What are you all up to
Many thanks TTDA forgot to add we are staying at another of your recommended cl sites later in the week "Splash Farm".
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I had a busy evening at work yesterday. Non-stop deliveries, one after another and sometimes two at a time, so the 5 hours went quickly! I also got my duty rota for next week.
I've got the day off today and back on for Monday evening 6 to 10. Then Tuesday and Wednesday days off and 6 to 10 Thursday to Saturday, Sunday day off. Payday Friday week, a bit less this time because of holiday but still a welcome addition on top of my pension.
I used up a quarter of a tank of fuel on last nights deliveries but I'm not out of pocket as I get paid fuel allowance daily, plus tips, so nice to get a daily turnover of cash in addition to the monthly pay. Like they say at Tesco 'every little helps.'
My wife seems to be enjoying not having to work anymore and makes good use of the time to get the housework done or should I say caravan work. She enjoys spending time with her cookbook finding new recipes, so a nice tasty meal ready for when I get home after work. She prefers home cooking to eating out. It saves money too!
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starting to think about Christmas - just six months today! We've half way there already.
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I used up a quarter of a tank of fuel on last nights deliveries but I'm not out of pocket as I get paid fuel allowance daily, plus tips, so nice to get a daily turnover of cash in addition to the monthly pay. Like they say at Tesco 'every little helps.'
A quarter of a tank must equate to over 100 miles in the Smart. Just remember there are running costs to a car other than fuel. Although the costs are possibly less on a Smart, they are still substantial and won't in any way be covered by the allowance they pay you, not even with the tips, unless they are extremely generous.
Do all the delivery drivers use cars, or do some use bikes?
It does depend on what annual mileage you do, but the running costs for your car are likely to be between 30 and 40 p a mile, AA figures. So your allowance and tips would have had to be at least £30 to break even.
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I never get that much, SteveL. Most days not more than £8 per day including fuel allowance and tips.
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This morning, we went to Tesco Extra pfs to refuel the Smart, cost £27.50 for a full tank, paid usingTesco credit card so earned a total of 33 points i.e. 27 points at 1 point per pound and credit card bonus points of 6 i.e. 1 bonus point for every £4 spend.
After that went on to Highdown Gardens. We walked around the rose garden, then trees and shrub garden followed by the chalk garden and finally millenium garden. It was lovely weather for walking around, cloudy with a cool breeze.
We came back to the caravan for a snack lunch of cheese and onion on toast.
It's gone a bit too warm and muggy this afternoon, so we're back inside the caravan with the aircon going once again.
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Thanks BB, think this trip has to go down as one of our best, really liked the places we went and the weather apart from a few storms was good
Great to hear the young Un's have got a camper, does this mean trips away together in the future
We have now done just over half the journey home, ferry docked on time at Hull but it took a while to get clear, lots more checks going on. One of the security force there told us they have been getting migrants climbing onto trucks at Zeebrugge, then once on board breaking into caravans and m/h's so they are checking each and everyone.
Anyway we are now at a sunny White Water site (Middlesbrough ) shopping done at Asda, lunch now finished, GP getting recorded we are off for a cycle along the river.
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Now that you're back Tammygirl, at least you'll have cooler weather for walking and cycling. You'll surely find that a lot more comfortable than the temperatures you had over there.
Having said that, the sun is now out here and it's too hot to sit out in the awning. I tried putting the relaxer outside the awning but that was too hot too. At least we had a comfortable outing this morning whilst the sky was grey!
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Malc, do you think that by using the air con all the time, you may not be allowing your body to get acclimatised to warmer weather? It is not overly hot today is it? Why not go outside to sit, instead of sitting in the caravan or the awning the whole time?
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Yes Malcolm it is cooler
however the heat doesn't really bother us as it does you. We have lived in climates from -20c to +38c and just adjust to it
more clothes when cold less when hot, simples
it's quite windy here today so the 15 mile ride was refreshing to say the least. OH now watching his F1 recording.
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Re sitting in the caravan most of the time.
Just a nosy query (sorry!) - what do you do all day?
We do the same as if we were sitting outside - talk, read, listen to music - things we don't have enough time for at home. And of course - people watch. Wearing hats and sunglasses, or scarves and fleeces (obviously not inside).
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Last night at Henley tonight, off to Birmingham tomorrow. We have been out and about a bit.......over to Windsor, west as far as Goring, and into Henley itself, where preparations for the Regatta are in full swing. I had forgotten just how badly maintained our roads are these days, we have been enjoying the smooth roads in Holland and Germany!
After only 4 nights here I have to agree with TG's observations that it is very crowded down here, OK for a visit but would not like to stay here. The roads are very busy, not that that bothers me, but they are amazingly narrow in places considering the amount of traffic, everyone drives quite agressively, and fast, and the parking is pretty awful most places.
I think I will be quite glad to be home soon!
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Oh dear Kj, you are suffering from coming back home glumness....it will pass! Hope you enjoyed your long holiday and arrive home safely after your final part of the tour.
I'm just planning a September Scottish trip, it would have helped if I hadn't used a 2018 day planner at the back of my diary. I couldn't work out why things didn't match up, I've got to pay for an extra night at a site to even things out.....
I've had a nice time trailing round the Scottish coast line looking at places.
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We have had a wonderful weekend of celebrations for Mr H's 80th. I took him out for lunch on Friday before N.Ireland family arrived. Then it was all systems go. Lunch for us all at eldest son's on Saturday and then the main event on Saturday evening - a celebratory meal at a local restaurant for 15 of us. So wonderful to get everyone together. Daughter made the most marvellous cake. Youngest son and family have now left to go back to N.Ireland and the house seems horribly quiet.
Glad all is going well with the new caravan Helen. I am very envious that you have seen a puffling.
Glad your journeys home are going well tammygirl and Kj, although sad for you that your trips are coming to an end. Kj we meet up with friends at Henley Swiss Farm site sometimes and have to agree about the state of the roads.
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Glad to hear celebrations went well Millie.
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Just caught up with this H&T! Very nice CL, lots of interesting places close by, and a lovely walk/cycle along the Cromford Canal, both ways from the site. It skirts the estate once owned by Florence Nightingale's family. Cromford Mill is an interesting visit, but best of all is Haddon Hall, very old, lovely gardens. We much prefer it to Chatsworth, a lot smaller, but far more interesting. The weather is being very kind at the moment, hope it continues for you!
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Know those views well, just pre-breakfast stroll from the C&CC's Teversal site.