Hi, I did mention that my Avon rep told me that Skin so Soft no longer contain the ingredient that repelled midges. Not sure if it was Citronella or not, I've got some from a few years ago but not sure if it would still do the job or not as I believe they can loose the effectiveness over time.
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I found this web site which might help and is also a guide to avoiding bites.
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I hope the Avon rep is wrong! I much prefer skin so soft to Jungle Formula. I also made some repellant myself from a recipe found on the net - which I have now lost - it had five essential oils in it including Eucalyptus and one very difficult to find one - I will see if I can find it!
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I've gathered quite a selection of REPELLANTS over the last few years but I'm not sure if they have a "shelf life"
1) Jungle Formula -- as a spray, as a liquid and very conveniently, as individual wipes in a tin foil like package.
2) Skin So Soft { aged sister has just ordered, off her own bat, some for each touristy member of the family, so if its formulation has been changed she will end up with a lonely Christmas
! }
3) Smidge That Midge, which I understand was developed by a university, possibly Aberdeen.
4) A few bottles of craft beer -- these do not repel midgies nor do they ease the pain but, in sufficient numbers, can make the bites utterly irrelevant
Brian A B M
P.S. -- If anybody should see me buying nail varnish, clear or coloured, please feel free to shoot me !