What are you all up to
Mostly the puppy moulesy. I think we have got the grandsons nearly whipped into shape!
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So very sad. I agree moulesy - he will always be Siegfried Farnon to me as well. I loved that programme. He was a very fine actor as was Hywell Bennett.
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,Sniffles and coughs gone !!
, that's what you get for being healthy !!
.Very windy at the B/yd today ,strong Westerly.A bit of maintenance then home mid afternoon,to deal with phone calls and emails.Planning apps' still going on !! .
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Loadsamoney redface. 😂
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The fifth time I've been to see the podiatrist today. My manky toe has been variously diagnosed as bacterial infection, fungal infection and bacterial infection again. Five weeks ago she decided that it was an ingrowing toenail. She's been chipping and filing away at the nail for the last five weeks and now decided that the little bit of nail that's left will probably have to come off
Several times I've had sweaty palms as she's prodded and poked but now she's really got me scared having described what lies in store and that was just the anesthetic.
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Robert Hardy was a good age.....91 I think.......As OH's mum used to say....a good innings.
I would be quite happy to live that long.
Quality of life is the important thing I think.
My Mum was just short of 98 when she died, but her last year was not that good.
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Been there done that!!! The thought of a Podiatrist attacking your toes almost makes you look forward to going to your dentist!!!!
I had both big toenails removed some fives ago. If it's any help the actual process of removal is nowhere near as bad as them poking around at your nails. Recovery can be difficult because toes are the furthest point of your circulation and I had an infection afterwards. They recommend wearing sandals which is really good advice which I ignored as I had mine done in December, but wished I hadn't
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We both have an appointment with the dental hygienist this morning. It's a nice sunny but cool morning this morning here in Worthing.
Yesterday, I had three deliveries to do after starting work at 18:30, then by 19:30 there were no more orders so they offered to let me go early. I was glad to do so as I was tired from all the moving, setting up the awning etc. It was nice to drive back in daylight and then have dinner in the caravan.
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One of my nieces had both of hers removed in her early twenties. She's not good with anything medical. However once done she's had no problems and now they've completely healed and hardened she paints her toe nails including those she doesn't have 😉.
I'm sure it'll be a case of thought more than do 😲😲😲. And as David Klyne says where sandals to allow air circulation and bathe your feet in a solution of tea tree oil, in fact do that now. Fantastic antiseptic.
God luck
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At a bit of a loose end this morning. No one or nothing has prevailed on my time. Most unusual and I'm not sure I like it! Sunny intervals, yesterday's strong wind has gone but it's still blowy 18c.
Will be pottering here with usual chores and then I think a visit to our local museum, it's only a short walk up the road, to have a nosy. Not been for years which is very naughty and they have a celebration of 150 years of the Cooperative Society in Essex, so cause to stir myself!
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Absolutely correct B2, the 200 foot hill in Norfolk is no training ground for tackling the Munro's of Scotland, as to the rain you need to be an amphibian to survive here
Never mind now back at site, car feels less skittish on these waterlogged roads. Suppose we could visit the Oban Sea Life centre as its over 30 years since we last went
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And the distillery OP
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Overslept this morning😯 so only just got to the Farmers Market, weather not as sunny as forecast promised either 😢
Lunch break catch up.
Oneputt glad holiday going well hope weather improves for you, if not enjoy the sea life centre.☺
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Is it safe to eat a sandwich whilst reading this....are we over the toe nail removal bit now...
I've spent the morning buying the second wrong size washing up bowl for our kitchen sink, finding some second hand books for my Mum (even though she can't remember what she is reading she still likes to have some new books.) Taking more stuff to the charity shop and generally not being very organised!
It's sunny so I think I'll eat outside, OH is fitting a new pond pump, this one has a fountain and I'm required to choose which display is preferred. One looked like Chatsworth on a bad day, so that's been eliminated.
