What are you all up to
It could change when her visa is renewed because the new visa may have different terms and conditions.
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It's still rather grey and wet here so staying in the caravan this afternoon. I'll have to leave for work in about an hour and a half. Wet weather usually means more deliveries to do as people prefer to stay indoors and order home delivery rather than go out. Also it could get busier because of the school holidays. They may be anticipating this at work because they have put me down for more hours this week.
With the evenings drawing in, there'll soon be the new challenge to face of having to find addresses in the dark.
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Was very wet here this morning, but improved over the day, and since just after 3 we have had lovely sunshine.
New oven now ordered from John Lewis, will be delivered on Wednesday next week. Now I am working on fitting the new CH clock, not simple, due to the way the old one worked, not a straight swap. Plus I have to find a way to disguise the holes in the wall.
OH has been over to Lidl to restock the fridge, it was very bare! Having fish and chips (from Lidl) tonight.
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On the subject of MH marking their pitch, consider the following scenario. Caravanner who prefers HS parks on unmarked pitch and returns to office to advise warden and is told "that's taken by a MH that's gone out for the day". Returns to caravan and moves on only to follow another member who takes the last remaining HS before he gets to it and is then faced with the dilemma of accepting grass or squatting on the MH's pitch. Should the MH have to accept the consequences of his failure to mark the pitch? Answers on a postcard.
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Yes Brue, still knitting, treated myself to some wool and pattern for a shawl/scarf today.
If by bookshop and café you mean Jaffe and Neale, it's still there,
coop is now Beales an old fashioned department store, nice shop.
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Turned out nice again
mid afternoon the sun came out and it got lovely and warm.
Glossing of door frames and half the skirting boards done
Once sun came out decided to go out in garden and give bike a good clean, now looking like new again.
We had a' Homebase' store, it changed into a 'Range' store over a year ago.
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when choosing a pitch overseas, 'madame' will normally give a list/schematic showing which pitches are available.
in the new world of MH enlightenment(not) perhaps it would be better for CC to adopt this approach so as to prevent the unwary taking occupied pitches....
I could not care less what 'madame' may do over seas. On CC sites it is pretty simple. Find a pitch that is not in use and pitch up. The unwary did not take an occupied pitch as there was apparently nobody on it and not marked. When I had to take my caravan off site I marked the pitch and had I not done so I would have simply found another pitch had it been taken. Pretty simple really. No need for 'madame' to trouble herself on my behalf.
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Why a change? System works fine for most. I arrive at a site I am not wanting to drive around with a list of what pitches are available and which are not. CC have a simple system. If an outfit is on a pitch it is taken. If a pitch marker is in place the pitch 'should' be a taken one. If pitch is empty and no marker it is free. Pretty simple BB. I am sure that you and others can manage that without a change to the system.
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I don't think the warden handled this very well at all
I think that the warden handled the situation totally correctly. Why should somebody selfishly or thoughtlessly or accidentally leaving a CC pitch unmarked result in putting another individual to trouble?
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Small world BB!
I was walking my three dogs along the beach at Sand Bay yesterday. There's a lovely CL nearby which I use regularly and I was breaking my journey there before carrying on to the Lizard today.
Gorgeous sunset just now. All pitched and settled for our 4 week stay.
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Oh dear !! the 'Case' got stuck in the gloopy mud of the creek with a full 4in1 bucket full !! Despite 4x4 and low gears ,no way could I extract it !!
.SO ,go and get the crane,empty the ton of mud ,and get it lifted out using the 'back hoe' and drive wheels !! Then spend two hours preasure washing the gloopy mud off .More washing off tomorrow too !! Live and learn
.Anyone can make a 'cock up ' but it takes a better man to rectify it !!
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It finally dried up about 3pm in Hawes, so went for a walk into the town, with a side visit to sample cheeses at the Creamery. Then up into Gayle and back via Bainbridge Ings, where we used to tent camp with the kids most years, 25 / 30 years ago. Made us feel old.😂 Then for some Old Peculiar in the Crown. Plenty of water in Gayle beck, no shortage for the mill.
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Just got up to a rather grey and overcast start to the day. I have to get to Worthing Hospital by 9 a.m. for diabetic eye screening appointment. I'll have to take a taxi for that because of no driving for a few hours afterwards. However, I'm working this evening so will need to drive from 16:15.
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I was hoping for a better day today, here in Cornwall. Not only was yesterday generally rainy, but we had to take the car in to the local garage as the alternator went. Typical of our summer holidays. The day ended nicely though........
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I'm back from the appointment. Like you say, they put drops into the eyes which sting a little bit, rather like getting shampoo in your eyes. Then you have to wait for 15 minutes in the waiting room, before they call you back in, to complete the eye screening process.
I arrived there at 08:30 and it was all done by 09:00. My vision is still a bit blurry but it's getting better. The taxi cost £9.70 there and £10.50 return.
I'll get the results in about a week.
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Another grey start to the day here certainly not cold. Off for a walk with holiday dog very soon.
Update on our passport applications they caught our last post on Monday, text received a few minutes ago. Received and unless they need further info they'll be with us by 17 August. Pretty swift I'd say. Didn't use Post Office checking service at £9.?? Each, they were only renewals, and we used once years ago for our son and it was returned as incorrect on signed and witnessed part as signee was Irish whoops 😉. Hopefully they'll be back in our grubby little hands very soon. I feel we can't make an emergency visit if we need to 😲.
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Yes, it would make things easier but she hasn't yet got round to applying for a provisional licence! She will need to do that first and then enrol with a driving school. Then it will take time to get in the required amount of lessons before taking the test. Nowadays the test is written as well as practical. If she doesn't pass first time, more lessons will be required. So it's not going to be an immediate solution!
The Smart car is automatic, so she would need to take the test in a manual shift car to get a licence to drive both cars.
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Perhaps I should apply for one of those free bus passes for the over sixties!
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Malcolm how is it that you come up with "problems" mostly it seems self inflicted,you are then given really good advise by posters on here who are experienced in the field of your "problems" but you always seem to come up with a "reason/excuse" for not taking such good advice??
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Yes, it's getting brighter here too. The sun's in and out as I type this whilst sitting in the relaxer in the awning. Lunch is cooking!