Will a 10kg Safefill bottle fit a Coachman VIP 575
Can anyone tell me if a 10kg Safefill bottle fit inside the front locker of a Coachman VIP 575?
I've measured inside the locker and think it will fit but am slightly concerned with the height of the bottle
Thanks for that Pippah I've always thought having to use a spanner was at the least a nuisance (putting it politely) 😇.
Will put the hand wheel stainless steel pigtail on my shopping list.
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I'm sure you'll be fine KPH as long as you have measured it correctly. Yes, a spanner is a complete pain. I have one but can't remember the last time I used it! Same as the ramps which I removed from the van the other day - they are never used now I have my Lock'n' Level.
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As some of you know, I am looking at MH's and am surprised at the cramped dimensions of some gas lockers. Even if the lockers can take a bigger bottle, often the access hatch is smaller which means you can't get the thing in. Do they do it just to save a few bob on a smaller size locker door?
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I'm going to buy a safefill bottle and would appreciate any advice please on any particular make of stainless steel braided propane pigtail with a hand wheel (as was kindly recommended by Pippah). After looking on google there seems to be soooooooo many!
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I can't remember the make of mine but I think it was just short of £20 or perhaps £30! But it came from a gas supply shop in Lincoln. I baulked at the www as I had recently bought a phoney fire blanket online. Not only would it not have stopped a fire it would have made one a lot worse! I spoke to a very nice lady in Trading Stanards at the time who told me she would never buy anything to do with safety online because the fakes are so clever. Since I had also had two very near disasters with gas caused by incompetent approved dealership I went in person!
I am sure you will love the Safefill.
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Well I've taken the plunge and bought a 10Kg safefill and I can now answer my own question!!!
Yes it will fit into the locker of a Coachman VIP 575 😬