What a pleasant (?) change to have an "overseas" thread hijacked with comments about UK sites - I must look in here more often!
£27.50 a night, BB - for a C&CC site - yes I agree, you must be mad!
(again - the smiley that is, not you being mad!). Obviously convenient for stolling into town, but must be cheaper to find a nice CL nearby and then pay to park tomorrow. But the C&CC site there is very pleasant, I do agree.
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View, yes, but decrying the club's attemps at integration by making clear anti MH posts in at least two threads does not make for happy relations.
I disagree about our needs being different as was debated at some length in a recent thread.
Now, can we live and let live without harping on about pesky motorhomers being part of the 'caravan club'?
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More pleasant than the dark, steep CAMC site, certainly.
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Come on guys we are one club, don't start a "them and us war" , I'm a carravaner but I certainly don't see MHs as different creatures, I see them as fellow club members enjoying the same things I enjoy. As one post said "it's a matter of choice". In fact my Daughter is a singleton MHer. She would like to stay on Aires but doesn't feel safe. When her husband was still with us they frequently used Aires. So please lets all live in harmony together be it on site or on an Aire, Must admit have met occasional snobbishness, but, that is their loss. Good luck to MHers I like to think we are all friends together.
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Well said, Bootneck. We are, indeed, one club and have been for many years. 👍🏻
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We choose our sites and stops and driving routes with great care, no matter where we tour. Lots of different factors come into play, our preferences and likes or dislikes.
We will be exactly the same when venturing overseas, but will be happy to take on board lots of the advice and suggestions from members with more overseas experience than us. It's all a matter of personal preferences, each to their own.
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Just out of interest BB and because we are considering a MH in the future. If on a rally type site how do you deal with your waste water. On this trip to France we have seen so many dumping stations in villages and towns it would not be a problem, you could dimply drive to one and then back to the field, but at home?
I was considering how we would deal with it on our current site, which is lovely but does not have easily accessible grey waste disposal. I am emptying the wastemaster more often before it gets too heavy to lift and tip. Most of the French / Dutch both in caravans and MH seem to use a bucket and facilities. Although I would think that might be inadequate if you wanted to use the shower.😬
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We shower in our MH steve, and use a bucket to empty if no MH grey waste point. If you have problems emptying, then doing it daily is no onerous task, or you could do as some do and use a wastemaster, assuming you are on the rally site for a few days? If touring, then no need for WM if chosen sites have MH emptying facilities.
A lot of CLs and private sites don't mind if divert grey waste into hedgerows off pitch, but always ask about this first, and we don't let anything nasty or greasy get into our waste tank, use a wash up bowl. Trying to keep the water in the grey tank as smell free as possible (no sprout or cabbage boiling water, or fry pan wash up water!) is the best way to go from the very outset, saves a lot of extra tank and pipe cleaning, keeps things fresher! This was our practice in caravan as well.
Edit: we posted together BB, apologies to Steve for repeating!
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The water wouldn't drain from shower to bucket, Steve. You let it run into the waste tank and then empty the tank when appropriate.
On occasion, if there's been no dedicated MHSP, we've emptied by using a bucket or by connecting a hose and draining into any grey waste drain.
Edit: Three of us posted together.
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I will leave BB to answer how he does it. We use a small Fiamma waste container, about half the size of a Wastemaster, if we are staying on site for more than two days and using our own facilities. Even when full it can still be lifted to empty and most waste points which are not at ground level.
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Yes, it does depend on how low slung, or high up your MH rides. Ours is an older type, so higher off ground, we have no problems getting a bucket under the drain tap. Not possible with DK's I am guessing.
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We find that on sites abroad MHs are generally much better catered for than caravans when it comes to grey water disposal.
Often you are expected to dispose of grey water either in some sort of raised sink, or just at the toilet disposal point, and as you say, lifting a full Wastemaster is not that easy.
What we do is check where the MH service point is and try to find a pitch reasonably near that.
We have only once come across a site that had no MH service point, in Holland. There were several MHs on it, so they must have had to use some sort of container to dispose of grey water.
Often, on sites, the staff do not seem to understand what "waste water" is when applied to caravans!
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Spot on. Our motorhome is on a low slung Al-Ko chassis so is much nearer the ground. I have tried with various hose attachments but progress is slow, even with a full waste tank. The folding bucket (wonderful invention) seems the best option. The reality is that it takes perhaps fifteen minutes for a couple of trips so hardly much time out of my day!!!