What are you all up to
Morning all, nice weather in the SW today. The fishing season started yesterday so OH is off to meet pals on the river Parrett, he has been busy getting club tickets ready for visitors etc
I'll be looking after the third dog again for a few hours, daughter is singing in a festival and her boyfriend is going along too. We spent a long time yesterday blocking up an escape tunnel through a hedge!
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If it's hotter than this abroad, all I can say is that I'm glad I spent my holiday here. Now you can understand why I prefer Scotland. I guess that's where I'll be heading for next years holiday too! At least it was nice and cool when I was there and it didn't matter about the aircon! That way you can enjoy a walk in the fresh air as long as it doesn't rain.
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Malcolm, you could always walk through the park to Waitrose, or there is a Tesco metro in the centre of town. Both have air conditioning😀. Although it does not seem much, it is up hill back, so don't buy to much. The trees in the park will give some shade.
A good place to visit on a hot day is Chedworth Roman Villa, which is National Trust. The mosaics are all in well ventilated buildings out of the sun.
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Oh Boy !! !! It's a HOT one today !! Even here on the coast it's 26 already .Very slight Westerly breeze .Off to the B/yd now ,goung to be even hotter me-thinks !!
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Looks like it is going to be a hot one today. I am doing an extra Welcomer duty at the Cathedral this afternoon as it is Heritage Festival weekend so it is all hands on deck. It will be nice and cool in there so I expect some people will be coming in just to cool off after watching the Sealed Knot re-enact The Siege of Woodcroft Castle in Cathedral Square.
Edit: I am so glad that Mr H is a practical man and can mend/sort out most problems in the caravan. It sounds like it is saving us a small fortune.
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Nice one, triky auto! I'm glad I'm not the only one who's feeling the heat!
I used our own caravan washroom to do my ablutions this morning in air-conditioned comfort, instead of walking across in the hot sun to the toilet block. What's the point in showering in the toilet block when you're going to get hot and sticky, sweating buckets, the moment you get out?
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despite being laid up for a couple of days this week (with some virulent nasty from GD's nursery, no doubt....), made it to the seaside (W-S-M) yesterday but it was surprisingly windy, and nippy when not out of the breeze, and still a lacking in my usual 'zip'.
Hope your feeling better soon BB.
I like WSM. We have visited it many times over the years. However as a young child it used to be our regular place to go from Bristol. Often on the train. Also Brean / Brean Down, when our family graduated to owning a car. I well remember my cousin and I getting plastered in the mud. I see kids still do that to this day. The mud must be magnetic.😂
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I can't work you out Malcolm, you penny pinch on overnight stops in a lay by or service stations. You squeeze every penny out of the club using electric for everything, even when it's not needed. Yet you drive miles to get 2 light bulbs changed. If you are as concerned as say you are about money why buy food out so much, 2 pasties at Greggs, not much I know but you had the van with you why not prepare a snack in there. Shopping in Tesco isn't cheap even given the points (which you don't use effectively ) I do think you are just a wind up merchant, no one can be as bad as you pretend to be.
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Another lovely day here in Epinal, think it's going to be a hot one again, not a cloud in the sky. After a bit of food shopping for the weekend I think we are going out on the bikes for another trip along the canal but in the opposite direction this time. Not sure if we are moving tomorrow or Monday yet.
I see the weather in Spain is getting hot 42c forecast for next week, now that is a tad warm
Glad you're feeling better BB lovely as Gkids are they can be lethal with all their lovely bugs
have a good time away.
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Yes, agree there, you need to compare like with like Malcolm!
Having refillables, we don't worry about how much gas we are using , I think so far we have used about 10kg in 2 months, which includes using the gas for the hob most days, the grill now and again, plus some water heating, central heating, and the fridge on gas for about 6 days. We use gas when on metered or low amp EHU.
We do have a small electric oven which we use in preferance to the gas one as OH prefers it, we use the electric plate on the hob occasionally, and have an electric cooking pot, kettle and toaster, which we use when there are plenty of amps.
If we did not have those we would indeed use more gas, but on a Club site , even doing all the cooking on gas, we woud never get through a bottle a week. Plus of course, as said, we would not be paying £25 per fill.
All the electrical gadgets we use fit easily under the seats, no need for an awning to house them, and they weigh very little.
If we were living full time in the van, I can see that an awning of some sort, or a utility tent, would be useful for keeping things in and setting up a more permanent "outdoor kitchen", but having to put up and pack away a full awning every 21 days would not suit us.
