Staying logged on
Well I am still logged in, so clearly the time out function is inoperative. Not that it is bothering me, it makes using the forum a lot nicer actually, rather than hopping around via Log In all the time.
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Probably, but it is the weekend!
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Mine logged out again earlier. ๐
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Yes, I have raised the issue with Rowena. Mind you it seems that many prefer being logged on all the time?
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There's alway one
..... I'm perfectly happy being permanently logged in .... like on every other forum. The CCs reply is baloney IMHO as if you set the forum to remember you, you just need to click log in, without entering passwords .....
As it is now, it saves you going round in circles when you want to reply to a thread.
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I haven't ticked the remember me box and it is permanently remembering me at the moment. There is usually an option which I would hope to see working, at present it isn't. Also, anyone on a public computer must be able to log out.
I am able to log out, which I will now do!
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Yes much better. Perhaps I can risk doing a review on the site, rather than have to cut and paste from an editor.
If folk do have security concerns, the CAMC could always adopt the approach they have taken on the sites app. There I seem to remain permanently logged in for things like details of CL's, but if I want to see my bookings, have to renter login details.
So CT could remain permanently logged in, as could general browsing of CL's or leaving a review, but you would have to re enter your details to make a booking etc.
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In the unlikely event of anyone getting hold of my iPad and managing to guess the four digit unlock pin, for which you only get three goes.
If they got in I suppose they could cancel or make bookings, of which I would be informed by email, plus of course post as me on CT.
I can't say any of the above are going to worry me greatly. I am much more concerned about other accesses it provides, such as on line banking. However, these are protected by passwords that automatically disconnect and are not saved on the device.
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So you are able to log out then? I got the impression you were unable to log out. The web site is retaining my log in details, password and email, but I did not tick the box to retain them, it remains unticked. This speeds up logging in but I have not requested this.
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The remember my details tick box within the site, never seems to have worked. Most browsers have there own facilities. Safari on the iPad gives you a range of options from never, to always. Chrome on my windows lap top similar. If it is logging in just by clicking on it, perhaps such a box has been ticked. On mine the email and password are bright yellow, to show they have been auto filled. If it is autofilling and it has never been requested, rather than just staying logged on, that is a significant fault.
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On sites which have a 'Remember My Details' tick box I have never known one that will store more than your user name.
I let Google Chrome store my username and log in details so that when I click in the username it supplies the username prompt and if I click on that automatically fills in the password. I very much doubt that the forum is storing your password Brue. I suspect that it is something that you have clicked in your browser if the info is stored.
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This is what is happening on my laptop, autofill without request, the tick box is empty, I haven't agreed to autofill/remember me etc. Why would this happen on the club site only, my browser isn't set to remember passwords etc. This is not a facility I would normally use, it's something I would choose individually for each web site. (Apologies several edits!)
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I think it is definitely something to do with Club Website. Other websites I use time out/ log out properly if I ask it to, but still logged on here! The remember my details box has never worked for me on this website. Mind you, I have long considered it a website designed by a robot, built by a donkey and looking like a camel, with extra Llama bits added, so expect anything! Related to the real world, in terms of usage, it is not!
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The other day I was getting logged out every five minutes or so. I presume because of some fault in the system. If perhaps the CC have had a number of complaints by those trying to make bookings and getting logged out part way through. Perhaps they have lengthened the time out until they get it sorted.
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I recall in the early days of CT that people wanted the site to remember their details for faster log ins. However this was denied on the grounds of security. Personally I don't want this facility although it might be an improvement for some, but the facility should be on request, I can only assume there is an error. I'm hoping we'll get a response on Monday.
I see the other club are upgrading their log in details allowing joint members to take a full part in activities including voting. Why is the club and it's web site so far behind!
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Certainly these days the browsers allow you to choose, autofill or not.
However, I assume it is possible to write this facility out. On some other sites I use, the browser does not offer autofill. Given the state of the website, probably beyond the CC though.๐ฑ
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After over 24 hours I had to log on this morning.
When I click on log in the page comes up with my details already filled in, the remember me box is not ticked ( it has never worked anyway, as Steve said), nor have I selected autofill. This has been the case for several months now.
I can select log out if I wish, top right on my screen.
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I'm up to 48 hours and still not timed out. Haven't tried manual log out yet, as having more time, being able to like and post without the screen pages hopping around is a revelation only enjoyed on other forums!