What are you all up to
15 degrees in Edinburgh seems heaven to me! That's the kind of temperature I would like to go out visiting places rather than in this heat down here! Going out for a walk here in the midday sun would be madness!
My wife seems to find plenty to do in the caravan, cooking, cleaning, getting clothes washed and dried etc. and prefers to have time indoors to get it all done.
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Sounds like it's time you hitched up and moved there then!
As you've stated before there is only the two of you, so no ties to the South. It's too hot for you so chuck the caravan on the back and away you go!
No more heat to complain about and if the aircon packs up you won't be needing it
Also, it's good to see you have a good working relationship with your wife.
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I presume you like it that way, but for us the family are very important. When we are away, our daughter rings or Skypes us regularly, and the grandchildren come on Skype every so often too.
When at home we visit them all regularly, daughter is only 15 minutes drive away, son and grandchildren are almost an hour. We often do little DIY projects for them, I believe our daughter has a door for me to alter and a garden wall to be moved when we return.
My hobbies keep me busy too, especially my wood turning, which I took up when I retired, and the house and garden also take a bit of looking after. This summer we have a set of steps in the garden which need rebuilt, but I will be getting some help with that, and there may be some external woodwork to check on, though I did quite a lot of work on that last summer.
OH iis threatening that we need a new kitchen, but hopefully a new oven will pacify her meantime.
It can be quite a lot to look after, but I prefer to keep the house going as we had it built to our design, so it suits us very well. It has been a good house, very little has gone wrong with it in the last 30 years.
If we did not have family near, and hobbies to entertain us, I reckon life would be very sad and tedious.
Oh, and we share the housework now that I am retired.
OH would take a pretty dim view of me sitting watching her doing everything!
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Going out for a walk here in the midday sun would be madness!
as the song goes:
But Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun
Apologies for the sexist language in the above line - complaints should be sent to Noel (not Edmonds)
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"My wife seems to find plenty to do in the caravan, cooking, cleaning, getting clothes washed and dried etc. and prefers to have time indoors to get it all done."How much housework do two people in one room create?
Plenty of time to got out an about. NT houses etc and cathedrals will be wonderfully cool.
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The end of our trip is rapidly approaching, now on the ferry back ro Harwich. Very smooth crossing, though not quite the dead calm conditions we had on the way out,
We have an overnight on a CL near Harwich, then to Henley, Birmingham and Chirk for a few days. Only 11 days till we are home.
We have a few days to unpack and plough through the washing mountain, then we are off, without caravan, for 4 days on Lewis.
After that it will be time to start on the garden, and the long list of jobs our daughter is drawing up.
Roll on September and our next trip!
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Another lovely June day at the B/yd.Very nice Easterly breeze bringing the temperature down to 31 !!
. Took my trailer behind the new V90.R to Broadstairs to collect some unwanted 47gall' drums for diesel storage at the B/yd.A bit of maintenance too (of course) .
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A little cooler today only 38c
Went for another 20 mile cycle ride though, some of it was in the shade but a long section was on tarmac road, you could feel the heat coming up off the road. Forecast for thunderstorm tomorrow that should cool us down a bit. Still not complaining we prefer it to grey skies and rain.
Malcolm, 15c is a comfortable temperature for some sight seeing however corners did say it was pouring with rain as well, that's not so good. Personal I like 18 -20c if I'm sightseeing and anything from 21 - 27c for sunbathing, walking and cycling. Over 28c it does mean you have to be a bit more careful with protection and fluids but we cope quite well with heat as long as it's not humid with it.
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Goes to fast doesn't it
we are on the ferry Saturday, Middlesbrough for Sunday night, then into Durham on Monday to see the trailer people. Provided we get away before lunchtime we will go straight home, if not then we will look for somewhere for the night and get home early on Tuesday.
Lots of work in the garden will be needed and we have a few things to do in the house, unlike you our children live away so no jobs required for them.
