Finding a suitable pitch

Smartalex Forum Participant Posts: 11
edited September 2017 in UK Campsites & Touring #1

While parked on site with my caravan, I have had another driver searching for a pitch, get stuck in a dead end and unable to reverse out, try to get through a grass space between two caravan pitches. Unfortunately for me his caravan side swiped  my car causing considerable damage. I have now lost three days out of a seven day stay.  

It got me thinking about how the C&MHC assign, or don't assign pitches. Wouldn't it be better when booking online to have a site plan on the screen so that you can see which pitches are available and select the one you want then? This would stop the problem of cruising around a site trying to find a pitch and the resulting problems of collisions with parked vehicles/caravans.




  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2017 #2

    You normally get a site plan when booking in to find the way round the site,how will getting one on line help ,as the pitch may not be available on arrival, as any one can pick their own pitch after booking inwink,

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,750
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    edited September 2017 #3

    Lets you see the layout beforehand..shows you there ae blind alleys?

    Give you time to practise your reversing ?

  • The Cheshire Cat
    The Cheshire Cat Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited September 2017 #4

    Hubby says because everyone would be booking their pitch on line from available free pitches at that time NOT when they arrive on site. When you book your pitch online that pitch is then booked out to you for the days specified by you, so when you arrive that pitch is empty waiting for you when you turn up. 

    A few pitches could be put to one side by the site and made available for anyone who turns up on the off chance there's available space. 

  • Unknown
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  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited September 2017 #7

    But if everybody left their outfit at the gate while they strolled round the site choosing a pitch, you would very soon have a queue a mile long at the gate ..... especially with the 12 o'clock arrival/ departure system the CC operate. Then nobody would be able to leave or arrive.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2017 #8

    That will not happen as its always first come first choice and long may it remain as done to death on numerous threadswink

  • The Cheshire Cat
    The Cheshire Cat Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited September 2017 #9

    Yes I know, I've read them (!); but I just posted what hubby wanted me to put - he couldn't access the web himself to answer

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2017 #10

    You need to educate himwinksurprised

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited September 2017 #11

    How long does it take to stroll round one of those aires? wink

  • The Cheshire Cat
    The Cheshire Cat Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited September 2017 #12

    To answer someone else's post on this thread which I now can't find :-(

    Why did we lose 3 days ?

    we were out walking (me in wheelchair) in Moreton when it happened, the car having been parked up well on pitch in front of van and not moved since we arrived. 

    The people who damaged the car did have the decency to leave a note admitting what they'd done. It was witnessed by 5 independent people so they could hardly not do so. He drove through on grass between pitches as he decided he couldn't manoeuvre out of culdesac. I think he panicked when he saw how tight it was across grass and He hit our rear instead of stopping and moving white picket fence - forward view of his which is pictured.

    We had to wait until they came round as they'd not located a suitable pitch (!) - too late to ring insurers by the time we made contact and were able to exchange relevant details. 

    Wasted all next morning on phone to insurers going through everything. They deemed the car not driveable as rear light cluster was smashed making it an MOT fail, as well as body work dented. Pics don't show the lights. 

    Therefore we needed a suitable replacement tow vehicle. They couldn't guarantee ours would be repaired in time locally so had to organise a lowloadef to take our car to garage near our home. The lowloader was arranged for following day, we had to wait in for it to arrive and collect.

    a suitable tow car - 1700 kerb weight with alko hitch and 13pin socket - couldn't be sourced and delivered until following day after that. We had to wait in 3pm when it arrived. Therefore 3 days wasted. :-(

    you might guess that perpetrator's van just has a scrape on rear panel, no curtailment of HIS holiday.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2017 #13

    If you are with Mayday and the car was not driveable then they would have taken your whole outfit home at the end of your holiday,and taken you car for repair to your local garage

  • The Cheshire Cat
    The Cheshire Cat Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited September 2017 #14

    We are with Grenflag, they do the same and have used this in the past.

    This wasn't a breakdown. The insurance company organised everything. 

  • Unknown
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  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,891
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    edited September 2017 #17

    I have the solution, and it will only cost the Club a few pounds out of its vast profits to implement.

    Each site is to be issued with a black silk bag with a drawsrting top. On arrival the Warder puts the gate fobs for all the pitchs of the type you have booked into the bag.

    You draw out one.  That is your pitch. No "if"s; no "but"s - you choose it so get on with it ! !



  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited September 2017 #18

    at the sites we use 99% of the time its not a problem because there is never a 12 o'clock ( or any other time ) rush prople just trickle in throughout the day.