We have a Fiamma Zip and have used mainly the roof, or nothing at all on this trip, only had the whole thing up here in Amsterdam for 6 nights.
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Thanks BB for the Wareham site details...got our eyes on the CS too, so will hopefully make that one even if we miss the THS this time round. We've got a voucher present from our eldest daughter for lunch at the Priory so will be there one way or the other this year.
Just come into the shade....hot innit (even in Scotland I hear. ) There's no escaping this lovely weather for those who like it.
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After a spot of lunch I am off to a nice cool place - the Cathedral. No air con needed there.
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We tried asking others on the site at Northbrook Farm but no-one we asked seemed to know how to change the bulbs and we do need light in the washroom so the trip to Chipping Sodbury became necessary.
The pasties at Greggs were just £1.65 each so £3.30 for the two of us and saved us the time and work of having to prepare food before the start of the journey, so that we were able to get away earlier.
We've just got back from Tesco. The Shogun has now got a full tank, the bill came to £41 which means we must have used £41 worth of fuel in getting here. We also got reduced fat sausages and bacon for breakfast tomorrow. Not bad for a weekend away plus, of course £45 for site fees and another less than £40 for the diesel to get back to Worthing tomorrow because of less miles. Our light is fixed and service book stamped plus a weekend away in sunny weather.
We drove to Tesco Extra with the car aircon, shopped in airconditioned comfort, drove back to the van in aircon comfort and we're inside the caravan with all the windows and doors shut in airconditioned comfort ready to enjoy lunch in comfort and watch the lovely sunshine without enduring the heat to go with it. Don't you think that's a good choice?
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I wouldn't be too sure about that, Milliehull. You'll have to walk from the car park in the intense heat to get to the Cathedral, so you'll be feeling uncomfortably hot before you even get there! Furthermore, try touching the door handle of the car to get in and out without burning your fingers, it's that hot today!
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I hope you watched how they changed them and bought a spare bulb for the future, I find it very hard to believe that folk don't know how to change a bulb.
It all adds up Malcolm, £3 here, £5 there. Seeing as you stopped for a break why not make up a snack when you stop, that's what we do. OH goes for a walk to stretch his legs and pick up a paper if we stop in a services. I make a drink and Sandwich, by the time I've done that OH is back.
Re the heat, I've mentioned it before you do not allow yourself to get used to it, to acclimatise. When you go from one a/c environment to another. I've noticed that when we come out of a shop that has a/c it always seems much hotter than before we went in, however within minutes you adjust.
The trip to get bulbs changed has cost over £130, your weekend away has consisted of a shopping trip and watching the sun from inside your van, what a waste of your weekend off.
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Just come in from a fabulously sunny and hot garden for a brief moment to get a drink and then I'm back outside to get some more vitamin D.
Hope this weather lasts as long as they've promised. I've got festivals to go to and holidays to have and it's so much better when the sun is out and the temperature is high 20s.
Nasty unhealthy thing air con. I avoid it as much as I can
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Cooler today, only 22C at the moment.
Enjoy your afternoon at the cathedral Millie, usually interiors are very cool in the summer.
Grandtwins had a lovely time and have now gone home. We enjoyed the experience especially as they slept through to 8am this morning.
Off for a walk around Hickling Broad this afternoon.
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Enjoy your walk OP. OH is just packing his fishing gear for some river fishing til the sun goes down. Nice leafy river banks, kingfishers and other wildlife to see. I've been doing bits of gardening and went to look at a blackbird nest on top of the logs in a neighbours wood store, five healthy babies. We were just talking about the soft fruit doing well this year when the mother bird flew in with a juicy raspberry.
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Don't you think that's a good choice?
Sorry for shouting, but what's the point of living in the countryside and looking out at it from a tin box.
Here in the Frozen North it's a pleasant 18 degrees (according to our weather station, with the temperature gauge housed in a Stevenson Screen), so I will soon be donning a sun hat and sitting outside. If it's too hot I'll move into the shade.
P.S. - how do you measure the outside temperature? In the full sun, or in the shade?
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Out of interest, it's about 26C here, same as Cirencester. Hot but not overly so, especially in the shade. I think it goes up towards 29C tomorrow, which will be a tad warm but bearable by keeping out of the sun. Possibly rising night time temperatures will cause more discomfort but then windows are useful.....