Early arrivals - my solution



  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited September 2017 #32

    Just had three nights at Moreton in Marsh (first club site holiday of this year) and was pitched close to the entrance and from our pitch, had a clear view of arrivals.

    Both Saturday and Sunday, despite 12.00 earliest arrival time for this site, caravans and motorhomes were rolling up and being allowed to check in from 10.45

    From 1200 on both days there was what looked like arrival 'chaos' with both arrival lanes full and units queuing out on to the A44 causing considerable problems to traffic flow along the road. Basically, the wardens couldn't check in arrivals fast enough and without doubt, if the early arrivers had rolled up on time at 1200 also, it would have been a really big problem.

    Yesterday, there must have been at least 90-100 arrivals between 1100 and 1300 as all the weekenders cleared out to be replaced by the Mon-Fri holidayers. Must admit, I've never seen so many arrivals to a site in such a short space of time, it was so busy! 

    I can only assume the wardens are thankful that some arrive earlier than they should, otherwise they would have a very big issue. Short of telling some they can arrive at 1200 and then telling others that they can't arrive until later, how on earth do you get around this?



  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited September 2017 #33

    well a very harsh way is not to allow anyone in before 12 and let the police sort out the traffic problems on the public roads, There will be grumbles at first but the message should get through?

    Yes I agree the wardens were probably thankful.  

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited September 2017 #34
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  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited September 2017 #35

    The site toilets are usually closed from 10.30 am to 12.00.Probably the staff are cleaning them at this time with the office closed. This is probably the reason for the 12 thing. If however the office is open what is the problem with early arrivals.  As to "best" pitches that  is subjective and the early arrivers may not  get a choice as late leavers are still using them.  Just seems to be a lot  of hot air  to me

  • Unknown
    edited September 2017 #36
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  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited September 2017 #37

    There are a minimum of six wardens at Moreton and the office is manned all day from 8am.

    One block is cleaned between 1000 and 1200, the other 1400-1600

  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited September 2017 #38

    There are two check in lanes at Moreton, at a guess I'd say there is just about room for 4 car/caravan units, maybe a motorhome too. If 6 or 7 or possibly more arrive within a 5 minute window, there will be spillage on to the A44

    From what I saw yesterday, I have no doubt that if the early arrivers had pulled over on their journey, then planned to arrive at dead on 1200, there would have been serious congestion as a consequence. I suspect the wardens allow the early arrivers, using their discretion wisely as it prevents a problem they already have from be made even worse.

    In my opinion, the Moreton wardens are applying a good deal of common sense.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited September 2017 #39

    good post BB

    (Ferengi Rule of Acquisition 76)

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited September 2017 #40


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2017 #41

    I have seen at Ferry Meadows at weekends a queue of arrivals friday evenings normally, along Ham Lane and beyond the railway level crossing,

    Clumber Park is another very busy site at w/ends with arrivals out of the gates and down the approach lane.

    Both sites have over 100 arrivals Fridays and then us oldies on a Monday to catch the Mid Week discounts

  • Randomcamper
    Randomcamper Club Member Posts: 1,062
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    edited September 2017 #43

    We have agreed on this several times before BB and you are again spot on.

    And Nigel is quite correct, it would be foolish to allow the traffic to back up onto the main road, especially at that location which is quite a fast main road, and I have no doubt that if the police were being called to deal with something as "self inflicted" as this at a club site there would be long term consequences for the club, probably through planning constraints or the Highway Authority.

    So the wardens sensibly allow the arrival time rule to be broken.

    But the problem with that is it alienates rule abiding members who feel that others have stolen a march on them.

    And I agree wholeheartedly (as an early leaver myself and witness the thread running at the moment, there are obviously many of us), let's try just letting people arrive and leave when they like, within reason, the numbers of pitches becoming free will almost certainly match over a few minutes. And as for the "best pitch", as has been said, that depends on what your looking for, yours wont be mine etc. New arrivers could choose the "best pitch" from what has become free.

    Time for the club to try a fresh approach and lets have a trial of arriving when you like.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited September 2017 #44


  • Unknown
    edited September 2017 #45
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  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited September 2017 #46

    Time for the club to try a fresh approach and lets have a trial of arriving when you like

    Inclined to agree with you, especially after what I witnessed, in particular yesterday. The site was very nearly full over the weekend, I reckon 75% of the pitches were vacated and filled again by mid afternoon.

    Large sites with enough wardens to man the reception all day, I can't see a problem with an 'open' arrival rule

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited September 2017 #47

    Well said Steve - I agree cool

  • Randomcamper
    Randomcamper Club Member Posts: 1,062
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    edited September 2017 #48


    You cannot allow a string of caravans to be stopped blocking a busy main road waiting to turn onto the club site at 12noon, because that is what drivers will do.

    As for speed limits on site and tethering dogs, those are very clearly rules to protect peoples safety on site. The arrival time rule is not safety related, it is for the administrative convenience of the wardens (toilet cleaning etc). 

    One option would be to reduce the number of pitches so the office could be moved back away from the road and have a much bigger queing area so the arrival time rule could be enforced, is that what people want ??

    And Corners, I'm surprised at your support for Steve's suggestion, in fairness you normally have better judgement....wink

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited September 2017 #49
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  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited September 2017 #50

    We have only witnessed the crazy early arrivals thing once, a couple of years ago at Old Hartley, on a Saturday lunchtime. We were trying to get out, through narrow gate. Caravans in a row, all shuffling a few more feet closer to reception, most drivers with gritted teeth and a glazed, me ,me, me facial expression. Blocking not only exit from site, but also local residents for a good few hundred yards. I had to physically stand in front of a van to prevent him moving forwards, so that we could snake out over the grass verge. 