    But Dave, that's over there & the CC is over here 😉

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited September 2017 #19

    @ The Cheshire Cat .... Wasted all next morning on phone to insurers going through everything. They deemed the car not driveable as rear light cluster was smashed making it an MOT fail, as well as body work dented. Pics don't show the lights

    I think your insurance company were a little over the top there. There are many simple things that a car could fail an MOT on, i.e. failed side light or brake light, but that doesn't mean the car's not driveable. You could have bought coloured tape from Halfords etc or a local motor factor, that's intended specifically to temporarily fix/bodge tail lights so you don't show white light to the rear. You could have then carried on with your break & sorted your car from home.

  • Unknown
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  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,407
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    edited September 2017 #21

    There do seem to be some complete numpties out loose towing caravans at the moment! Who in their right mind attempts to tow between two units, over grass, without a spotter, at a speed to cause such damage? Beggars belief has far as I am concerned. 

  • The Cheshire Cat
    The Cheshire Cat Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited September 2017 #22

    Yes. We know.

    Hubby spent the evening doing a jigsaw puzzle gluing larger pieces together and had gaffer tape at the ready. The whole glazed bit was in pieces, fortunately no bulbs broken. However we had to abide by what insurance co. said. 

  • Apattullo
    Apattullo Forum Participant Posts: 25
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    edited September 2017 #23


    What a shame for you, Although personally i think the bigger issue here is the party caused the damage, how can someone tow a caravan or trailer knowing that they can't reverse their outfit for whatever reason? What would they have done out on the open road if they had needed reverse because an incident? As person that had to sit a trailer test to be allowed to tow it annoys me that anyone who sat their test before 97 is automatically is allowed to tow, Rant over!

    Saying that if i saw some having difficulty with their outfit i'd be the first person to help.


  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,891
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    edited September 2017 #24

    Unfortunately people cram so that even if they are able to show the minimum level of competence to pass an exam on the day they then cannot maintain that level afterwards.

    So we have people amongst us who have passed the trailer test and now cannot reverse - and are probably not that good going forward either.  And people who passed a driving test (last week or last century) who no longer make the minimum standard.

    Personally I think there should be a retest of all driving entitlements every five years or less, and to a higher standard than the initial test as the candidates should be becoming more competent with experience.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited September 2017 #25

    The waiting time for a test is already quite lengthy. If retests as you suggest were introduced, some of us would have died before we reached the front of the queue.

  • tombo
    tombo Forum Participant Posts: 16
    edited September 2017 #26

    Firstly what a nightmare scenario for you.  There's always that worry someone may damage your caravan or car, but it's usually the odd chance of bikes or such.

    We've been to a few sites where you have a pre-booked pitch and it's brilliant.  It saves the hassle of wondering if you'll get there early enough for a pitch you'll be happy with.  

    We've witnessed some both very funny and also hairy situations when people are rushing round trying to get what they want.

    Recently we needed an extra day near to Southport and managed to reserve a pitch at Willowbank Holiday Home and Touring Park.  Lovely site, great wardens and what a joy to arrive, be guided to a really nice pitch with a quick humorous chat.  No rush. hassle or risky manoeuvres involved, magic.

    We had the same experience at South Lychette Manor in Dorset a few weeks earlier.

    Yes the clubs wardens, we've always found are really helpful and friendly, but that pre-booked pitch is a bonus for us.

    Best regards




  • The Cheshire Cat
    The Cheshire Cat Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited September 2017 #27

    He was in his late 70's and he mentioned that this was their last trip with the caravan as they were giving up. Perhaps he had already recognised his limitations - just a pity it wasn't one trip prior! 

    Car replacement was a nice surprise - top of the range 2016 Landrover Discovery with only 1500 miles on the clock! Fallen in love with it, but no way could we afford one. cry  Hey ho, we shall enjoy it for the short period we have it. 

  • crannman
    crannman Forum Participant Posts: 101
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    edited September 2017 #28

    if you haven't got the common sense to check out a tight pitch or the ability to reverse your outfit you shouldn't be on the road sorry if its a bit harsh but to many folk can drive 

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited September 2017 #29
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  • The Cheshire Cat
    The Cheshire Cat Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited September 2017 #30

    Exactly. I think he just panicked and saw the route between us and next door van as the easy option. Wardens weren't best pleased but he did have the honesty to report it to them himself. 

    As a non fault (to us) accident, the insurance co at least didn't enforce the policy excess on my husband. I know you get it back - eventually - once everything is settled; but suddenly being out of pocket £400 would have been a bit of a shocker. 

    We are home now, and just awaiting news of when our car will be repaired and ready. 

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited September 2017 #31

    You've suggested this few times recently. You'd not be able to move at the entrance to most/all CC sites for 'abandoned' outfits if people did that. Incleboro for example would take most people a good 10 mins to walk round, and sites such as M-in-M are already crowded at the gate. And who's to say that by the time you've got back to your vehicle, somebody else is on their way to 'your' pitch? wink