What are you all up to
I always seem to use mine up as soon as I get them. Then it's a three month wait before I get any more!
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Our latest Club card vouchers arrived today,so we are well on the way towards our next "free" crossing to see Brother on IOW with a stay at Southlands
Ps if we go over as foot passengers for the day we do not pay and family meet us at Yarmouth
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Lovely place to visit, JVB66. We could have done with a bit longer there than just a day trip!
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Rained off ,back home to cope with some office work ,Grrr.!!Still blowing a strong Northerly with rain at times .Yuk !!
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What...all night too....and when you are out for the day.....or on holiday?
Could not afford to do that up here, even with a well insulated house.
We have not had heating on in the house since we went away in mid April as we were not back till July, hopefully will not need it now till after our September trip. Still have HW on of course.
Heating here is on a timer as we do not like it warm overnight.
Very little sun here today, but lounge is showing 23 degrees
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To be honest I don't know. With the two together it's fine if you always travel together as that is one of the conditions of use. If you want to travel as an individual you have to have separate ones which I imagine are more costly. I suppose it will depend on how you usually travel. I was at a bit of a loss what to use the vouchers for so I thought we would give the travel card a go to see how much use we made of it. We don't travel a lot by train but when we do we are usually away in the van.
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We don't do much food shopping in Tesco and it is mainly fuel but with two vehicles it all adds up.
As far as how many points you earn and I don't know if this varies depending on what Tesco credit card you use but we get a point for every pound on shopping and fuel using the Clubcard and one point for every £2 spent on their credit card. Using their credit card for non Tesco shopping you get one point for every £8 spent so if you never shop in Tesco it is hardly worth having their credit card.
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Sorry the 20.5C is daytime from about 6.30am to 11.00pm then the stat is set at 15C and at that lower temperature it hardly ever comes on overnight in winter. I should add this is only the second time in several months that it has come on in the morning.
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Thanks David, I've got three friends who now live in three different towns near the same raliway line to London, I'm the only one who hasn't bought a card yet. It would make it very easy for visits instead of driving on the A303/M3.
I think your choice was good, OH and I usually travel together. Two of our friends have been widowed and use the trains a lot to see each other. I think I'd should make more of an effort to go on my own so the senior card would probably be better.
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Thanks! We do have a Tesco CC, do shop there occasionally, but not as much now we have Waitrose, but no Tesco petrol station.
Asda here have now opened a petrol station, so we tend to use that or go to Morrisons, both generally have the same prices.
Otherwise we have M&S and their CC, and Lidl just a few hundred metres away, which is handy.
OH has a TSB CC that gives decent cashbach at the moment, but once that stops we may well make more use of the Tesco CC.
We possibly use Tesco more when we are away in the van in UK.
Finding something to use the clubcard vouchers on is not so easy, mainly we get restaurant vouchers, we never get enough for something big like a ferry crossing.
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Will keep this brief - we're on a CL near Fording bridge and can only get WiFi by sitting outside owner's bungalow!
It's been an interesting time so far - made good progress here on Monday till we got to Downtown, about 20 minutes from site, where they'd started roadworks just that day which put us back an hour or so. Still, arrived to pleasant welcome and got set up whereupon the heavens opened! That's that for the day.
Tuesday, a nice sunny morning, drove to nearby Cranborne for a walk, forgot to take rucksack, so no coffee stop en route!
Yesterday it was raining first thing but looked to be clearing up so drove over to Sandy Balls for a tank of gas ( long story!) then set out for a walk ner The Foresters Inn at Frogham only for it to pour down after about half an hour or so - Mrs M not very happy and then discovered bridge over stream had disppeared so had to wade through - Mrs M nowthoroughly wet and ...er...displeased so went to pub for lunch.
Today fabulous sunshine so a walk from Linwood, now back and just chilling.
