What are you all up to
Nice to see them outside, here in Diekirch the cows seem to be be in very smelly sheds, we passed quite a few on our cycle rides.
Another hot day, quite a good breeze blowing but as yet no sign of the thunderstorm they forecast, the river has dropped a fair bit over the last few days we can now see shale banks in places.
Got a very loud and rude awakening this morning 7am from workmen re - surfacing the cycle path on the other side of the river. Much shouting and machines clanking but the worst noise was the reversing banks man on the big truck
all the roof lights and windows were open so we got the full effect. All done by 11.30am, peace once again
Not sure what we are doing today, possibly another cycle ride, to hot to wear the kit required for the trike so he is sat there on the trailer unused here.
Tonight is the start of the local festival, 7 -12 then all day tomorrow, so will pop along at some stage to see what's going on.
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We've just got back from WWT Arundel.
We used the Shogun this time as it had not had a run since arriving back here from Cirencester. We left the site at about 09:45. It was cloudy then but still dry. We turned right on to Titnore Way and then right again on to Titnore Lane up to the roundabout at the end and then on to the A27. There was some traffic delay on the turn off to Arundel as usual but not too long. However, by the time we arrived at WWT at 10:15, there was thunder and lightning followed by a heavy downpour of rain. So we drove on down the lane leading to the Black Rabbit and parked in the little car park overlooking the river to wait for the rain to stop. We didn't have to wait long. It turned out to be just a passing shower.
So we drove back to the WWT car park and proceeded to reception at the visitor centre. We sat for a while in the Discovery Hide and then walked towards the Woodland Hide. On the way, we passed by a nest full of white eggs and a rather aggressive goose trying to stop people getting anywhere near.
We saw some Chaffinches feeding on the bird feeders at the Woodland Hide before going on to the reedbed walk. At the end of the reedbed walk we turned right towards the Sandmartin hide. On the way we visited the Scrape Hide where we saw a Crane. The Sandmartin Hide was closed but we saw some Bewick swans in the garden by the pathway next to the water.
Further along the pathway by what they call the secret garden, we saw what looked like Hawaiian Geese with goslings that had grown a lot since we were last there.
We went on to visit the Ramsar Hide followed by the Lapwing Hide before returning to the visitor centre and back to the car park for the journey home.
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Greenway is good for dogs Moulesy, we often take the ferry from Dartmouth. Nice walks all round the gardens. we take it in turns if we go in the house, lots of benches and deckchairs just outside on the terrace and lawns, plenty of water bowls around. Good cafe.
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It's not too bad down here Jay....Glastonbury is nice and dry. Just been listening to our son's recording of a chat with people on the Kidzfield...lots of painting and decorating going on.....
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I'm glad it's dry. It was so wet one year that my Mohican flopped
It's too mainstream nowadays for me but we were in the area on glasto weekend three years ago. Perfect weather up to the Thursday then a three day downpour then glorious sun again
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Arrived at the Henley site just after 1pm, only one small hold up on the M25.
Managed to get a pitch well away from the road, so quite quiet.
Had lunch and now off out for shopping at Tesco and Waitrose.
Spriddler.......that's my serious look, the grumpy one is much worse!
Malcolm.......That is sad that you have little family contact, what about your cousin that lives nearby I thought you visited him regularly?
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20 degrees is comfortable, you don't need a jumper in that temperature, Jayess. Also the cooler weather this morning, didn't last long. It got hotter with that sticky humidity to go with it. By the time we got back to the caravan after visiting WWT, we needed the aircon back on.
We had lunch in the caravan in air-conditioned comfort followed by an afternoon nap before getting up just now to make a pot of tea with the air-conditioning still working. The thermostat set to 19 degrees at the moment.
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Yes we visited him yesterday to collect our post but that is the only family relation we see.
We also visited him a week ago after we got back from Scotland and spent about an hour there as he was interested to hear all about the trip.
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Nowt wrong with my thermostat. 20 would be comfortable normally but a ten degree drop so quickly has been a shock to the system
I was enjoying the 30 degrees so dropping to 20 is a massive disappointment.
I'm afraid the jumper is on Malcolm. I think I'm a pretty good judge of whether I'm cold or not
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Still hot and sticky here 36c very breezy with strong gusts, still no sign of the thunderstorm though, the forecast now says between 7 and 8, great just as I want to watch the tv
dish is down at the moment as the gusts are quite strong. Turns out the town has a fireworks display on tonight, that should be good with everything tinder dry everywhere
Checked the forecast for when we get home next week, guess what, it's going to be raining
for 4 days now there's a surprise not.
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That's because the hot, sunny weather was here whilst you were abroad, Tammygirl!
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The day started with 26 degrees in Herne Bay,Kent (eating breakfast outside) .At the B/yd later it clouded over ,then 11.30 IT began !! Lightening ,thunder ,and heavy rain YES RAIN !! Oh SO cooling and welcome for hour and a half.Then ,,,back up tp 30 again PHEW !! " STEAMING"
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Some pictures from our visit to Colston Fishacre house and Gardens this afternoon. The house was built in the 1920'shade for the D'Olympic Carter family. There's a real contrast between the spacious "upstairs" (family) rooms and the more cramped "downstairs" (servants') quarters! In the library there'should this superb painted map of the headland with a weather vane connected to the outdoor one so that the family always knew which direction the wind was from!
These are the "upstairs" rooms - library, saloon and one of the bedrooms.
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Goodness. I don't like the look of that rug moulesy.
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Cooler and cloudier today but as the day went on it has got very humid again. A few spits and sports of rain but nothing much at all. We shall see whether we get a thunderstorm overnight.
Big celebrations here this weekend as it is Mr H's 80th. Well the rest of us are celebrating but Mr H isn't too keen.
Youngest son and family are coming over from N.Ireland for a flying (literally!) visit for the weekend and we are taking the family out for a celebratory meal on Saturday - 15 of us. I've ordered birthday balloons and all the trimmings for the restaurant on Saturday but don't tell him.
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I really don't know what happened there - it's nothing to do with the Olympics or the Carters - it's meant to say the D'Oyly Carte family (Mrs M is a big Gilbert & Sullivan fan!) You'll just have to excuse the other typo's - haven't even had a drink yet!
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It's been a bit cooler here today, much more comfortable at work.
Had to do my shopping in morrisons today, our Aldi is closed, noticed that I spent more
Heard from youngest son, he is coming to visit tomorrow so swopped shift at work to the morning so can see him before we go on holiday.
Moulesy : lovely pictures, sounds like you had a nice day.Not sure about that creature on the bed though!
Millie : Hope you have a lovely weekend and Mr H enjoys his birthday celebrations 🎂
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Have moved to second of the three sites on our East Anglia ,trip here for a fair size birthday and an anniversary have been joined by two other outfits for celebrations,weather much cooler (thank goodness )
Going to have a wander to village club after our pizza meal sun still shining
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Right, let's have another go at those "downstairs " rooms at Coleton Fishacre!
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Well, that worked, so maybe these garden ones will too. The whole place was looking spectacular today!
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Walked along the Auckland Trial into Bishop Auckland this morning and visited the Castle which is being renovated, so partially enclosed in scaffolding. Then picnic lunch in the park and a wander through the parkland and adjacent fields and wood before returning to the car along the trail again. Much cooler today but plenty of sunshine in the late afternoon and early evening but clouding over now.
Thanks for the photos. M. That's one of the N/T sites that we've not viisited.