    Playground behaviour from supposedly rational adults. The caravan equivalent to all those frenzied folks you see doing daft things at Boxing Day sales! Not an edifying spectacle.


  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited September 2017 #51

    Something certainly amiss with the planning application at M in the M. I'm certain traffic flow and numbers would have been discussed, and for this size site a slip road would have been asked for. No application would have been accepted if queueing was to be the norm on a single carriageway 'A' road.

    I can just imagine the queues if in both directions not able to enter, and the upset to traffic flow.

    Sensible suggestion in this case is to open the floodgates and clear the congestion.

  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited September 2017 #52

    Contrasting opinions, some thankfully, in line with the common sense approach taken by the wardens as seen yesterday. 

    One further thing I was mindfully reminded of yesterday. Many many more members departed and arrived at one club site, within a space of 3 hours, than regularly contribute (and I suspect, bother to read) the content on this forum. 

    The opinions expressed in here, really is in a tiny minority of the membership whole. 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited September 2017 #53

    Very far from bonkers, well no more than allowing all those market stalls once a week which routinely block up the  town. Even on an average day in summer when lots are visiting passage can take an age. Those two mini roundabouts in the centre act as a blocker in any event. So certainly entering MM is unlikely to take any longer. Just queuing  at the site entrance instead of further into town. 

    As for it being OK to ignore the rule just because it is not safety related, that is totally wrong in my opinion. I have no problem with the club having flexible arrivals at appropriate sites, I can think of some occasions  where I would take advantage of it. However, at the moment they don't. Folk tick a box when they book a site to say they accept the T&C's. That includes not arriving before The appointed earliest arrival time.

    If they have kids it is also not a very good example to set, when they are probably expect higher standards from them.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited September 2017 #54

    Your insistence of the rules being followed is just part of the problem not the solution. Part of the solution is to allow folk to arrive as & when, drive onto the site, set up & then go & book in. A free flow of traffic, the wardens will be given time to do other duties. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited September 2017 #55

    I am coming to a better understanding of just how many problems the Club face when looking at planning permission for new sites. Some of the problems may have an element of own goal involved. 

    Edit:What's this "tick a box" thing that Steve mentions?

  • Randomcamper
    Randomcamper Club Member Posts: 1,062
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    edited September 2017 #56

    Yes but we are not debating whether there should be a market in Moreton in the Marsh or whether there should be a mini roundabout in the town centre, we are debating the issue of an artificially created queue of caravans all arriving at 12 noon and blocking the main road outside the site.

    You seem to think caravanners blocking a main road for no good reason other than a rather petty CC rule is acceptable, and I don't, we are probably never going to agree on that then.

    You say......" I have no problem with the club having flexible arrivals at appropriate sites"

    That is what I am saying, so at least we agree on that.

    You say..."Folk tick a box when they book a site to say they accept the T&C's. That includes not arriving before The appointed earliest arrival time."

    Yes,  that's why I arrive after 12 noon at a site.    But very clearly from this thread, some don't, I am suggesting a change of rule to avoid a "self inflicted" problem on a public highway outside a club site, which I think would be a major source of annoyance to the public, the local council and the Highway Authority. 

    As for the "kids" bit,  perhaps they could join in the debate...should CC members be allowed to block a public highway.....??.....wink

  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited September 2017 #57

    Indeed, just because there's a 'rule' doesn't mean the 'rule' is right. Over a broad spectrum, maybe, but in certain individual scenarios, the rule may not be for the best.

    When I next return to Moreton, I won't be pulling into the layby near the village of Lemington, on the Fosse and then clock watching with the aim to arrive at bang on midday, I'll do the wardens a favor and head straight to site. 

    I don't have children, so have no need to impress anyone with my willingness to follow rules.


  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited September 2017 #58

    Flexible Arrivals, even as a trial, will never work.

    Remember we have been told that the membership is too stupid to be able to choose between grass and hard when making a booking.

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited September 2017 #59

    If people don't like the CMC site rules on arrivals and departures times then the obvious solution is to go elsewhere. 

    It's not the CMC's fault that some inconsiderate and selfish people decide that they are somehow so special and the rules that everybody else follows doesn't apply to them.   If those people park up on the public highway causing an obstruction because of their selfish actions,  the police should hold them responsible for that obstruction and deal with them appropriately.

    I would back any warden who refuses entry to the site until the published time.  




  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited September 2017 #60

    Even mid afternoon when we arrived at M-in-M earlier this year, we were 4th in the queue at the gate ..... the warden assumed I was 'pushing in' when I didn't queue in order, but there wasn't room in 'the queue' for another 43 feet without leaving half of it on the main road. wink And the site was full over night mid week .... I know as I had a problem with the site's EHU post & there was no where to go to even I wanted to move pitches

  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited September 2017 #61

    You forget that your sentiment, whilst honorable, won't make a blind bit of difference. Members won't go elsewhere because they don't agree with the arrival rule, they will continue as before.

    What I witnessed was the Club officials adapting to behavior, because it was in their best interest to do. Arriving at bang on midday as I did last Thursday, is abiding by the arrival rule and everyone else who was due to arrive on the same day, were entitled to do the same. However, if everyone had exercised their entitlement to arrive a 12:01, believe me, the Police would have been involved.