This weekend our fourth outing we decided to invite our friends to join us for a meal. They were absolutely blown away by the experience and talked about starting up themselves. We had a game of dominos in the awning, just four of us and had fun together, we were sat in the awning laughing and joking it was 9.30pm. Then we received a knock on the awning from our neighbours saying we were too loud and the children couldn't get to sleep. I was mortified and sent our guests home. We were too afraid to even put the bed up. It spoilt our weekend. Rallies were still happening around the site at 10.30 when we took the dog out. We loved it until now but it's really put a dampner on things for us
As can be seen in the thread about kids & dogs, there are some really self centered miserable ****s around. If it'd been 11:30pm, your neighbour would have had a point, but at 9:30 as long as you weren't too loud the neighbour should have been told where to go.
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Don't let it put you off. I trust that the complainer was, at least, polite? 9:30 isn't late to be chatting in your awning, in my view. Campers with young children tend to pitch near the play areas, you could avoid those pitches, perhaps.
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If you know that you were not making that much noise then just ignore it .there are some strange folk about.
Don't let the miserable few impact on your enjoyment.
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There wasn't a play area on site it was a country park. She was not particularly polite we were given a very cold shoulder for the rest of our stay. We are always polite and respectful of our neighbours at times even wearing ear plugs ourselves when we fancy an earlier night. We've had children ourselves and been on very noisy sites when they were younger, the key was wearing them out during the day and letting them stay up a bit later, and letting everyone enjoy themselves. We would have gone inside at 10pm anyway. It has put us off having visitors and we spent the next two nights with the TV on very low and whis
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There's no doubt that noise does travel from an awning but 9.30 isn't late.
Zoe, don't let it put you off. There's one grouch on every site and your only mistake was in pitching next to them.
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agree with the rest, firstly 9.30 isn't late and unless she had her windows open I doubt she could hear. Just ignore it
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Oh dear, it's Victor Meldrew night tonight on this forum. What is the matter with these people who object to others enjoying themselves, keep doing what you're doing Zoe and enjoy it, if it was 10.30 I might start to get a little worried but even then would still be too early to go a knocking.
But if it was a party, I might be asking why I wasn't invited
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That was one positive of our stay at the Gatwick site. 🛫🛬 We did not need to worry what volume the TV was on 😂 I think if we had an awning we could probably have had a karaoke 🎤in it and nobody would have objected.
Agree 9:30 is rather early to start objecting. Given the general background noise on most sites at that sort of time in the summer months, I am surprised they considered it necessary to complain.
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Most sites I've been on have a 10pm noise curfew which seems to be a good compromise.
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It is possible that the lady who complained had a genuine concern about getting her children to sleep although she has been painted as the villain in this case. Four adults in an awning can create a lot of noise which perhaps they don't realise. I am not sure the time of day is particularly relevant, but if you have very young children 9.30pm is quite late. Was it not an option to be inside the caravan rather than the awning?
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Should a whole campsite turn in for bed at 7.30pm perhaps because that is what time a neighbours children go to bed. Parents of children cannot expect complete silence in the evening, a time for silence is already the accepted norm so why should this particular person try to force an earlier time on someone else and ruin their evening.
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Life isn't black and white.
If it was a reasonable request I would have answered that we would tone it down a little to at least keep a sensible balance.
On a C&CC site a couple of weeks ago a party erupted with about 6 adults at 2.30 AM. The wardens shut it down about 30 minutes later.
I did suggest that if it had been a CC site the police, fire brigade and the CC militia would have been a lot quicker than that
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Down side of staying on a Club Site, pitches are quite close together. Agree with others about 10pm, a reasonable compromise during school holidays. Don't let it put you and your friends off, it's only your fourth outing and with many more, it gets easier to choose your Sites and pitches to gauge who might be around you.
It has happened to us all, conversely, we once found ourselves next to a howling baby, poor little thing cried all through two nights. Parents said sorry, but we had had enough and moved pitches. Don't blame the baby or parents, just one of those things, but stressful if it is next to you.
Put it behind you, chalk it down to experience, and carry on touring.
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I know we are talking about C&MC sites but agree with others 9.30 isn't late, however with small children it may well be passed their bedtime and they were grizzly so parents getting a bit of grief. I think we have all been there at some time or other, its how you cope with it.
Across the water France and Spain its not unusual for folk to still be arriving on site at gone 10 pm, we had it on a site in Spain 1 arrived at 9.30 and started getting everything setup, friends/family arrived around 10 pm in their van, pitched next to them.They then set out tables chairs etc and sat down to a big family meal. Much hilarity 5 children, 2 dogs and 5 adults they settled down around 11.30 leaving everything outside. In the morning 1 of the men was up and away early (assumed working) It is the norm over there that midnight is the curfew, so if entertainment on site it stops then and 30 mins later the site is all quiet. Not a problem as long as you are not going to be traveling the next day and require an early start.
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Fully agree, why should the masses have to accommodate the few
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It would seem the knocky neighbourghs could be well advised to choose a site (or part of one) that is suited to children. After all, those who complain about children are told to go somewhere else!
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We've played dominoes with friends, I would'nt feel "mortified" if someone asked us to turn the volume down a bit, nor would I send friends away. Sounds like a storm in a tea cup, it's more about the closeness of pitches and how far sounds travels in Summer weather. A bit of compromise needed, that's all.
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Shhh! I didn't want to worry the OP
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Or pitch next to me - I don't have any dominoes, or an awning, or any friends. And possibly most important of all - I don't have any children!
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Oh yes I do! I can still remember that far back, you know.