Already looking at our options for September and beyond, not sure yet what we are doing. Had planned to go to Spain for 3 months but my sister and family are heading to Australia for 3 weeks in October, that leaves Mum alone, I'm not keen on that so we are having a rethink. M/h booked in for service end of November as is the house boiler so would need to re - arrange them if possible. We also need to go out to Malta to see the ones out there, there is just not enough time
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None of our family relations are interested in meeting us at all. So we have no choice in that. Whether we like it or not, that's the way it is and there's not a lot we can do about it. We have friends whom we meet from time to time but no family.
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Well today we found the caravan keys that we lost yesterday when out on a bike ride. Pretty amazing to have got them back as we had no idea where in our long cycle journey they might have been lost. They had been handed in at the Co-op by some kind spirited person.
We had to break into the caravan yesterday, luckily the small kitchen window had been left open on the first catch (closed but letting air in) and even more luckily the car had been left unlocked (yes I know dreadful forgetful hubby) So with car open we were able to use tools etc to get the window latches up and with a sun parasol pole were able to lean into the van and lift the door catch up.
Big sighs of relief all round. Spare set of keys in the van so no real problems there but to get them back today is just brilliant.
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[Quote. KjellNN:
When we are away, our daughter rings or Skypes us regularly, and the grandchildren come on Skype every so often too.When at home we visit them all regularly, .....]
You're obviously not as grumpy as your avatar conveys, then?
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[None of our family relations are interested in meeting us at all. So we have no choice in that. Whether we like it or not, that's the way it is and there's not a lot we can do about it. ]
Well Malcolm, I'm not surprised they haven't been interested in visiting you as to quote (above) from your earlier post you've spent the past three days in the shower
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Hopefully it will be even better when it re-opens Helen.
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We have been with friends to a talk given by Jonathan Foyle on the wonderful medieval painted wooden ceiling in Peterborough Cathedral this evening. It was, as we were told, the 'coolest' place in Peterborough in more ways than one!!
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Some of them do post on Facebook though and I get to read their posts but never actually get to meet in real life.
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Another bright and sunny start to the day with a scattering of high level Cirrus cloud. Temp this morning at 7am was 21C. Day in the house waiting for the plumber, looks like the mixer has gone on our 37 year old shower so think it's time for a new one
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We've got up to a cloudy overcast sky this morning but much cooler. So we've switched the aircon off and had breakfast of Weetabix with raisins in the awning for a change.
We've just opened up the awning doors and getting some nice cool fresh air into it. Nice to be able to use the awning without feeling too hot. It makes a huge difference to our living space. It may be harder work to erect and dismantle a full awning but it's worth it for the extra space.
We've now got bacon and eggs cooking in our awning electric cooker.
Now that the summer solstice is over the days will start drawing in and it's also back to work for me today. Nevertheless, it will still be light for my entire evening shift tonight so no having to search for addresses in the dark, thankfully! I start at six and finish at ten tonight.
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Just finished a bacon and egg toasted sandwich and now having a cup of tea. There's a nice cool breeze coming into the awning as I type this.
With the cooler weather, there seems to a bit more life around this morning. Movement of people cars and motorhomes. I bet those without aircon must be glad of the cooler weather. Unfortunately, there's a grey sky to go with it! You can't have it all, I'm afraid!
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A breeze suddenly blew up in the small hours this morning and it is now much cooler but cloudier as well. Our garden could do with some rain as everything is looking very dry and burnt. I am off to meet up with friends who I used to work with this morning for a catch up.
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Cooler, cloudier and all together more pleasant this morning. We've had to find riverside and shaded walks so far this week - been nowhere near the coastal path!
But today we're off to the seaside - a walk from Broadsands to Brixham and then a visit to NT Coleton Fishacre which is one of the few NT places to welcome dogs. So a nice day ahead - hope everyone else enjoys whatever the day brings them, home or away.
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We plan to visit WWT Arundel this morning and take advantage of the cooler weather to walk around there.
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A misty start to the day. We're waiting for the grass (we cut yesterday) to dry out a bit.
Meanwhile a photo of "heifers in the mist"