What are you all up to
The campsite is in the hartshome country park. So really looking forward to that bus stop with decent service closeby site too 😆. Thanks for other suggestions. Heard and read good reports of Sky Barn we will try it at some stage.
Does seem a good year for roses.
Life's too short and weather too lovely at the mo to worry about indoors. I know it's only surface 😉
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Yes, we have planned stops at Henley, Aberbran and Chirk on the way up, some sight-seeing plus visiting friends, about 10 nights in all, plus a night in Harwich as we do not arrive till around 8pm
Very hot here yesterday, not much shade available, this morning we have had a heavy shower and some rumbling in the distance. Forecast is apparently for a stormy weekend, with hail, flash floods and strong gusts, so we may have to roll in the poor old Fiamma if all that comes here!
Drain on pitch not up to much, so most of the grey water ended up in the hedge, which looked very thirsty, so will have appreciated it. Did look at using site shower, but it is indeed a good hike away, and much lower down than our pitch, so decided to use our own.
Nice new looking small toilet block quite close, with chemical toilet emptying, but only toilets, no showers etc. And no grey water emptying.
Outfits were arriving up till just after 8pm last night, and all the outfits that were here were gone by 11am, some even before 8.30am, so we were wakened early as they obviously have no idea how to depart quietly!
New outfits started arriving just after 11am, so this is presumably used mainly as a stop-over site, being relatively close to the motorway.
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If you get time Whisby Nature Reserve just south of Lincoln is lovely to walk round.
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We had a walk round Hartshorne park, the campsite looked nice, handy to get into Lincoln from there. We stayed at SkyBarn CL, nice site but unfortunately the road noise was just too much for us, found it worse than at home and we live close to the M40.
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Never been to Garlieston, it was on our list last year, but a last minute change of plan meant we had to cancel. Hopefully we can go either this year or next year.
Yes Tesco are popping up everywhere, which is probably good for local shopping costs, but I do wonder about the fate of the local butchers etc.
On our travels up north we saw quite a few ASDA/Tesco delivery vans delivering in the smaller, more remote villages in the Inverness area, which must be ideal for the older folk who possibly do not have their own transport. Many of these places have no shop at all, whether they never did, or whether they have closed down due to the supermarkets I have no idea.
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Housework process slow to non existent. Bed stripped and washing, plus remade, OH shoes sorted and 3 pairs thrown. Decided on lunch break so sitting in the garden munching. Skies look stormy I have one load of washing dry and another almost dry so may have to move quickly in a mo. Message to self get on with things properly after lunch, a text so say folks not arriving til late afternoon is not a good enough reason not to do housework, if you do it this afternoon you can relax tomorrow 😉. Spits and spots well spread apart but starting. Time to go.........
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Thanks Helenandtrevor. Glad the campsite looked nice. Had to phone to pay our deposit the lady warden sounds lovely. I'll let you all know £17 a night low and £19 high showers loos and ehu 😉. Norfolk site £23 facilities and ehu site on beach but Southport coming in at £30ish 😲 .
Grabbed all washing in. Finished lunch in the conservatory sun now out and ridiculously hot. Will peg back out the almost dry plus what's in the machine. Going to put winter duvet in for a freshen regardless of what the weather does 😉
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Melting hot here. First rain came to nothing. Pegged out bed linen dried very quickly, just grabbed it in as HEAVY spots of rain and thunder at the mo. Had to stop cleaning for a bit as it seems labyrinthitis appears to have returned 😲. Had been better for a couple of weeks! At least bathroom and our room sorted OH can vac when we've made more progress.
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Whisby is the nature reserve I was trying to remember! Not far from Skybarn. Interestingly, both times we have stayed at SBF, we didn't notice the road noise, and we live somewhere very quiet, could be the wind direction!
A little gem if you get a wet Sunday afternoon, there is a cracking little bus Museum not far from Whisby. I think it might only be open on Sundays, staffed by enthusiasts and volunteers, but a really interesting place, some lovely old charabancs. It was £3 to go in I think, all under cover.
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Thank you I have received it. I tried to reply but sending failed 😲. Not investigated why yet, but I won't bother and just thank you on here. I've not clicked the link yet. Trying get to knuckle under with housework 😂. But I have now booked 7 nights at Southport only non awning sites left, so felt I should jump! I'm getting here now, provisionally booked Lytham confirm tomorrow when checked with uncle.
