What are you all up to
Me too, Tammygirl. I wonder whether it has changed much in the last 30 years?
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Took friend to pick up some shelving this morning, left home it was dry, few miles down the road thunder , lightening and torrential rain!
arrived home OH said only a little shower, roads dry,and sunny!
OH has been plodding on with bathroom this morning,panels looking good so far, next step removal of toilet! May have to go and stay in the caravan for a day or two.
Malcolm IOW is lovely, we used to live there , a good day out, loads to do.
Natasha, finger sounds very painful, hope you can get it sorted soon.
Moulesy, glad you arrived home safely and missed the hold ups.
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Lovely walk around the loch this morning only two heavy downpours which didn't deter us. During the walk we came across some Sub Aqua guys who had been taking under water photos. Managed to get the awning down and packed away just before another heavy shower.
Off further north tomorrow for 3 nights before we head south again. For certain we will miss this view from our van window.
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A touch of personal pampering this morning (blondes have more fun, at least in our household!
), now off for a bike ride. At least I will look glamorous in A&E! Have ditched idea of a canal side ride, potential for hitting the watery depths is just too high risk in my case, so a nice circular taking in a couple of nature reserves is calling.
Have a nice day Malcolm, never been to IofW!
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TDA good to hear you've had personal pampering, well deserved I expect and hopefully enjoyed. Enjoy the bike ride.
You're missing out if you've never been to IoW. We had lots of childhood holidays there as mum's friend ran a guest house in Shanklin. We took over the place as two families fantastic memories. Have visited twice in last three years , fabulously dog friendly. What about it for your September trip? Should be decent warm weather as well. There's everything you could want on the island and all within reach.
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Well we have just had our ice cream cones, w99's with sauce to be precise 😉. Just 24 hours after OH got our taste buds ready for one! Ice cream van came usual way down the road, but hadn't been on the road behind first 😲😲. OH out like a rocket from his sun lounger in the garden. Tells ice cream lady about yesterday standing outside and her coming the wrong way etc she laughed and said oh I went home 😢.
Successful morning at motorhome sealant working well. Good clean out inside - as much in and out tread without proper wiping of shoes before entry 😲😲😲. Damp meter now reading zero again 😆😆😆. Two well happy bunnies looking forward to the Bristol balloon festival 😂.
Sun is lovely and enjoying a good read in the sun. Just had a red admiral land on me. A visit from my late dad? There was one in the church during his funeral service in October 😉. Special regardless. It had its wings wide and sunning itself for ages with me. I really want a book showing closed butterfly wings as they generally sit or feed with folded wings on dull days that are warm.
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Funny weather here as well Helen. Really heavy rain for a couple of hours this afternoon then stopped and clear blue sky. Needed to go to the caravan so set off half an hour after the rain stopped and the roads were bone dry! Discovered that a pigeon had had a wonderful time decorating our caravan. Luckily I keep a bottle of water and cleaning stuff in there so we set to cleaning it off. Mr H was heard to mutter that it was like concrete.
Daughter and SIL and 2 youngest children on holiday so we went over to feed their cat. Eldest grand-daughter who is still at home is supposed to be looking after her but I had a text last night so say she was going to a festival so could we do it over the weekend. Don't you just love them.
How lovely to have a butterfly to settle on you.bakeres2. Perhaps it was your dad. I am a believer that they sometimes come as someone who has died. When I went to a dear friend's funeral a while ago there was one that spent the service fluttering round the church and we all liked to think that it was her. A friend of mine who was widowed last year often has a robin that flies into the house and out again and she likes to think that it is her late husband.
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Have had day out with some retired warden friends at the Steam and Country Show near Cirencester ,and apart from the odd thundery showers a good day and to cap it all the new member of the family won a third place rosette and a goody bag As Best Rescue Dog out of an entry of 15 in one of the dog shows,
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Sunshine and thundery showers here, nice evening but a bit cooler. We went out for a coffee and cake at NT Barrington Court, dodged a heavy downpour there and had a mooch around the secondhand books. The flower borders looked lovely, all the reds, yellows and oranges out just now.
