Loosing More CLs, why?



  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited July 2017 #272

    Thanks for that ET. I think you hit the nail on the head here. Have we forgotten how to caravan? Have we forgotten the joy of everything that makes up a caravan holiday? Yes- including emptying the loo and fetching water and emptying waste!! That's all part of the fun!   Have the vast majority gone soft? Perhaps I'm just weird but the essence of caravanning to me and the other half is that we turn up in a field, pitch and live perfectly comfortably with minimum facilities as they are all on board. I'm not advocating going back to the 50s of course not particularly with the modern tech we have now but for goodness sake, are CLs really closing because the site up the road offers fully serviced pitches, toilet and shower block, shop, laundry, wash up etc etc at 4 or 5 times the price? - I have a horrible feeling that you may be right mate. In my book, you may as well go B&B! And why oh why would you want to be cheek by jowel with 120 other units? My OH says dryly- ' it's the herding instinct dear' Call me a cynic! 😂😂😂

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited July 2017 #273

    I think many, such as myself, do not caravan to visit sites but to visit areas. As such the CC club sites are generally fine. I require EHU, prefer hard standing generally and want good accesses and if a CC site has those and is where I wish to be then I will choose that. 

    The cost aspect is not important to me but I think that any CL site that I might use would be more than a quarter of CC prices. I probably pay up to £24 a night for a facility site but we happily use non facility sites. I would expect that a suitable CL would be more than £12 generally and possibly £14 or more. I know some are cheaper. One that I used about 3 years ago was £9 and I wondered why the owner did not make it a round £10. There was 3 hardstandings I think and two grass with a good access.

    Although we are happy to use our own facilities many are not and particularly those with smaller wash rooms. I suppose when I started there were few vans with showers are people used their own toilet for number twos!

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited July 2017 #274

    I suspect that many are like myself and prefer hard standings. When most CLs were on grass without EHU I seem to remember many clubsites being on grass also and I did not use an EHU for the first 13 years of caravanning simply because we had no mains provision on the caravan. I fitted electric eventually because the CC started to include them in the price. It was not essential to me however and was used for brewing up, hot water and occasional use of a fan heater. Oh yes I was also able to run the fridge on it because I was surprised to discover that on a non mains caravan the fridge was also set up to use electric!

    I don't mind parking the car or caravan on grass but prefer hardstand outside the caravan door. 

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited July 2017 #275

    I think many, such as myself, do not caravan to visit sites but to visit areas. As such the CC club sites are generally fine.

    I agree with that Easy. There is no doubt that the club sites are in prime locations but with profits of £100 million each year and rising, why wouldn't they be?? The thing is though that I have not yet found difficulty in getting a non EHU site fairly near to be where they are and yes, I visit areas, not sites. I hate to say, that's the way it is but......... that's the way it is! People want convenience and I can certainly understand folks with kids having just had a holiday (non EHU ) with my daughter and SIL and their two boys. But, I have to say, the system worked brilliantly and everyone was able to shower regularly etc . The hard standing bit I get. We had a massive MH on the site - it was a beast and it was dry- might have been a different story had it been wet! But there he was supporting a small non EHU which was great! 


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2017 #276
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  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2017 #278

    Spoke with a warden (probably 5 years ago?) who told me that they were no longer permitted to tow motorhomes off. He said that it was as a result of damage to a motorhome being towed off. He said that as the warden was towing the motor home one way the driver of the motorhome steered off towards the site road at a different angle and damage was done. Mayday will, however, tow off.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited August 2017 #279

    Not on a club site but our storage site and our first outing 😲.  We had to agree that the tow was at our own risk before it could happen. Was verbal but not written. Seems the usual few spoil for the many. Thankfully the only other time we had an issue grips mats got us sorted ourselves.


  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited August 2017 #280

    Club sites are not beyond me financially but I'm sorry, I just won't pay the ridiculous prices! Over £20 a night? Goodness I get 4 nights for that and what extra would I get for my money if I stayed on a club site? The fact is nothing! I have a shower. I have a loo. I have a sink. When I bought the caravan, that's what I bought it for- the fact that it was fully kitted out. Goodness you can almost hear the pounds clicking up on the meter!! No, the friendly CL for me- happy days. 

  • EmblemVilla
    EmblemVilla Forum Participant Posts: 43
    edited August 2017 #281

    Hello Nellie. Thanks for visiting us again, good to see you again. As I said when we spoke last week, we won't become a commercial site, we enjoy meeting the CC club members too much. But, as I've said before, the rules need to change, for most CL's to remain viable in this ever increasing money driven world. EV

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited August 2017 #282

    Good to see you too, EV. I just wonder if the CC will listen to the concerns of CL owners, and users too, and if they will see it within their remit to try and effect a change to the 5 van rule.

  • EmblemVilla
    EmblemVilla Forum Participant Posts: 43
    edited August 2017 #283

    I've got a feeling that they just well might. Surely, any business,in its right mind needs to embrace the market, and trends. The hierarchy get feedback from here, surely unless they are very closed minded, they must listen to the very backbone of their membership.EV