All this planning makes it difficult to keep your mind on boring housework 😆
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Wow at last he rain has arrived it feels a little fresher already. Very heavy and dancing dollies! Had to close big windows quickly. Still thundering bit can't be heard over the noise of the rain on the conservatory roof at present! You can almost hear the plants sighing for the drink but my poor rose 😲😲. Typed too soon just had a massive cracked above us.
Safe safe folks.
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We don't have any community shops but have some excellent local community markets, infact off to one tomorrow.
It's nice to know everything is local and that I'am supporting local farmers and producers.
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Had some rain this afternoon, noticed it's a lot less humid when I walked home. Another busy week at work over
All this talk of holidays and plans, just counted up, only 3 weeks until our holiday!
Out tonight at our local pub.
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Not to bad a day here. Rather warm and close with a few spots of rain around 2pm and now slightly cooler and brightening up. Walked into Cirencester through the park and visited an exhibition of two Tapestries by Grayson Perry at the New Brewery Arts. It is on till the 16th July and well worth a visit if stopping here. The Tapestries tell the story of the life of a fictional Essex woman, Julie Cope. They are very brightly coloured and extremely detailed.
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We have several storms and heavy downpours. About more than an inch this afternoon. Feels cooler now, but it's done that before and turned again!
Helenandtrevor have you got your new van? I may havd missed it 😯.
Housework and ironing done. Feeling pleased with myself. Oh and hubby too for some assistance.
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We saw a huge Grayson Perry tapestry at Castle Drogo last year. I like most of his stuff, very vibrant, full of images and details. An acquired taste for many though. Won't go into details!
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Agreed to have the "extra" dog for the night. A baby rabbit appeared in our garden just after lunch, extra dog vanished from the garden in pursuit of the rabbit. Spent a couple of panicky hours field walking round known rabbit spots, OH finally found him on his way home (without the harness he was wearing.) Just what we needed when trying to pack the van for the next trip!
Still can't work out how he got out of the garden, terrible terriers!
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Planned to fly today and leave tomorrow for getting ready for the 'off' on Sunday. But due to forecast heavy rain, swapped the days around.
When the 'rain' arrived, it was so pathetic that we didn't even stop gardening. It was very light and lasted about 20 minutes. Those forecasters are getting worse!
Still, I got most of the jobs done, so can look forward to a trip off somewhere tomorrow
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Nice day today. Drove to Leigh and collected grandsons aged 4.5 and 5.5 years and youngest daughter and drove to Walton Hall and Gardens near Warrington. Excellent. £3 to park all day weekdays. Had a walk though the garden area, saw the Koi carp, ducks, ducklings and terrapins in the pond, Excellent play park, small zoo with peacoks displaying, donkeys, goats lamas, chipmunks, pot bellied pigs and much more and a ham batch and drink at Cafe after a trip on the road train and kids on tea cup ride.
Stopped off at green Lane Chippy in Leigh to buy fish and chips for all (except me who needed to get back). My grandkids have a milk intolerance but the chippy is happy to make a tempora batter which is lovely. Means that the kids get fish and chips!
A lovely day for all.
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Lovely day today nice blue skies and not as hot and sticky as it has been.
Went out on the trike to Evian (of bottled water fame) its the next town along from where we are on Lake Geneve. Its a lovely place with a nice promenade, ferry across lake to Lausanne and lots of little boats doing trips up and down the lake. It has a real holiday type feel to the place but of years gone by. There is a funicular you can take to the top of the hill, first part is under ground then you come out into the open, there is 6 stops on the way, totally free to use and it runs all day apart from 1 hour over lunch.
Nice swim in the pool when we got back and an ice cream, this holiday malarkey is hard work.
The site has 3 cherry trees which are full and ripe and you can just help yourself to them, the owner is a lovely man, he lives on site with his family and makes a point of going round the site speaking to folk and making sure everything is ok.
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Ian, its the single wheel at the back that we have just now but the OH is on the look out for a true trike, they are not that easy to come by. When we were down on the Med there was a Harley Davidson convention, hundreds of bikes and a fair few trikes.
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Getting ready for the off to Seacroft tomorrow. Daughter and SIL have just bought themselves a tent and want to try it out so have decided to join us with the 2 grandchildren next weekend. I thought it would be nice to extend our holiday by an extra night but the website showed full. Mr H decided to ring the site direct on the off chance and the warden said 'No problem' and booked us in for the extra night. Always worth ringing to site.
The rain didn't amount to much here. Half and hour of rather pathetic rain and that was it. But it does feel a lot fresher now.
Hope all those planning to go away and already away have a good time.
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That's a good result Millie. We always phone site rather than relying upon website information. Hope your weather stays nice.