Booking in advance for 2018

I am planning a trip around France and Spain for February through to April 2018. Going through the tunnel and am booking that soon. Unfortunately I cannot book the Club site near the tunnel yet. Why not?
Surely "ferry pitches" for one night only should be available to book all year round?
Members planning trips usually book ferries and the tunnel well in advance to get best prices/ferry times. Shouldn't the Club consider that they need to be sure about a ferry pitch the night before, especially if the member is travelling many UK miles to get to the ferry/tunnel
I also don't think you will have a problem getting a pitch in February. Why not ring the site just to see if they can help as Black Horse farm is a bit unusual in having so many ferry pitches.
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Whilst I'd agree with anyone who says the current system of releasing all pitches for booking on December frenzy day is madness, this scenario is not really any different to needing to book a pitch for any other reason so I can't see why an exception should be made just for ferry catchers.
If you're really keen to book a pitch for next April now rather than waiting until December, dmcv, you could try a CL.
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If I had a Motorhome I would by-pass BlackHorse Farm , cross in the evening to Calais, and stay at the newly built Aire in that town, or one of the others down the way.
Although if I lived in Hampshire as the OP does I would use one of the Portsmouth Ferries and cut 200 miles off the journey toSpain.