What are you all up to
We always go back and inform the warden as soon as I have parked to the peg😀. So would move if told it was taken by a MH. Perhaps this should be a general instruction, as I can understand someone not wanting to move once they have set up. However, if folk take as much notice of that request, as they do about clearly marking that the pitch is occupied by a MH it would not work overly well. To be fair it's not rocket science, if you are in a MH and go out for the day, mark your pitch.
Still bucketing down in Hawes, decided I don't really want to drive in it, so will hopefully get a late walk in. Perhaps to the Dragon at Hardraw.
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We once had to move our caravan and awning just after setting up at Trewethett Farm, the warden had forgotten to tell us certain pitches were out of action. We moved and he helped us. Equally, moving the motorhome after setting up would be a nuisance but it can be done.
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"when choosing a pitch overseas, 'madame' will normally give a list/schematic showing which pitches are available."
Are they really that backward thinking and sexist "over there" then, BB? Presumably "madame" has to break off from baking the croissants to do this whilst "monsieur" is doing something more manly and technical involving machinery!
Seriously though, just stop and think for a moment and, for once, put yourself in the caravanner's shoes. You see an empty pitch, assume it's available so reverse/drive on (to the peg, obviously!
) and then take an hour or so to get sorted and maybe put the awning up, then go to the office as requested only to be given this new information. Now it's probably an extremely rare event (it's certainly nothing we've ever come across) but why would it be obligatory for the caravan to move when they've done absolutely nothing wrong?
Two sides to every story, as ever!
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I usually go to the warden as soon as we have chosen a pitch, before setting up the outfit, to let them know the pitch number and collect the barrier card. Then we proceed to unhitching and getting the cornersteadies down etc.
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For Malcolm
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We usually choose our pitch when we check in as we tend to arrive late in the day when no more arrivals are expected.
I always ask which HS are free when we check in and we've always had them highlighted on the plan with the caveat that some people haven't reported back to the office so some of the pitches may be occupied
I don't think the warden handled this very well at all
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You wish ,if as is the case" chose any pitch with a white peg"and do just that and be set up, then if a motor caravan cannot be bothered to "Mark" the pitch it is their loss there are enough "comments" from some that motor caravans should have first choice of hardstandings,they should then be a bit more "savvey" when the get one
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They have always given me the numbers of vacant pitches but caveated as I mentioned due to some people failing to return with their pitch number as requested and occasionally because there had been arrivals before us that were still circling the site for that mythical best pitch
I do think that if you go back with a pitch number and there's no key or card on the peg then you're on someone else's pitch and should move.
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It's not a case of your usual type of comments (last sentence
)but more of think of others when doing what should come as second nature when leaving a pitch? or is it something else the club need spend our money on (red lights/green lights) to advise if a motor caravan is using this pitch
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Simple it is BB, but still involves folk checking the highlighted plan against actual vacant, or unmarked pitches. As some folk cannot even get the pitching instructions correct, what chance is there of that? Why try and make things difficult when they are not. If pitches are clearly marked as occupied there is no problem. Often the reason abroad for being given a marked plan, is that individual pitches can be booked and may be required during your intended stay. With the CAMC you can choose from any available of your pitch type, so totally different systems.
Trying to keep the thread on topic as we are all clearly bored. It's still raining, still sat in van on CT.☹️
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With the current arrivals policy meaning several outfits arriving together, I think it would be pretty meaningless to be given a site map indicating "vacant" pitches, many of which are going to have been occupied within minutes. Now if the club adopted a more relaxed policy to arrivals this problem might be solved.
Anyway, what am I up to today? Well, not much really, it's pouring down, we and the dogs all got well soaked this morning, have to go and get the van from storage some time but might well leave that till tomorrow and get on with reseaching a couple of quiz rounds!
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so there are a queue of c/vans round the sites still coupled to car while someone walks back to "check"if the pitch can be used,or if placed on the pitch then to be told a motor caravan has not bothered to mark their pitch
dream on as they now say
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Horrible morning here, got up early to take m/h in for MOT and service. OH driving M/H me in my car, just as we went out the front door the heavens opened m/h delivered to garage, then onto B&Q for more paint and wallpaper. Next stop Tesco across the road from B&Q but needed to move car parks.
Rain starting to ease a little but its feeling chilly indoors. OH going out soon to the lunch club he helps out at. I on the other hand will be crawling round floors glossing the skirting boards (not high gloss more mid sheen)
Don't want to get into an argument but m/h's should by now know that they should leave a sign on their pitch when leaving the site.
Having previously been a caravanner now motorhomer, I have seen it from both sides. The wardens can highlight the pitches available as has been mentioned however if there are vans still' looking' for pitches it won't be accurate. Also the booking in process would be even longer than it already is, on a busy site this is just a waste of time.
I would not be happy to move if someone forgot to put out a sign, especially if there was no h/s left, then again as a m/h it does not take me 3 hours to set up.
When we had a caravan we always informed the office of what pitch we were on as soon as we made that decision, not after we were set up.
I'm glad that the ladies have secured another h/s especially if its raining there like it is here.
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Adviseing the office "just in case" before "setting up" is fine if office is near chosen pitch,but not if as some sites a five plus minutes walk away,
but it should not be nessersary, and we also can see both sides, but then in the past maybe it was not needed
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I agree with their comment about a happier way of life but we wouldn't want to go to that extreme. They seem to be mostly wild camping. We prefer to have some facilities. We can manage without toilet blocks but we prefer at the very least ehu, a water tap, bins for waste disposal. We don't need to store our clothes in boxes, we have wardrobes. So we tend to go for CLs or club sites and don't mind paying extra for it.
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Yes, aware of your wife's visa conditions, but I would not have expected that to stop YOU, a British Citizen and UK taxpayer, from receiving help with housing where appropriate?
Not social housing, but assistance with the cost of a private rental property. This is called Local Housing Allowance I believe, and depends on the area, and the size of property you are deemed to require.
Worth checking up on anyway!
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Not been in the position of ending up on an "unmarked MHer's pitch", but would not be happy having to move if I had already levelled and fitted the 2 Alkos!
OH directs me onto the pitch, approves the final position, then returns to reception to report number while I get on with setting up. On a large site, such as Malvern Hills, by the time she got back I would have pretty much everything done, including pumping the first Aquaroll of water into the onboard tank, so would be even more reluctant to move pitch.
The instruction to MHers to mark their pitch in some way is very clear, if they choose not to do so, they must accept the consequences.
The warden's instructions are to select a vacant pitch of the type booked, then come and report the number so we can be given the correct card or key, and that is exactly what we do. There is no instruction to come and check that it really is vacant first.
We have seen it happen to someone else, at Bolton Abbey. The pitch was not marked, a caravan pitched up on it, then apparently they were told there had been a MH on the pitch. Warden came to look, confirmed the pitch had not been marked in any way and told the caravanner it was OK to remain on the pitch. When the MHer returned, he had to return the barrier card and select a different pitch.