Will review CL when we get home, but it's fab (Foxhill Farm)
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Mrs M not very happy and then discovered bridge over stream had disppeared so had to wade through - Mrs M nowthoroughly wet and ...er...displeased
Wimmin! Yesterday I was in bad books. I left home at around 8.40 to take caravan in to have fridge sorted. 1 hour and 15 mins drive. A few pleasantries at workshop reception, Into shop for a calor exchange. Called into sales. Want to change van for new Clubman ES but 2017 model seats too high. 'Let me know if you get in a recent second hand ES' and a short natter. Slow traffic on way back. Stop off on the way home for a very nice (£1.50) sausage roll.
Get home around 11.40. 'Where have you been I have been worried sick'. My fault obviously!!
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Just checked my Tesco club card account £59.50
need to think how I might spend them.
Been busy for the last wee while so not posting much, but keeping abreast of what is going on.
Weather been not bad the last few days, by that I mean no rain
managed to get most of the garden tidied up again and got a 'man' coming to do the hedges as OH's shoulder still not up to it.
New back porch all fitted and looking good, kitchen and dining room decorating all finished, new curtains and kitchen blind all put up.
Having big clear out of 'kit' so charity shops are doing well out of us just now. Isn't it strange that once you've decorated you get this 'clear out mode'
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We have got about £70 worth of CC vouchers, I think. I have been putting them in a drawer when they arrive and setting a warning of expiry on my pad. Usually we think of something to use them on, otherwise spend them on shopping at the last minute. I think next year we might have a week at a New Forest Site and do what Malcolm did. We have always wanted to visit Osbourne House.
Shopping this morning, it's an M&S meal deal week, so bought 4. Now in freezer, they are very good value, basically it works out that you get a bottle of wine free. Nice walk in the local forest this afternoon. Took a flask and stopped for a drink half way. We also saw a family of Jays on the way back. Have seen the odd one before but not a whole family.
Back home, not such good news. The CAMC had sent me an email. In their wisdom they have decided to close Bridlington site for the first 3 weeks in October, so have cancelled our booking. Fortunately we have managed to replace it with one at Scarborough.
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For years we have used Club Card vouchers for Eurotunnel crossings. In the past we got X4 times the value, now only X3 which means you usually have to add some cash. Since they cut back on the amount of points awarded for non Tesco shopping it takes much longer to collect enough for a full crossing.
Anyone staying on the IOW, especially at Southlands I would suggest giving the Club a ring for ferry prices as you usually get a discount, especially on Red Funnel from Southampton. I suppose if you have Club Card vouchers and nothing else to use them on a ferry to the IOW is as good a use as any.
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Nice warm sunny day here south of Worcester so drove to Castlemorton Common and walked up to Eastnor Obelisk and then over to British Camp on the Malverns. Managed an hour or so sat outside in the sun after dinner this evening.
H&T we're on a Emblem Villa again, Robin sends his regards.
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You get one point for every £8 of non-Tesco spend and one point for every £4 of Tesco spend.
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It was very quiet at work yesterday so they let me go an hour earlier. It was a lovely evening and I got back to the caravan in time to see a lovely sunset.
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As far as Tesco spending is concerned, you get one point per pound spent just by having a club card even if you just use cash or a debit card. The credit card gives you an extra one point per £4 spend. So if you spend £4 and pay by Tesco credit card, you get a total of 5 points. My Tesco credit card is also a club card so I can pay and collect points all in one. The check out operator will ask you whether you want to pay with this card because you can use it just to collect points and pay in some other way.
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I did think of that but my wife preferred a day trip because of less work in taking the awning down and packing up the caravan for travel. This way we could just leave the caravan on site at Worthing whilst visiting the Isle of Wight using the Smart car plus the lower cost of the ferry crossing and not having to pay site fees there for the caravan.
We managed to do quite a lot in one day: Osborne House, Carisbrooke Castle, The Needles, St. Catherines Down and St Helens Dulver Way.
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Might be best to phone her on your mobile every so often!
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We've just finished breakfast.
There's blue sky here this morning but clouds seem to be gathering as I type this.
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Get yourself a 'Tracker App' fitted to your Moby ET then She can watch your every footstep