Enjoy your day all, hope the rain stops in Oban soon. I was speaking to a friend who's been travelling round Scotland for a month and has had a good time, up to Skye and over to Dornoch etc.
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Your morning sounds a bit like mine Brue. OH out for haircut and time to self. Phone rang, friend I spoke to yesterday for an hour, rang again for another gossip 😲😲 no idea how long on the phone the battery ran out on the walkabout house phone 😲😲😲. Window cleaner turned up and so swiftly cleared conservatory window cills so he could do the inside of those. OH back as window cleaner arrived, not even routine chores achieved! Noter going to attempt to do anything now. Sun's out beautifully roof blinds over on conservatory and still too warm off to sit outside for lunch then off to the museum.
Sorry OP if you're still paddling 😉 but distillery tour sounds good. Take your samples (of the drams 😉) home.
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Out of interest last night on BBC East weather they showed August to often be the wettest month in East Anglia with the spring months the driest. I've forgotten actual measurements but even our wet August is a small number 😉.
Plenty to see and do over this side of the country- very diverse 😂😔
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Trouble is they missed out September in their graphics and that is when we are next away!!!! Despite a forecast of rain today it has, so far, been quite a pleasant day here in MK. Fortunately the wind seems to have gone down a bit. Just as well as my hanging geraniums were unlikely to survive another day of high wind. Even one of my hybrid tea roses had one stem broken off at the base in the wind.
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I understand this is not an unknown phenomenon with whiskey. I must say that apart from the odd sip I have never drunk whiskey but do enjoy a brandy/cognac. One of my favourites is Asbach from Germany but despite searching for it I can't find anyone selling it here over the counter. So if any of you Club Together sleuths see it anywhere, please let me know. Good excuse to go back to Germany and Austria.
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Asbach!! Lovely. I have bought at Asda on occasion.
That reminds me of a couple of things!
One incident that amused me was when me and a friend went across to France, into Belgium and on into Germany a short time before Christmas. We visited a Christmas market in Belgium - a short walk from where we staying. One of the stalls was selling hot drinks such as Gluvine. They also had Asbach etc and I plumped for a Gluvine and hot chocolate. Whilst there I talked with the stall holder getting some info and passing the time of day. His English was limited and so the conversation was a mixture of French which he was conversant in and English. A little later a French couple arrived and he pretended not to understand French
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Whiskey...what's this talk of whiskey, that's from across the water. Whisky comes from Scotland....
I used to drink it but it doesn't agree with me now, I still like doing tours of the distilleries and will take a sip of what's on offer.
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Oven installation, phase 1 now complete, we now have a working oven, OH just needs to work out how to operate it, the instruction book is very thick!
Bonus telescopic runners turned out to be 2 bonus sets, I have fitted one set, and the second set have gone on loan to DD's house to see if they will fit her oven, which is almost identical to ours. If they do, she can decide whether to order some, they seem to cost £46 per pair, which is why we were so surprised to find 2 pairs in the oven.
SIL came up and helped to lift the oven into place, it all went very smoothly, but it was quite heavy at almost 60kg.
Phase 2 will be to make the 3 new drawers to fit below, once I have figured out which drawer kits to order, the website is a bit vague on exact sizes.
After the successful installation, SIL took us out for lunch at the farm shop/cafe where he was going to to buy steak pies and beefburgers.
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Not so successful here 😢
Ice cream van comes down the road most days. We hear it on the road behind as well, that's always before it gets to us. Now we or the neighbours don't had kids buying she goes further down the road and some distance to speed walk. Shes gone before hes got anywhete near a couple if times! Today OH decided we would have one so once it had been heard on the road behind off he went go stand and watch in the front garden. They never stop being kids 😉.
For 30 plus years she's come down the road, and has continued to - so he looks up the road to see her coming. To his amazement she came up the road without the noise and promptly turned right. Not been seen or heard since 😂😂😂.
Oh boy did he get my taste buds going and once again I'm disappointed 😢😢
Upside us he's having lots of conversations with passers-by 😂