What is the obsession with attracting the yoof
A good few of the Club's no facility sites are heavily discounted, hence the stay for £14.50 a night range, as opposed to paying £25-30 per night for a full facility site.
When you go off site, then surely you leave behind your caravan, on a pitch? This is a bit different to a one night park up space for a MH? I would have no issues with just parking up and using own facilities if it was at a cheaper rate.
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When you go off site, then surely you leave behind your caravan, on a pitch? This is a bit different to a one night park up space for a MH?
If a motorhome is using a pitch at night the pitch is still taken. Not as if folk use a pitch all day and go off site allnight.
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Sorry but I don't quite get your reply ET. If you get up and leave your van in the morning, and then come back at night, then that will be a two night stay? (Unless you move on late at night). If I leave in the morning in the MH and don't return, then that is a one night stay? That's the point I was trying to make. It's a very short take up of a facility, discounted for a one night take up. As oppose to leaving behind something on a pitch. If we were intending staying for more than one night, then would book an undiscounted pitch.
Condition of the discounted pitch would be to arrive after a certain time, say after 7pm, then leave prior to 10am.
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No they don't. No toilets, showers, hairdryers, sanitary bin collections, soap dispensers to fill, laundries to have PAT Tested, buildings to maintain, heat and clean.
Hence the operating costs are a lot lower, usually staffed by one couple with reliefs. Some are little more than large CLs, leased by the Club. Nunnykirk for example. The Club has kept these sites at a low cost compared with other sites with more facilities. Sadly these are the ones that are being lost.
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Got you now ET. That's why at the moment we go elsewhere for one night stays, or use no facility Club Sites, the few that are left.
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Let's hope so JVB. But I would like the Club to "heavily discount" empty pitches taken up at short notice, with or without facilities, based upon the any money is preferred to no money basis! If it is unbooked at 5pm, how nice if I could roll in and get a good price for it, as can be had with late booked B&Bs and cottages. We have had cottages booked late for £10 per night, let alone a strip of gravel!
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I can see the logic in a discounted pitch, if it was a separate area of the site with bare 6m spacing. So MH 6 m MH. No provision for awning or towed car. However, if it is a standard pitch that is used, there is no logic in it at all. The pitch is still taken, in fact because it was booked for a night might have stopped someone booking a week, who then went elsewhere. So it should be the full market price, take it or leave it.
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Trouble with that tda is that there are many sites that other than weekend there are always pitches. So if coming to the Southport site (where I am at present) then if it is dicounted for my booking late I may as well do that as there will be a pitch anyway.
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A late available pitch is if space allows, available on any site if you roll up not booked at between 1700-2000 as has been i think possibly since about 1917 or it has been since i joined in 1969
But then i can see a queue as per the 1200 rush if pitches are cheaper after 1700hrs then the turnuppers leave at 1000 after their showers etc and a replenish of on board facilities, ready for a return at 1700 that night and do it all again
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Agree. The Club is the only one placed to look at figures and see if there is a need to try and get rid of unsold pitches, but at certain sites, and probably most weekends, any kind of discount would not make sense. If something is selling well, don't mess with it!
Incidentally, if the Club was to look at a few overnight type stop pitches, then I wouldn't limit them to MH only. Caravans in transit over long journeys often need a safe overnight stay as well. Exeter Racecourse I know is an overnight stop for many, but LNA area has moved now I think. Ferry pitches down SE as well?
Ian, it has strayed a little, and for that I apologise. But happy for any suggestions on attracting more members, I don't care what age they are?
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Well something needs to be done attract the punters in - whether they are youthful or elderly doesn't matter much.
Face the facts and look at the figures - Hillhead and Looe, two flagship Club sites with all the trimmings and in good locations. Each of those sites has 150 vacant pitches this weekend. Weekend, not midweek.
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Plenty of sites in other parts of the countries don't and they are not flagship sites. I suspect that it is down to the area. We have been on North West and Yorkshire and sites have been pretty much full over last 5 weekends.
Maybe families travel to these 'flagship' sites during main holidays only regardless of 'all the trimmings'?
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When I went to the Central Region Question time, a few months back, one of the guests was a representative from Spinney Caravans (they deal with motorhomes too). He confirmed abut the increase in motorhome sales and the more static caravan market. He also said they were seeing an increasing number of younger folk who were purchasing motorhomes. They were purchasing using the PCP scheme. (Personal Contract Purchase).
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Posting that there 150 vacant pitches is a 'fact' that doesn't tell us anything. Only the club knows if this is average, above or below average. You're posting it as poor result when in fact it could be very good or just the norm for this time of year? Also again you have to compare it with what non club sites are doing in the same area, Maybe they are even emptier?