What is the obsession with attracting the yoof
We welcome the young,old and the in-between at Resthaven Farm Cl Site
. Lots of room for your pets as well. Have a look at our Facebook page Resthaven Farm Cl Site
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It may be possible to hire a caravan........
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Good grief - imagine how dead (excuse the pun) the sites would be if only the purple rinse brigade were on site.
Everybody sat in their vans doing crosswords and not a sign of activity anywhere.
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My son and his wife have still got children aged 16, 18 and 20 in tow - can't shake them off - and where are they this week? They have gone to Center Parc again. Why on earth would they want to go a Club site, and what would they do in dodgy weather like this? This Club will never attract that sort of family group - and probably doesn't want to. As Fisherman says, the clients are OAPs or nearly so.
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A bit stereotypical. We along with lots of the older generation spend plenty of time off site, generally walking or visiting interesting places. Often we see plenty of younger folk sitting about, which may be because they have busy working lives and just want to chill out.
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I suspect the Club are watching how things are going at Love2Stay, newest of the Affiliated Sites, and a world away from what the Club itself offers at the moment. Some will love it, others will not love it. But it represents a somewhat different type of provision for this country, and maybe what those new to touring may be looking for, if they can afford it. Put something similar into the South West for example, and I suspect it would be booked solid, maybe over quite a long season?
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I spent a whole week at Love2Stay just after they opened and my girlfriend and I thorouly enjoyed it all. Did most things apart from the pool, and that was because I was not convinced the water would be biologically clean. Lets see how that goes with the natural filtration.
Bar was handy, pizza good value, "we never close" toilets and showers great, and clean. Only thing missing was a real bath - but the Caravanning Clubs don't do them anyway. Good coffee shop at the bottom of the road. Spacious, level pitches and most with some sort of rural outlook.
We saw families with toddlers, and with geriatrics. All seemed to be doing well. And it is well over half a century since I could be described as yoof.
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If we are the future then its a short future, of course we have to invest in young people and encourage them to follow in our footsteps, otherwise in 15/20 years there will be a lot of empty sites.
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Well I can't speak for others but I was young once and I was a member of the club. My children from infants to teenagers accompanied us on our tours and what fun we had. To be honest the 'oldies' then were great, friendly and often helpful too. Is it our generation who are the issue now, have we become the grumps and selfish ones? Just asking!
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same here, our youngest was 2 when we first went to club sites (she is now 20).
Yes also perhaps maybe possibly true about your last sentence too!
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Any business which wants to succeed, plans for the long term future. The future of the CMC is with the young people of today. Those young people are the people that the CMC should be gearing their business models to attract.
It's very selfish for us who are retired to expect that the CMC should only cater for the elderly Ad infinitum as very few of us will still be caravanning in 30 years time.
Touring using campsites will still be a good way to enjoy this country, but I predict it wont be using towed caravans. Those will die out completely. Large motorhomes will reduce drastically as well...I see the young people using compact campervans to compliment their modern lifestyle, visiting camping places geared to their expectations.
No-the emphasis should be the future looking forward not back.
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The future of the CMC is with the young people of today. Those young people are the people that the CMC should be gearing their business models to attract.
If I build retirement homes they will sell well to older people (they do where I live). If I make zimmer frames or Stannah stair lifts they sell well to old people.
Certain products sell well to people of different ages. Caravanning does appeal to people of all ages, we had our first van when our daughter was 3 months, but we have far more time to kill now. In my 20's, 30's and certainly early 40's I was too busy working my ar** off to pay the mortgage, save into a pension etc, to do much caravanning.
The "young people of today" will become older and have more time, freedom and money to caravan, just as we did.
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The "young people of today" will become older and have more time, freedom and money to caravan, just as we did.
That I very much doubt, they will have to work longer before retirement and many will be lucky to have a pension other than from the state. Those that do have one, will find they are much lower than the final salary ones many of todays pensioners have.
When I had my children with me I would never dream of taking them for a holiday on CC site. There was not enough on site action for them. They mainly wanted sun, sea, sand and swimming pools. One of them did rally with us until about 16.
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I tend to think forecasts of impending doom are just pessimistic and tend to be restricted to older people. My own adult children or younger people I work with don't share your grim view of the future.
Financial products continually evolve and I am sure future generations and current generations will continue to be able to enjoy themselves.
I agree with you about what children want on holiday though, mine wanted the same, hence we regularly holidayed "over there".
Another reason really why the Club will probably continue to appeal to a more mature age group.
And lets face it, many of the popular club sites are already full (or nearly so) at weekends and school holidays, to further improve occupancy, if that is the desire, the midweek, out of season customers are not families or "yoofs".
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Would have though retaining the present payers would be the first priority. We are the ones keeping the club going now buy t I suspect many like us find commercials more attractive, responsive to pricing and are increasingly voting with our feet, particularly in the "Off peak period". Next week off to Haven at £11 per night for Euro pitch,but would consider Lady Margaret if they had say MWD
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Do not some activities have a season for them. As we age some of us yotties have given up our boats but have been replaced by others. perhaps as the current crop of young people age they will see the advantages, one of which is economic, of caravanning.
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Or maybe not.
My parents had holidays in boarding houses at Bridlington. Did I see the advantage of following in their footsteps? And I know for sure that my own children will never take up the option of following in my footsteps of hauling a caravan about. They have discovered airlines and the wide world.
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Oh I don't know. Westerley Centaurs aren't that bad.