
Hi All
Seems as if most things which fly & bite have a taste for my lovely wife question here is? has anyone come up with a reasonable replant which works? or is it a case of eating "Mar mite" on your morning toast? as when your body sweats the flying things can't stand Mar-mite and therefore leave you well alone! (I kid you not!)
Anyone else out there suffering as much as her? would love to read the
P.s No we don't and won't use an awning, we do use a sun canopy but have not got or fitted side nets on it?
My wife is the same. Avon "Oh So Soft" (the blue one) works well and apparently it is used by the armed forces. The other thing the wife has been doing is taking vitamin B tablets each day. She gets less bites and they are less aggressive.
A mosquito net suit works but hasn't got much street cred.0 -
Thanks peegeenine
When you say the "Blue One" is that the colour of the bottle or the make?
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Jungle Formula protects me - and they love the taste of me. You can also get Jungle formula plug ins - available from Boots usually. Jungle Formula after bite is good as is Anthisan from the chemist to soothe! Avon's Skin So Soft (you can get it online) seems to work well too although I haven't yet tested it against Highland midgies!
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It's the blue bottle. Pippah45 got the name correct.
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I've eaten marmite every morning of my life pretty much and the blighters still bite me. Tried products containing DEET which appears to work, one called Off seemed the best but only purchased that in Canada.
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I speak as one who spent a number of Summers in and out of hospital with blood poisoning due to insect bites! One bite, and area would swell up, but around joints it was as if someone had tie wrapped me! Excruciatingly painful.
I now get prepared from March onwards, taking one a day Loratideine tablets, that don't make you drowsy, they don't like Vitamin B, so yes, Marmite and yeasty products help. Use insect repellents if necessary, keep away from known mosquito hotspots. Doesn't stop the blighters biting, but it does help keep the infection and pain under control. I also find ice cubes on sore area can help. There are some really good reports for using the Avon So Soft product, in fact I think Inread somewhere that it is so good the Royal Marines use it!
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Yes another one for Avon Skin so Soft, the Rangers up in Scotland also use it
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Hi All
Thanks for so many great idea's Will have to take her out again and try them one by
Think I'll start with the Avon Skin So Soft mixed up with the vitamin B tablets see how that goes if that doesn't work then I'll keep moving up the scale to prescription drugs!
To be fair it also effects me sometimes so anything is worth a go but thanks everyone for your ideas will try them and report back
Thanks everyone
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My OH insists that Avon so soft comes in a green bottle. Who is correct? If she is wrong then please whisper the reply as she is always right!
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The answer on insect repellents depends on whether you trust Mumsnet or medical scientific evidence from the NHS.
The latter says use DEET, and for anyone with an allergic reaction to DEET the alternatives are Icaridin, Dimethyl Phthalate. or Eucalyptus oil.
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OH suffers really badly with bites, he has tried everything even Avon skin so soft (he is ex Army)
The regime for him now is to start taking antihistamine tablets 2 weeks before going away, 1 a day. This year he has only had 2 bites on his legs and neither caused a problem. We've been in France since end of April, bites were when we were on the med coast.
Re Avon, they have changed the ingredients recently and it no longer contains the one that repels insects. This from an Avon rep. It never worked for OH but he did smell nice
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Clear bottle blue bordered label! Original Dry Oil Spray and it really is dry oil no greasiness to it.
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The Avon Skin So Soft can be bought on Amazon. If you read the list of ingredients, it contains Citronella oil, and for the last five or six years we've been buying Citronella essential oil and adding it to our sun tan creams, face cream and body butter. It seems to work better than anything, but like Tammygirl I suffer badly if I get bitten, and have had to see doctors whilst on holiday, so I also tend to take an anti-histamine (non-drowsy type) each morning when we're in areas where biting insects are a problem. That way, if I do get bitten I don't get the swelling and itching.
The tip about Citronella came from Dutch campers, on a site with a mosquito problem. They then persuaded the camp site shop to stock it - and it seemed to sell in large amounts!
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At this time of year the most deadly biters are the TICKS, Anyone who walkes through bracken or heather without leg covers ( ie shorts) is just asking for real trouble. Only one answer, cover up. If you dog is infected make sure you remove them immediately
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HI every one i have just come back from France .I read on line to try clear nail polish when you have been bitten .yes and it worked for me apparently stops the air getting to the bite apply every couple of days or as needed .oh the relief of not scratching until you bleed. Like most of you I become meals on wheels to mosquitos!
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It depends where you are, I guess. Our dog got at least 20 on just one walk by the shore of Loch Lomond early last month. Have continued up through Scotland and back to Northumberland and he's only picked up a few more over the rest of the trip.
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We haven't had to use this yet as our trips to Scotland have each been pre midge season. But is it the one that's been changed ? I got it from Avon 2 years ago. It looks different to yours Pippah.
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I have had mine at least a year so maybe the label has changed? Does it mention the Jojoba oil. It say original so it should be the same. However not all originals are original. Schweppes Tonic water for an example claims to be original but originally there was no Aspartame to adulterate it with!
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Yes it does mention Jojoba. However just checked on Avon website and it has yet another version of the bottle. So will just hope that if and when we do need to use it, it'll be effective.Thanks anyway.
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Mosies always go for me and react badly. I always carry a tube of Hydrocortisone 1% on me and straight away add some on the bite. Adding to this I take 1/2 a Citerzine tablet and the bite does not develop. This remedy was given to me by my Dr. Years ago and always works. I only take half a Citerizine as they make me sleepy and it does the trick, but a whole one once a day is the proper dose.
Warning do do not eat bananas if you are prone to mosquitoes it attracts them.