Starlings around, no doubt they mass together later in the day.
Here's the Ham Wall LINK
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I initially thought they were rock pipits, but when I checked the field guide later, it seems they only inhabit much lower areas. To be honest, I was amazed to see anything up there at all, it's such a barren, hostile environment.
Back home, we had a goldcrest on the feeders this morning. Our small garden backs onto a churchyard, we've seen goldcrests in the churchyard trees quite often, but 1st time in our "patch". Very welcome, too 😊
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Spotted a red kite at Greys Court NT, a few miles from Henley Four Oaks. OH saw a bird which from the description sounded like a fieldfare but I only caught a fleeting glimpse as it flew off.
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Whilst out for a walk today we saw 8 Buzzards soaring & calling whilst rising on a thermal when 2 Red Kites joined the bottom of their stack. The Red Kites didn’t stay with them long but peeled off & disappeared. Also very young lambs seen today. Have seen them occasionally in Dec in other years but it was a 1st for us to see young lambs in November.
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More kites today and OH saw a small brown job working its way up a tree trunk, pale cream breast. It had flown off by thew time I had grabbed the binoculars for a closer look. Any offers?
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Walking into town this morning saw something not usual round here a Parakeet being chased round by a crow in the park. OH had said he'd seen a parakeet when out with the dog a few days ago. Not sure if it's escaped from somewhere.
I know there are some around London but not seen any round where we live before.
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There are quite a few in the park just downstream from Putney Bridge.
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Not seen any in the last couple of days. Perhaps all those Red Kites I've seen have eaten them.
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We called in at Labrador Bay today, on the coast near Shaldon in Devon. There is a public car park with good views over the bay, room for motorhomers (no overnighting) and the site is managed by the RSPB. The area is well known for Cirl Buntings and if I'd been quicker with my camera I would be posting a photo on here, they are certainly visible. Nice walks on the cliff path adjoining the car park with other bird species and wildlife around, bird song in the air even though the coast road is near.
RSPB Labrador Bay LINK
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Unexpected visitor to our garden a few minutes ago. Not all that big, probably a this years baby. I had been videoing it on my phone. Naturally taking the photo made it pop it's head away 😢. It'll be mealworms in the morning for the birds and evening for this baby. Usually our hedgehogs are not seen in the flesh but leave their calling cards 😉 and fend for themselves.
We have a wildlife friendly garden with logs and leaf heaps. Should we be doing anything more? I presume it' too warm yet for full hibernation? I know there's an optimum weight but don' want to disturb it by picking up and weighing it.
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Might be out for a last minute food top up? We have them in our garden, very rarely see them in daylight, nice to get a pic B2.
I found this hedgehog info HERE sounds like November is the time they start to hibernate. We're like you with plenty of wild life hidey holes around.
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My thoughts too brue. I reckon it's about 500g, that's 1lb give or take a bit. I'll ensure that mealworms are out at dusk. I put some extra out for it before taking the video, it enjoyed some of those 😉.
Squirrel has just visited and eaten remaining mealworm heap 😲. There was me thinkibg it was pickibg up tge groundfeeders sunflower seeds when I see it 😂. Holiday dog quite likes them too! She goes home tomorrow 😢 so my wildlife will do better!
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It's back again, able to get photo of its head now 😆. Loads more mealworms put out.
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Had a surprise am today had a young red squirrel in the ground caged bird feeder tray quite happy in there and then pm same place a brambling in there for about an hour before it got dark hope he got out after all that eating also had a redwing in our field is this a sign of a colder winter we wonder. will try to get OH help get photo of squirrel on here.
Gone cooler here now in the Lot much earlier than last year.
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Photos taken today not that good as taken from inside through window with a small canon camera as it is kept close to use quickly.
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I think being a young one and small managed to get in easy as we have seen it getting out and the cage is well pegged into our stony ground.
A number of years ago on a club site I found a grey squirrel had got inside a hanging caged feeder and had eaten so many peanuts that it could not get out what a sight so got some heavy gloves on and managed to get it out with the help of site warden who was going pass, did not go on that feeder again.
If this comes again will try with a bigger camera for better photos.
Got to laugh sometimes with wildlife.
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Walking on the Dunes backing Perranporth beach last week, we saw each day a huge flock of birds behaving just the way you see pictures of starlings doing. But they clearly weren'the starlings - slightly larger and with white belYstrad. Thought they might be Knots but still not really sure.
Any suggestions?
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A year or two back we had a grey squirrel that got into out squirrel proof seed feeder. Holiday dog was here at the time, managed to catch it by the tail as it exited but not hold it, it was stunned. OH put it under linen basket whilst he took dog indoors. Squirrel gone on his return but half its tail in the flower border. Dog adores giving squirrel a hard time but generally very gentle so no idea on tail damage, speed of exit combined with dog ambush?? Couldn't do anything for squirrel as no sign of it. Next day and many following weeks back in the garden eating seed from the ground, nicknamed it half tail. Personally I'd have given our garden a VERY wide berth, but the sqirrel was clearly confident it would be ok.
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From your description, Moulesy, they could be Dunlin. They tend to wheel about in tight-knit groups when flying.