We've got our visiting dog for a night, also waiting for tests results on our old Toby dog and our terrier is walking round with a head cone. A motley crew.
Off to Bristol tomorrow, trying to work out a route avoiding the M5 and other crowded alternatives. The A303 was hardly moving today, peak holiday traffic. I think we'll be up early to avoid the worst, daughter is coming in to see the dogs, which is a help and take hers home, I hope.
Hope you all enjoy the rest of the weekend.
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Sorry about your rain and the pigeon decoration.
Oh boy the young today 😂😂. I expect she knew that you'd sort the cat otherwise she wouldn't have gone!
Interesting you are on the same page re butterflies and birds. I don't think it's one or the other but my dad can be red admiral or blackbird. Always knows when I need a boost. Great comfort ☺. My sister in law lost her sister and first Christmas Day after she passed they sat at the dinner table and a butterfly appeared, she always said she was going to live with the butterflies - spooky 😉.
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Had a nice afternoon, managed the bike ride, but with a change of plan. We just couldn't be bothered to stick the bikes on carrier, so set off from home and did our local big park, taking in all areas, negotiating lots of folks and all sorts of hazards. Good practice for me, it is all up and down where we live, so lots of gear changes, setting up for inclines, coasting down hills, bit of off-road, etc... every hazard known to cyclist bar road traffic! Had a good work out, those hills take some doing!
No firm plans for September, could be South Coast, but South Wales and all the castles are still hot favourite at moment!
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Nice visit to son and family today, good lunch too. Weather mixed, hot and sunny with showers every so often. Their puppy has grown a bit, very friendly, loves to be rubbed and scratched. Spends a lot of time sleeping, today, mainly on my lap.
Dropped in past DD to give her list of drawer kits to order, then on the way home to pick up our telescopic oven runners......they do not fit her oven.
Also past Ikea to get a rack for the vacuum cleaner hose and bits, and to buy 2 tickets for the crayfish party on the 10th.
Used the new oven tonight for the first time....it heats up really quickly, so OH is very pleased.
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Hopefully if the oven heats up really quickly it will save energy and therefore money Kj. Win win 😊
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Well I did say to grand-daughter we are always here for her if she needed anything while her mum and step dad are away.... 😁
Have had a text from daughter to say that they have finally arrived in the South of France. The roads over there sound even worse than here - lots of hold ups.😠
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Oh goodness. I don't know whether to laugh or cry brue.
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Just watching the BBC Proms tribute to Ella Fitzgerald and Dizzy Gillespie which we recorded last night - what a treat.
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It ain't the standing up, it's the sitting down that I will struggle with!
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Just come back from our local pub , picked up a Chinese on the way home didn't fancy cooking. 😉
Just read through this evenings posts while waiting for the 100 m finals at the world champs. Gosh everyone has been busy. ☺
Millie, pigeon's are a pain, they always make a beeline for my washing pegged out in the garden 😲
Ttda glad you enjoyed the bike ride, you'll just have to sleep standing up.😂😂 haven't been out on my bike for ages, think if I went any distance now, I wouldn't be able to sit or stand 😯😯
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Congratulations to your new family member on her prize.☺
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Oh my goodness Usain Bolt didn't win. 😲
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No Millie, it was a shame, especially as he was beaten by Gatlin 😢
Still a great athlete though!
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Malcolm, at that time of a Monday morning the bottom end of the M275 spur will clog up so you will definitely need to allow a bit more time. I would suggest adding 45 mins to your travel time.
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He was so very gracious in defeat. As you say Helen a great athlete. I just wish his career had ended on more of a high.
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Just a shame he was beaten by someone who has been banned twice for drug related things. Gatlin didn't get a very good reception from the crowd, surprise, surprise.
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That would mean having to leave at 05:45 a.m.
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Do I take it that you are supposed to check in an hour before sailing? If so then that will provide you with a bit of a margin. IIRC you are on an 08:30 sailing. Allow 1:45 for the journey and a 06:00 departure will get you to the Wightlink check-in at Gunwharf Road with 45 mins to spare. Adequate time, I would have thought.